Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1110

"Oh..." Qingyang wake up, urgent way, "adults originally want to experience, break through the realm of Yan Xian?"

"Well..." Mo Feiyan didn't hide it either. He said with a smile, "this is one aspect of nature. In addition, you think, how can you and I succeed in things that can't be explored even by high-level explorers? First of all, let's take advantage of it. If we can really find out something, then Isn't that great work? "

"Yes, yes, I understand!" Qingyang said with a smile, "thank you for your help!"

"Well, there's nothing to help!" Mo Feiyan shook his head and said, "you have a good relationship with Yu Miao. It's normal for me to take care of you by the way."

After entering the teleportation immortal array, Mo Feiyan doesn't say anything more. He just frowns slightly and seems to think. It's more than ten days. Seeing that he has been teleporting immortal array many times, Mo Feiyan is still speechless, and Qingyang is a little scared.

Fortunately, the last time he came out of the transmission immortal array, Mo Feiyan's brow finally loosened. He pointed to the distance with a smile and said: "the last time Lord Yin appeared there, let's go and have a look!"

"Yes Qingyang sees Mo Feiyan smile, and he has no reason to relax. He agrees to sacrifice the immortal boat again and rush up to the sky.

The place where Yin Yu is missing is an ordinary place. Except for some mountain peaks which are slightly higher, there is no special abnormality. What's the danger in the place where even the two Yanxian, mofeiyan and Qingyang, can reach?

However, what makes Qingyang puzzled is that mofeiyan is very careful to explore, and he does not have time to leave some signs. After nearly 100000 li of exploration, mofeiyan points to the beautiful mountain forest in the distance with a relaxed tone and says: "go, I'll go there!"

The mountain forest is very big. Occasionally, some strange smell comes out from the deep of the mountain forest. Qingyang shrugs his shoulders and looks at the mofeiyan who is setting up the battle. He says in a low voice: "my Lord, is there something wrong here?"

"Here it is!" Mo Feiyan said with a smile, "you and I have been waiting for more than ten days. If nothing happens You can go back to your life. "

Qingyang clenches his teeth, nods and agrees. He takes the flag from Mo Feiyan and helps to set up the array.

The immortal array is divided into two parts. Mo Feiyan and Qing Yang sit down with their knees crossed.

More than ten days passed quickly, but there was no other abnormality.

On the first day of this year, Mo Feiyan suddenly opened his eyes and looked down at the shimmering teleportation device with a mysterious smile. He took out the teleportation device and said in a low voice: "since you have teleported me, you believe me. I hope you do as I say, but Then I can see you... "

Inside the messenger, there was silence at first. After a while, there was a low voice: "are you sure?"

"I dare not say more..." Mo Feiyan's tone was still gentle, and he replied, "but I believe in my feelings. If you believe me, do as I say, otherwise I Turn around and go

Mo Feiyan said that, he turned off the messenger and ignored it.

Several days later, the messenger suddenly came on again. Mo Feiyan said with a smile, "are you ready?"

"Well..." The voice said, "I'll wait for you where you put the 72nd sign!"

Mo Feiyan got up and went out of the immortal array. Naturally, he startled Qingyang. Qingyang asked in a hurry, "do you want to go back, my lord?"

"No!" Mo Feiyan shook his head and said, "I have something to deal with. You wait in the immortal array. I'll be back soon."

"All right, all right!" Qingyang nodded his head hesitantly.

Mo Feiyan soars to the sky. Qingyang looks at his back. He hesitates for a moment, but he extinguishes some thoughts and goes back to the immortal array.

Mo Feiyan flew directly to a place of shuize. As soon as he was about to explore, he heard a voice in the water: "Mo Feiyan, how did you come?"

"Yes Is it an adult? " Mo Feiyan's face suddenly gave birth to ecstasy and said, "I knew that you would never suddenly disappear. There must be something hard to hide..."

"It seems that there are a lot of people behind me! I'm just looking for a place to heal my wounds. Some people say that I'm missing? "

"Yes, my lord..." Mo Feiyan said respectfully, "so you can't have the heart of harming others, the heart of defending others You can't have nothing

"Well, I understand!" The voice is still light way, "rare you so loyal, I am very pleased!"

As he spoke, there were faint ripples in the water. Three or five leech like flames flew out quietly. The flames continued to circle in the water without any rules, and condensed towards a place. After a few breath, a green red flame ignited in the water.

The flame reflected bright Mo Fei rock's eye son, also will water Ze burn out a not big passage.

"Come in!"

"Yes, my lord..." Mo Feiyan urged his body and flew toward the passage, "brush..." There is a fire in the passage, which is like a hand holding the body shape of Mo Feiyan, and then it turns into a ten foot water.

At the ripples, the flame goes out and the breeze blows, as if nothing happened.

Mo Feiyan's face was as usual. He looked at the flames rolling around him and didn't know what to think."When..." With a clear sound, like a bell, a colorful space appeared in front of mofeiyan at the crack of the flame.

Seeing a seven or eight hundred Zhang immortal standing in front of his head in blue armor, Mo Feiyan quickly bowed and said, "I've seen Lord Yin!"

"Get up..." Master Qingjia holds up Mo Feiyan, and the silver light around him slowly converges, revealing a gentle face. However, master Qingjia has silkworms eyebrows, willow eyes, and two wisps of whiskers dancing with the wind under the straight bridge of nose. He has a warm and jade like temperament.

At the moment when master Qingjia lifted up Mo Feiyan, Mo Feiyan's figure suddenly shocked, and a ray of golden light suddenly appeared between his eyebrows. The golden light just came out, "poof". In the mud pill palace of Mo Feiyan, a small golden sword flew out strangely, followed by a loud bang, and the small golden sword stabbed into master zhongqingjia's eyebrow with the power of lightning!

"Click" a burst of crisp sound, green Jia immortal eyebrow has immortal mark, flashing green red fire light, a moment broken.

The golden sword pierced the eyebrows of Qingjia immortal, and there was no stagnation. Turning slightly, "Puff puff" all the way down, it turned into tens of thousands of golden threads and directly stabbed the body of Qingjia immortal into meat sauce!

Seeing the sudden change, Mo Feiyan was surprised. He cried out: "big My lord? "

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Yin Yu finally appears. In fact, there is a big flaw in Xi Cheng's plan. I don't know if you can see it?

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.