Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1113

The immortal general's face changed dramatically. He was trying his best to urge the immortal to kill the demon clan. How could he avoid the attack of the two ape clans?

The immortal's heart is as dead as ashes. He can't help looking at Xiao Hua's oblique flying direction. Where is Xiao Hua's shadow?

"Oh, I'm careless!"

The immortal general could not help sighing.


When the immortal general was ready to die together, suddenly there was thunder and starlight above his head. Before the immortal general could look up, he said, "brush..." Two sword lights flashed on both sides of his body, two ape arms had been cut off!

"Good!" The immortal general was overjoyed, the immortal mark in his eyebrow opened, and the immortal force poured into the blood sword, "poof..." The blood sword is finally inserted into the demon clan.

Look at the two swords just now. They circled on both sides and split in front of the two apes' chests. The stars around the apes just flashed and broke into two parts at the same time!

Immortal general did not dare to hesitate, almost white bone's right hand "poof" inserted into the demon family, and Shengsheng took out the demon family's star core from the flesh and blood, which relieved him.

Then he arched his hand to Xiao Hua, who put the ape corpses in naxu ring and said, "I'm Liao Chengzi. I've met Xianyou. Thank you for saving your life."

"Haha, you are welcome..." Xiao Hua lifted Liao Chengzi up and said with a smile, "I'm also a general of the team. Although I pass by occasionally, I can help you. How can I not stretch out my hand?"

"I'd like to know your name and surname..." Liao Chengzi looked at Xiao Hua and said seriously, "Liao has to know his benefactor's name."

"Sorry, Liao Xianyou..." Xiao Hua shakes his head and says, "I'm going to carry out the important task of military aircraft. I'm afraid I can't disclose it..."

"Dudu..." What else does Liao Chengzi have to say? There's a horn in the distance, and a big flag is shaking to cover the darkness

"Good!" Liao Chengzi looked at Xiao Hua and said, "take care of yourself. Liao is going to attack with the team. I'll see you later... "

Xiao Hua also bows to return the gift, throws out the star boat and goes on.

"Xianyou..." However, after flying more than a hundred miles, Liao Chengzi's voice came over, "JieChong has just been occupied by demons. You should be careful..."

"Just now?" Xiao Hua was startled and said, "thank you very much for reminding me!"

When Xiao Hua turns to look, Liao Chengzi and the team have turned into light and shadow, like the sunset, chasing the dark.

"A little trouble!" Xiao Hua said in secret while flying, "when qianyuhan gave Xiao this task, Yunyuan Xiaotianjing must still be in the hands of fairyland, or between fairyland and demon alliance. Now the front is occupied by demon alliance, and Yunyuan Xiaotianjing also falls into the hands of demon clan. What did Xiao do to send this thing in the past?"

"What's more, what's the effect of this strange cloth on the war situation?"

Xiao Hua took out his trump card and whispered a few words. There was no response in it, and Xianwei could not be seen. It was obvious that this place was beyond the scope of tianxianwei.

Although knowing that the war situation is changing rapidly, Xiao Hua can only move forward. His task is to send the dishonoured cloth to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

Is flying, in front of the dark there is a light cyan filament, like floating in the water of the silk thread, trembling.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua can't reach far away and can't see clearly what it is.

However, when the distance was close, suddenly another suction came out from the distance, dragging Xiao Hua and Xingzhou forward.

The greater the suction, the faster the boat flies, "boom boom..." As the roar of the current impact began to come, Xiao Hua's foot under the star boat instantly thousands of miles!

"Puff, puff, puff..." It broke through more than ten odd prohibitions, and the star boat broke into a shining place.

However, a light cyan haze across the sky, countless light particles with long tails rushed into the haze, and Xiao Hua also lost control of the star boat, flying into the haze like Wanliu Guizong. Xiao Hua was so surprised that he quickly closed the star boat!

Immediately, a magnificent light waterfall appeared in front of Xiao Hua!

But you can't see the head and tail on both sides of the light waterfall. On the light waterfall, countless pale cyan halos come and go, as if countless eyes open and close.

The law of broken interface and the law of five elements are like water waves. Previously, Xiao Hua's body was rolled up by the light waterfall, like a mole ant, pouring under the light waterfall. Countless pieces of the law seem to drown Xiao Hua in a flash.

"My God!" Xiao Hua's body shape follows the light waterfall, and the feeling is no different from that of falling into the waterfall. The suffocating feeling rushes into Xiao Hua's mind, which makes him feel terrible. He can't help exclaiming, "am I going to be drowned as an immortal?"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it. All kinds of secret arts in the immortal body were urged every time, such as the moon was full, the sun was full, the seven spirits were incomplete, and stepping on the divine palace!

"Buzz..." Xiao Hua's light golden luster trembled, and all kinds of rushing rules were broken one after another, turned into debris and disappeared into his body. There was also a light red halo in the center of his eyebrows, which broke and absorbed the rules.

Gradually, Xiao Hua felt a kind of fresh breath, and the shadow of death gradually disappeared.

Light waterfall almost bottomless, Xiao Hua was rolled straight down for half a day, and there was no end, but the light around began to weaken, and Xiao Hua's immortal body gradually loosened."Go..." Seeing some light waves crashing into the space, Xiao Hua took a deep breath and urged Guangdun to rush in.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's body sank in, and then there was a loud "Dang". Deep in the space, a spark scattered, and Xiao Hua was dizzy rolling in the spark

“nnd……” Xiao Hua fell with the spark for another half an hour, and finally fell into a dark place with the light flow. Looking at the light behind him, which looked like Hui Xiaofan's blooming flame, Xiao Hua scolded, "the previous immortal will let me be careful, is to be careful of this light waterfall, such a dangerous place, so there is no mark on the immortal map?"

"Wuwu..." Xiao Hua's low scolding voice has not yet fallen to the ground. There is a strange wind howling in the distance, and then a strong Ying Nian will cover Xiao Hua!

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua is surprised, secret way, "this demon clan of should read how so strong?"

As soon as Xiao Hua was ready to respond, he locked Xiao Hua's Thoughts on Xiao Hua and circled for a moment, then swept away.

"Why? What do you mean Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. When he looked down at the light gold flashing around him, he suddenly laughed and said to himself, "ha ha, Xiao is blessed. When others see the demon alliance, the demon clan is afraid to escape. Xiao's separation is originally the demon clan. Why are you afraid of it?"

Then Xiao Hua's body was in a flash, and the light golden immortal's body changed slowly. As the luster faded away, the Phoenix's body changed!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua spread his wings to the direction of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

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More and more close to the truth, Xu Zhi has hope to escape from the cage.