Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1109

"This It's nothing to do with anything! " Xiao Hua's body fell in the air. Looking at the top of his head, a huge purple golden boat flashed into the void. He couldn't help but complain, "does Xiao stick so upside down?"

"Hee hee, Xiao Hua is interesting..." Liu Yanyu's voice suddenly rang out in Xiao Hua's ear. "Not only did she practice to gather yuan immortals, but also she became a real immortal in the Business League..."

"It's just a little guy. If you don't talk about it, fly out and pass the little lotus seed back to the family..."

"Strange..." Xiao Hua felt that his voice was getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. Nahan said, "how can I hear them? And And my sister can hear me? Did I hear you wrong? "

"Oh, maybe it's the reason why sister cho'er and Xiao practiced Xinggong seal together..."

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua thought, looked around and said with a bitter smile, "where is this?"

To Xiao Hua's surprise, he made a little survey of the fairyland. There was a sign in the fairyland where he was, and it was not too far away from Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

"Good..." Xiao Hua is very happy. He urges his body to fly towards Yunyuan Xiaotianjing.

However, after half a pillar of incense, a rhinoceros has something to say. Xiao Hua checks it quickly. It's Liu Zhifei who sends the message.

"Bai Xiaotu and Yang Junke of Xieyu palace have been to xiyuze together, but Bai Xiaotu left long ago. As for where he went, Yang Junke is not sure. Stupid Taoist rushed to Jingfan mountain in xiangxiangyu continent to see if Bai Xiaotu went to Lianhua cave?" Xiao Hua looked for a moment, nodded and said, "it seems that whether it's Li MOI or Bai Xiaotu They are all suspected of reincarnation! These two people are quite loyal to Xiao. I don't know what to do in the future... "

"Alas..." Xiao Hua received the rhinoceros and sighed, "the fairyland is really a wonderful place. Behind the ordinary cause and effect, there are many secrets that can't be explored."

Not to mention that Xiao Hua still flies to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, Huang Zengtian's place is full of ice and frost. An immortal boat flies across the sky like a fire. The fire of the immortal boat breaks the ice and frost and rushes out thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

On the immortal boat, the stupid Taoist turned into an ordinary immortal, and looked anxiously into the distance. Huang Xiaoxiao, the boat operator, comforted him: "don't worry, fourth uncle. Flying out of this small ice abyss is xiangxiangyu continent, and you will soon find Bai Xiaotu!"

"Bullshit!" The stupid Taoist scolded angrily, "although I know that Bai Xiaotu came to Tianhong pavilion or Lianhua cave in Xiangyu mainland, how many branches of these two immortal sects are there, where were Bai Xiaotu's parents before, and how to explore them? Even if we find out where they are, who knows when and whether Bai Xiaotu has been here? "

"Yes, yes..." Huang Xiaoxiao blinked and said with a smile, "this younger generation knows that you are almost on the way to xiangxiangyu. There is always hope..."

"Poop, poop..." Just then, an iceberg appeared in front of xianzhoutou, which seemed to completely freeze the heaven and earth. The flame in front of xianzhoutou was blocked.

"This is the interface barrier..." Huang Xiaoxi said, "it's coming soon!"

As soon as he finished, a thunderclap was heard in the air, and immediately he saw the ice falling from the sky like hail. The ice was not big, but it was about the size of Zhang, but it had a purple and blue luster, and some inexplicable runes gushed out from the luster.

At first, the light was faint, but with the runes pouring out, these runes flickered at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, they covered a million miles.

The sound of thunderclap comes from the flash of Rune. When the ice falls, all the frost on the ice is absorbed by the ice. The ice obviously contains the frost rules. In the eyes of stupid Taoist, these frost rules are subtle at first, and then become more and more intense. In the blink of an eye, they are avalanche.

"The ice storm in the little ice abyss?" Huang little silly eyes, face some strange way: "fourth uncle, we won't be so bad luck?"

"Of course we won't have bad luck..." Stupid Taoist didn't rush to fly out of the area covered by the ice storm. Instead, he looked at the high place with great interest and said, "unfortunately, it's the immortal officials of zhanglv palace!"

"The palace of punishment?" Huang xiaoleng for a moment, looking at the place where the ice storm started, but saw a bamboo shaped fairy boat rolling like a bullet in the frost law.

"Damn it Huang Xiaoxiao woke up and scolded, "which fairy official of zhanglv palace is this? It's so arrogant in xiaobingyuan. No wonder it causes ice storms! "

"Puff, puff, puff..." In other words, the ice storm has hit down, and the flames outside the immortal boat are bright and dark.

"Help, help..." The bamboo shaped immortal boat had been interrupted. On the wreckage, the two Yan immortals were pale and struggling. They saw that they were about to be frozen. Seeing Huang Xiaoxiao and stupid Taoist, they cried for help.

"Fourth uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao hesitated. After all, he was two low-level immortals.

"Alas..." With a sigh and a wave of his sleeve, the stupid Taoist priest "brushed" the light and shadow out of the boat and rolled up the wreckage of the boat and the two immortals.

"Why is my heart so soft?"

"The fourth uncle is not soft hearted, but has a clear sense of love and hate!"

