Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1107

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air. Under the shadow of dark gold, countless small space debris, like fish scales, would submerge all around. In each space debris, there are broken mountains, torn rivers, or Bai Sensen's bones. If there is no accident, they are swallowed by space immortals.

Dark gold light and shadow have strong power of imprisonment. As light and shadow pass by, Kunlun mirror light and shadow annihilate and fall back into Xiao Hua's hands. All space debris around are imprisoned!

"Why? It's Is someone coming? "

"Or is there a real immortal to kill this space immortal beast?"

"How can the power of confinement be so strong?"

Xiao Hua was naturally imprisoned. His immortal body was floating in the air like floating grass. He could only think with his head.

"And wait?"

After waiting for about a cup of tea, I didn't see anyone coming or anything else.

"No Isn't it true that the immortal left after killing the immortal beast? "

"If so, don't the celestial remains fall into the bottom of space debris?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua is a little flustered. He wants to urge Xianli. Unfortunately, both Xianli and Xianchen are imprisoned. He thinks about it for a while and hastens to urge Riying Gongfa. Seeing the golden light coming out of his whole body, the confinement around him is loose.

"Brush..." A strong Yannian came down from the sky and covered Xiao Hua.

"Oh?" A woman's surprised voice rang out, "husband, there is another one in Junsu beast Immortal general

"He's very lucky and lucky..." Another elegant voice faintly sounded, "when we capture Junsu beast, isn't there a space storm in Bingqian Kongyuan? This shows that Junsu beast just came out of the nest and must have just swallowed the immortal general. It's a coincidence that he led Junsu beast out, which saved us trouble, and we subdued Junsu beast and saved his life... "

"After all It's not appropriate... " The woman's voice is a little misty.

"Mother..." Another voice rang out, "it's just a low-level immortal. Why do you want his life? If you really don't want to meet, send him out of Junsu's body... "

The voice is so familiar that Xiao Hua is thundering. Isn't it Liu Yanyu??

"It looks like that's the only way..." The woman's voice is a little weaker, it seems that Yannian has been withdrawn.

"Unfortunately, this is..." The man's voice was out of hearing.

"Fairy, fairy..." Xiao Hua was in a big hurry and called out, "I'm Xiao Hua. Let me out quickly..."

"Brush..." Another strong Yannian came again, and Liu Yanyu's voice was very surprised, "mother, I I seem to hear someone call me... "

"What are you talking about?" The previous Yannian swept over Xiao Hua, and then went to other places. The voice was slightly discontented, "there is nothing in Junsu's belly except this immortal general. You just want to save the immortal general! "

Liu Yanyu quickly explained, "no, no..."

"What's the fuss about?" The man is not happy, "but is a small true fairy, first imprison and release, wait for clear stream layer, release Junsu beast, release him also?"

In other words, a light gold hand fell out of thin air, caught the space debris near Xiao Hua and directly took him out of the darkness.

"All right!" Xiao Hua was a little sad. Looking around, he could see nothing except the pale gold rune, which seemed to be the Dragon cruising with him. It was obvious that Liu Yanyu's parents didn't want Xiao Hua to know too much.

Xiao Hua knows that it's someone else's good intention and doesn't want to hurt his life. Although Liu Yanyu and stupid Taoist are familiar with each other for their great kindness, Xiao Hua doesn't know the secret of Liu Yanyu's trip. He doesn't dare to damage the Liu family's important affairs, so he sits cross legged and quietly waits for the Liu family to let him go.

After waiting for a moment, Xiao Hua's mind moved and entered the space.

The ghost of "persistent poison" is still imprisoned by Zhuling Yuanguang. Xiao Hua raises his hand and points it in the center of the ghost's thin face. It's just a few breath. His face suddenly appears incredible and exclaims: "you You are Li Yun?? How is that possible? "

Xiangqing entrusted Xiao Hua with 18 tombstones. Xiao Hua found one of his hometown in Qingyan, which is the immortal general named Li Yun. Xiao Hua had buried Li Yun's corpse, so he took Li Yun's trump card and wanted to see the military achievements inside. Who knew that Li Yun's military achievements were changing, which made Xiao Hua puzzled. He thought that there were still people with him in the team of mending heaven You can also use other people's military exploits. Now it seems that it is not other people who are using Li Yun's military exploits, but Li Yun has never fallen!

"Is it difficult to be Li Yun's part?"

