Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1112

Yin Yu was stunned. She looked at Mo Feiyan strangely and nodded: "yes, what you said is true. Since it's hatred, you don't have to worry about anything."

Mo Feiyan was startled and quickly turned away from the topic, saying: "in fact, it's not weird, but there are too many mistakes, which makes the whole thing complicated. If it wasn't for Yu Miao's laziness and letting Wang Lang go, if it wasn't for the birth of Yuanling mountain, his subordinates would be separated from Yu Miao, if it wasn't for Alas, many accidents caused Xiao Hua's escape. "

Wang Lang Yin Yu suddenly raised her eyebrows and thought of something. She said, "I remember when I came to Xiangyu in a hurry, I gave Yu Miao a Mo immortal pupil. There are some scattered records in it. I didn't look at it very carefully. Just a moment, let me think about it..."

After half a cup of tea, Yin Yu raised her hand and a figure appeared in the air. Although it was vague, it was clearly Xu Zhi's appearance!

"Yes, that's it..." Yin Yu said with satisfaction, "there is such a fuzzy image in the ink fairy pupil..."

"Ha ha, your wisdom!" Mo Feiyan caressed his hands and said, "with such an image, things will be easy to do!"

"There are more than hundreds of millions of fairyland immortals. How can we simply find them? Who knows if the immortal has fallen? "

"Look for it first!" Mo Feiyan said with a smile, "at least first, let's see if this immortal is the immortal official of zhanglv palace!"

"And second?"

"Secondly..." Mo Feiyan thought, "the Lord of the temple asked him to meet YinChi, then we'll see if there is such an immortal official in the penalty palace!"


"Since it has something to do with the forbidden area, I'll go to Tianzun mansion again! I can't say that the immortal is an emissary of Tianzun's house, and he has also entered the forbidden area! "

"And then?"

"And then?" Mo Feiyan scratched his head and said, "then we send the image to Yuxian. We let the water out of the mire, not protect it. What are we afraid of?"

"Ha ha, not bad!" Yin Yu nodded and said, "the Lord of the temple has said that it's best to take away the water. If you can't take it away, let it go!"

"What should my subordinates do?"

"You don't have to check the zhanglv palace and the penalty palace. Just let the Lord do it." Yin Yu said with a smile, "if you have a way in tianzunfu, it's the best."

"You look too high on your subordinates!" Mo Feiyan said with a bitter smile, "What immortal officials of Tianzun mansion can I know?"

"I have a little friend in Tianzun mansion..."

Speaking of this, Yin Yu suddenly thought of something and asked: "by the way, is the Tianzun palace in the Ming Daoxian area?"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Forget it..." Yin Yu shook her head and said, "my husband and I are in Tianzun's mansion in the enlightenment mainland!"

"Enlightenment mainland?" Mo Feiyan's eyes brightened and he said in a hurry, "that's OK. Since the Lord of the temple is going to enlighten yunmengze in the mainland, it may have something to do with Tianzun's house in the mainland. He is spreading the net. You may as well ask the elder to help! Just don't let out the news... "

"Don't worry, my little friend is Guan Tianyue. He often represents Tianzun mansion in the enlightenment mainland. He knows how to handle it!"

Mo Feiyan talks to Yin Yu for a long time, but never mentions his suspicion of Qingyang. It seems that Qingyang has other uses in his hands.

Xiao Hua never dreamed that Guan Tianyue's former acquaintance in zhanglv palace was Yin Yu, who directly ordered to kill himself. He was urging his body to fly in nihilistic Yueheng heaven.

The weather of nihilistic Yueheng day is very good. The warm and silvery white light of snake day shines on Xiao Hua. It not only gives birth to a light golden texture, but also directly penetrates into Xiao Hua's immortal body, which leads to the skill of stepping on Shenque.

"If there is no war, if there is no pursuit..." There was a feeling in Xiao Hua's heart, "how good this fairyland should be! Is that the fairyland expected by hundreds of millions of friars in the mortal world? "

But for a moment, Xiao Hua was smiling bitterly again. He knew very well that although the immortal was immortal, he was still human. Since he was human, his seven emotions and six desires could not be cut off. Maybe the immortal has controlled the seven emotions and six desires very well, but the supernatural power of Superman magnifies the desire in his heart.

There are more than hundreds of millions of immortals in the three immortal realms of the fairyland. Is it easy to deal with the impact of this desire? No war, no fighting, that's strange!

"Primitive desire, after all, is the most difficult to put out!"

"Such as lust, killing, greed..."

"Xiao himself can't control the desire in his heart, but he's not qualified to comment on other immortals..."

While thinking about it, I have come to a place full of interface rules.

Xiao Hua stops and releases Yannian to explore the surroundings, but he sees that the rules here are messy. In some places, Yannian is invisible, as if it's boundless ahead. In some places, Yannian is as strong as gold and stone, as if it's at the end of the fairyland. In some places, the space is crisscrossed, as if there are traces of a thousand worlds, but Yannian is empty.

