Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1108

Liu Yanyu had no secret. She told the story of Xiao Hua. When she heard that Xiao Hua was the source of Liu Yanyu's obsession, Feng Hua's face changed slightly.

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu didn't know what Fenghua thought. She said with a smile, "I don't know what happened afterwards. Why did you suddenly condense? Oh, yes, you You seem to be juyuanxian already? "

"Silk..." It's not until here that Fenghua and Liu Zhifei wake up. They look at Xiao Hua inconceivably and take a breath of cold air.

When Liu Yanzhen just returned to the fairyland to save Xianying, he is now practicing in Juyuan fairyland. Compared with Liu family, the speed of cultivation is far more than the difference between heaven and earth!

"Yes Liu Zhifei also lost his voice and said, "you are only gathering Yuanxian. How can you How can you fall into the empty abyss of Bingqian? This Are you not afraid of this mysterious light? "

"This..." Xiao Hua touched his nose, moved the previous routine out, and said, "it's good to teach the elder to know that the younger generation comes to the business alliance in an endless stream The immortal is reincarnated, so the cultivation is a little fast... "

"I'm sorry that I can't say more about the situation of Yiyuan business alliance, but since I can make an alliance with Huang Xiaoxiao and Feng ronger, I'm sure I can make an alliance with my family. If I need anything, I can speak for you. I can give you a better price on behalf of Yiyuan Business Alliance..."

"Do you know what's going on in my family?" Liu Zhifei did not answer directly, but asked in reverse.

"I'm sorry..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I only know that the fairy is her sister. Oh, I also know that there is a stupid Taoist. I don't know anything else!"

Liu Zhifei laughed, he said: "since old four let you know his stupid Taoist, it seems that he also quite trust you."

Xiao Hua said modestly, "I dare not. It's all the love of my predecessors!"

Fenghua suddenly thought of something, reminded Liu Zhifei: "by the way, out of the Qingliu layer, in addition to send the little holy lotus seed back to the family, but also inform the fourth uncle, don't go to Xieyu palace!"

"Mother..." Liu Yanyu said in a hurry, "let the fourth uncle go. Xiao Hua and his disciples are separated. Let the fourth uncle help Xiao Hua to find out. It's also a favor to others!"

"Well, yes!" Feng Hua nodded and said to Xiao Hua, "his fourth uncle has gone to Xieyu palace to find your disciple..."

"Yes, yes, thank you." Xiao Hua said with a quick smile, "I just want to ask you if you have any news about them."

"No..." Liu Yanyu shook her head and said, "Huang Xiaoxiao said that he saved Li Moyi, but Li Moyi suddenly disappeared!"

"Suddenly disappeared?" Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed slightly and said thoughtfully, "can't they even find master Huang?"

"Well, yes, it's strange!" Liu Yanyu nodded, "so Xiaoxiao took his fourth uncle to Xieyu palace to find Bai Xiaotu."

"It's strange that you come to the business alliance in succession." Liu Zhifei also said to Xiao Hua thoughtfully.

"This..." Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and still said, "I hope you'll forgive me for the secret of my frequent visits to the business alliance. Oh, by the way, fairy, how are you doing

"Xuan'er's cultivation is OK, but recently, in order to find holy lotus seed for you, she also Out

Liu Yanyu is a little worried.

Just as Xiao Hua was about to speak, there was a beautiful voice in his ear: "Xiao Hua, I'm an air carrier in my family. I warn you, stay away from him!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Leng for a moment, blink blink eyes, do not know why Fenghua suddenly out of such a sentence.

Embarrassed, Xiao Hua had to bring the topic back to the continuous flow of business alliance. He took out a rhinoceros and handed it to Liu Zhifei, saying: "master, this is my continuous flow of business alliance rhinoceros. If the master is sent, please send a message to the younger generation, and the younger generation will contact the alliance immediately."

"Well, good!" Liu Zhifei smiles and takes the pass.

Liu Yanyu said strangely, "Xiao Hua, how did you fall into the belly of Junsu beast? And And wearing special armor? "

"To teach fairies to know..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm now an immortal general in the Bunian army. I just ran into the immortal beast. I was swallowed by him when I was defeated. I just met the immortal and two elders!"

"Ha ha, what a coincidence!" Liu Zhifei said with a smile, "we are just passing by Bingqian Kongyuan. We want to catch a Junsu beast and pull the immortal boat, but we can save you easily!"

"Yes, yes, what a coincidence!" Xiao Hua was also very happy.

"But now you have entered the Qingliu layer. Only when the immortal boat comes out can you be released..." Liu Yanyu apologized, "I hope it won't delay your task."

"Thank you, fairy. There should be no delay. After all, it's better to come out alive than to finish any task?"

"By the way, fairy, I hope you can keep the news of your survival secret from me. After all..."

"Well, don't worry. We won't get involved in the affairs of the penalty palace and the zhanglv palace. We only know the business alliance."

In other words, although Xiao Hua didn't look around, he could still see the thick purple runes and the thick pale gold curves flying behind him like clouds.Then Liu Yanyu accompanied Xiao Hua to talk for a while. Xiao Hua asked Liu Yanyu to have the news of Bai Xiaotu. After he immediately informed himself, the runes around began to slow down.

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Zhifei said with a smile, "there is a small node ahead. I will send you out. You should have no problem in the color world, right?"

"It's all right, I'm not afraid of the immortal Xuanguang!"

"Well, that's good!" Liu Zhifei nodded, "thank you very much for your little lotus seed. I can't explain too much to you for the time being without the consent of the clan. If I have a chance later, I will invite you to come to the clan to have a talk on behalf of the clan!"

"Yes, I hope one day!" Xiao Hua is respectful.

"Roar..." In front of his head, there was a low roaring sound of Junsu beast, a light purple Rune burst, and the purple aperture fell to cover Xiao Hua!

"Goodbye, Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "I'll tell her what happened to you later. If she knows you are still alive, she will be very happy."

Xiao Hua gave a bitter smile and quickly bowed to him and said, "thank you, fairy!"

Sure enough, Xiao Hua had just been caught by the purple aperture, and his ear remembered the voice of Fenghua warning: "Xiao Hua, remember my words, stay away from her, or I will regret it!"

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Can Xiao Hua still meet Liu Yanyu? Certainly

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