Huang Xiaoxiao's high hat said, "it was a thunderbolt to punish the palace immortals in the past, but now it is a Bodhisattva's heart to treat the palace immortals in charge of law.""You're the only one who talks Hearing the heart of the Bodhisattva, the stupid Taoist had no reason to think of Liu Yanzhen's blood color and the virtual shadow of Guanyin. He was not bored and said, "let's go!"

"Yes Huang Xiaoxiao agreed, and the fire on the fairy boat rushed out again, burning the frost law, burning the glacier, and flying out of the small ice abyss.

The fairy boat had just been flying smoothly. The stupid Taoist wanted to release the two fairy officials. Suddenly, it was said that something had happened.

After seeing it, the stupid Taoist laughed and said, "ha ha, what a real Xiao! I don't agree with anyone. I'll take it from you! "

"Four Fourth uncle Huang xiaodaling asked in a hurry, "what's the matter? What, Mr. Xiao? Xiao Hua? "

"Ha ha! You know what? " The stupid Taoist was in a good mood. He said with a laugh, "Xiao Hua is not dead, he has coagulated! Now it's called immortal Xiao! NND, it's the reincarnation of the true immortals of the business alliance. Now it's Juyuan immortals! "

"My God!" Huang Xiaoxiao was also surprised and said, "even if he is a real immortal reincarnated, he can't practice so fast!"

"So, if I don't agree with heaven or earth, I will do it! When Lao Tzu saw him, he was still a pitiful little fairy baby. How long has it been? Has he become a Juyuan fairy

"Congratulations, fourth uncle!" Huang Xiaoxiao woke up and said, "there is a little lotus seed!"

"Yes, yes! The second brother said that immortal Xiao gave forty or fifty little holy lotus seeds in one breath... "

"Silk..." Huang Xiaoxiao took a breath of air-conditioning, which is the elixir that can prevent the immortal from failing three times! Four or fifty at a time?

"Cough..." The stupid Taoist realized that he had said too much. He coughed softly and said, "you didn't hear the last sentence, otherwise you won't want to see Yan Yu again!"

"Yes, yes..." Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "I understand! My little nephew only hears that you Laoji has his own destiny. Yan Yu gets Xiaosheng Lianzi. My little nephew and fourth uncle don't have to go to find Bai Xiaotu any more. "

"Cut..." Stupid Taoist stares at Huang Xiaoyi and says, "when can I say I won't look for Bai Xiaotu?"

"Yes, yes, the fourth uncle didn't say it!" Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "but what are you looking for now

"Yan Yu, her father said..." The stupid Taoist replied, "I'm sorry to take the little lotus seed of immortal Xiao. Let's help immortal Xiao find Bai Xiaotu!"

"Yes, yes, I understand. It's a way to return the favor of immortal Xiao!"

"Now that you know it, let's go!"

"Fourth uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao said, "you haven't sent out the two immortal officials of zhanglv palace."

"Ha ha, I'm so happy that I forgot about it!"

In other words, with a wave of his sleeve, two Yanxian and half an immortal boat flew out!

Huang Xiaoxiao immediately urged the immortal boat to go.

The two immortals fall in the air, and stand firm after counting their breath. Aren't they Mofei rock and Qingyang?

Mo Feiyan didn't dare to neglect. He quickly bowed to the flame and said, "thank you for saving my life

Qingyang is also in a hurry to bow.

When the flame disappeared, Qingyang peeked at Mo Feiyan and said in a low voice, "are you OK, sir?"

Mo Feiyan is a little embarrassed. If he hadn't forced zhanglv palace fairy boat, he wouldn't have changed xiaobingyuan's frost law.

"No harm!" Mo Feiyan took a deep breath and said, "let's go!"

"Yes, my lord..." Qingyang looks at Mo Feiyan, and he is afraid. He agrees to sacrifice another immortal boat and take Mo Feiyan into the air, heading in a direction.

It was about ten days ago. Seeing that there was continuous water all over the world, Qingyang whispered to Mo Feiyan, who was sitting on his knees: "my Lord, it's time to send the immortal array..."

"Good!" Mo Feiyan got up, looked around and said with a smile, "follow me!"

"My lord..." Qingyang was a little surprised and said in a low voice, "what business do we have in Xiangyu mainland?"

"Well!" Mo Feiyan takes a look at Qing Yang, hands a Mo Xiantong to him, and says, "I left in a hurry. Some family didn't tell you clearly. Let's have a look..."

Immediately Mo Fei rock didn't say any more, just flew out to a shuize.

Qingyang took in the immortal boat, and while he was flying, he was exploring. But after watching for a moment, his face suddenly changed. He flew to mofeiyan in a hurry and said in a low voice: "my Lord, Yin My Lord is missing. I'm afraid it's impossible for us to find out anything with our strength? "

Mo Feiyan said with great interest: "how can you know that you can't find out if you haven't explored yet?"

"I I just think that master Yin Yuyin is an immortal of two Qi. We are just immortals. How can we... "

"Oh, Qingyang!" Mo Feiyan sighed, "why don't you understand? It's because it's impossible to detect anything that I brought you here... "

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