"In the world of desire, the interface rules above Huang Zengtian are a little strange, and the more they go up, the more broken they are. In the world of color, the more serious the situation is. What's the matter?""In Xiao's space, although the interfaces have never been layered, the Dragon kingdom is also divided into nine places, and the interface rules between each place are complete. There has never been such a strange situation!"

The sign to JieChong is a cloud like a star boat, hidden under several interface rules. After Xiao Hua finds it, he falls directly into the cloud.

Different from before, Xiao Hua's body shape falls into the place where the clouds and clouds surge violently, creating a whirlpool. There is no need for Xiao Hua to urge Xianli. His body shape falls into the bottom of the clouds and clouds along the whirlpool.

Xiao Hua's body reduced from hundreds of feet to several feet, then became the size of sesame, and finally, "whoosh..." A light sound, sesame size figure disappeared!

As for Xiao Hua's eyes, seeing more than ten huge marks twisted and extended towards the depth of space, he fell like falling into an abyss. The more time he spent on a cup of tea, the marks suddenly broke and everything in the space stopped.

I don't know how long it took, "pa..." Xiao Hua's body seemed to move again, and the movement was like a flash of wind and lightning, "Wu..." The sound of wind and the sound of electric light came out at the same time. Xiao Hua felt that the light and shadow around him were dark, and the familiar place of JieChong was in front of him.

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to stand firm in JieChong, "roar..." At the end of the darkness, there was a faint roar and light and shadow, which immediately attracted Xiao Hua's attention.

"That's the direction of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. It doesn't look like a good place!"

Xiao Hua squints at the distance and worships the star boat!

After flying for half a day, the star boat arrived at the place where the team was deployed. Without waiting for Xiao Hua to get close, some patrolling general stopped Xiao Hua and checked his trump card. However, he was the general of Er Qi Xian. After returning the trump card, he respectfully said, "take care, my Lord!"

"Well, you work hard, too!" Xiao Hua thought that the general was just polite. He took the trump card and answered at will. He still urged the star boat to rush into the deep of the world.

No more immortal soldiers can be seen in the fairyland, and the vitality of the fairyland also begins to thin, with the smell of the stars and the moon gradually rich.

But Xiao Hua was a little strange. The previous roar seemed to be gone. There was only darkness and silence in the distance.

All of a sudden, the star boat rushed into a heavy darkness, which was like the darkness before dawn. It was boring and made people tremble. The darkness was like a dark horse passing through the gap. As soon as the star boat passed through, then



The roar and scream of the beast, the crack of the immortal weapon and the impact of the demon weapon are heard all the time.

But before I saw the star boat, there was a splash of blood in the darkness of about 100000 Li, and a fight had just come to an end.

"Whoosh..." Xiao Hua just stand firm, just a blood covered fairy will run away, behind him, a whole body flashing stars of the demon family roaring!

When the immortal general first saw Xiao Hua, he was surprised and quickly heard: "the immortal friend is flashing first. I'm luring the enemy..."

Xiao Hua understood it as soon as he heard it, and urged the star boat to fly obliquely without thinking!

The demon clan who chased after him hesitated to see Xiao Hua fly out, but he watched Xiao Hua escape, and the direction was different from the immortal general. Then he let go, with the wings of the light and shadow of the stars and the moon flapping on his back, and the imaginary shadow of more than ten stars flying out, which covered the surrounding space, as if the wind and rain hit the immortal general.

Looking at the virtual shadow of the stars separating himself from the immortal generals, Xiao Hua's mind moves. His mind has covered the star boat and is waiting for the immortal generals to attack at any time.

Sure enough, when the immortal general saw the attack of the demon clan, he waved his hand awkwardly. A small tripod shaped immortal weapon fell behind him. The tripod just touched the empty shadow of the stars, and the intense light began to burst out, "boom..." The small cauldron burst, and the fire enveloped all around.

Looking at the immortal generals, the armor, which was originally bloodstained, suddenly gave birth to a bloody flame. The flame rushed into the small cauldron, and the cracked flame immediately melted into it, and the immortal generals' body disappeared.

"Roar..." The demon clan roared and spewed out starlight like water. The starlight was destroyed and the flame broke the void, but the immortal generals in the starlight had disappeared for a long time.

The demon clan was stunned for a moment, and did not hesitate to turn around. However, a Blood Sword Pierced the darkness, fell from the top of the demon clan, straight to the top door of the demon clan.

"Boom..." The demon clan was shocked. A star spot burst out of the top door and turned into a star column to resist the blood sword.

"Puff, puff, puff..." There is no match for the blood sword. Where the stab falls, the star pillar collapses, and finally stabs into the top door of the demon clan, and the blood light bursts.

However, when the demon clan's body suddenly fell, under the unfolding wings, two stars' virtual shadows flew out. This virtual shadow was originally folded and flew into the air, and immediately spread out. Two gibbon like demon clan in it attacked the immortal generals like meteors, but in the blink of an eye, the arms of flashing red light and shadow had been inserted into the immortal generals from both sides!

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The great flaw of Xi City