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, is surprised and then explores Li Yun's ghost again. Unfortunately, Li's movement uses a secret technique, and the ghost is already broken, and the ghost is defeated by zhulingyuanguang. What's more, the memory is broken. Xiao Hua can't see too much of the jade ultimatum. He can only vaguely know that the persistent poison is not one person, but a group of people. Behind them is a big man!

As for who the big man is, in the capacity of Li Yun He can't know yet.

Of course, Xiao Hua once again clearly knew that the purpose of Li Yun's attack was to kill himself!With a sigh, Xiao Hua sent Li Yun's ghost into the dark side of the space. He got out of the space and said in secret: "the team is not the pure land!"

However, Xiao Hua also knows that this chaotic team, where the forces crisscross, can have more time to develop, and can have stronger strength to resist the attack.

"Why? By the way... " Xiao Hua suddenly remembered another thing: "Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu I don't know if her elder sister knows the news of one who was rescued by Huang's family and Feng's family

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua raised his voice and called out, "sister cho'er, I'm Xiao Hua..."

"Strange!" Xiao Hua's voice just sounded, Liu Yanyu's voice also sounded like thunder, "Dad, how can I always feel that someone is calling me?"

"No?" Liu Zhifei was also surprised and replied, "I didn't hear a voice!"

Then Yannian swept all over the place. When Yannian swept Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua yelled: "my name is Xiao Hua, sir He is an old friend of yu'er.... "

"Xiao Hua?" Liu Zhifei blinked and looked at the space debris in front of him, which was only the size of his fist. He said, "the immortal general said that his name is Xiao Hua, and that he is an old friend with yu'er?"

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu exclaimed, her face beamed with joy and said, "Dad, come on, he He has a little lotus seed in his hand

"Little "Little lotus seed"

Liu Zhifei was also confused. For a moment, he didn't know what Liu Yanyu said!

"You old immortal three failure..." Liu Yanyu explained, "he is Xiao Hua that the child said!"

"No way!" Fenghua didn't even want to reply, "the Xiao Hua you said is not Five element fairy? It's still falling on Youji. This immortal general is a real immortal

"No matter! Ask first and then... "

Liu Zhifei's face also appears suddenly. He raises his hand on the space debris. A pale gold Rune bursts, and then the space debris is scattered like a flower. The powerful power of space disappears in Liu Zhifei's big sleeve, and Xiao Hua flies out of the confinement.

"You Are you Xiao Hua Liu Yanyu and others have long been illusory, but they are ordinary immortals. She looks at Xiao Hua's appearance and feels incredible.

Xiao Hua restored his appearance and looked at the three immortals in front of him. His eyes fell on the face of the talking young fairy. He bowed and said, "Xiao Hua has seen a fairy!"

"Are you really Xiao Hua?" Liu Yanyu quickly lifted Xiao Hua up and said, "you You didn't fall in the seclusion

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Fenghua came to the point: "do you have a little holy lotus seed?"

"Oh, yes Yes... "

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and quickly took out a crystal bottle from his arms. He handed it to Feng Hua with both hands and said, "this is the little holy lotus seed!"

Fenghua, without saying a word, picked it up and took off the crystal bottle. As expected, it was full of fragrance.

"Xiao Hua..." Liu Yanyu was a little embarrassed and said, "yes It's the most respected elder of xuan'er who has three failures of immortals, so he needs your little lotus seed, you How much do you think we'll give you? "

"You are welcome, fairy!" Xiao Hua laughs and says, "I've got a lot of help from the fairy. What's the little lotus seed?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua thought of something, and quickly handed it to another hundred Na bag. Liu Yanyu said, "Oh, there are still some here. Give them to the fairy!"

"No, no..." Liu Yanyu quickly waved her hand, "that's enough!"

"You're welcome, fairy..." Xiao Hua sent the bag to Liu Yanyu, looked up and said, "my life is saved by Ji'er. What is this elixir? Please accept it!"

"That's it, that's it..." Liu Yanyu had to give up again. She quickly took it and said with a smile, "since it's your intention, let's take it? After all, it's a drop of water. You're doing the right thing, Xiao Xiao Hua... "

Liu Yanyu blushed a little, but she knew what these little lotus seeds meant to the Liu family, so she didn't say much. Looking at the scene, she was embarrassed and asked with concern: "by the way, Xiao Hua, what's the matter with you Ji? I listen to Huang Xiao's novels... "

"Cough..." Fenghua coughs twice to remind Liu Yanyu that she has made a mistake.

Xiao Hua knew it, but he pretended to be surprised and said, "does the fairy know Huang Xiaoxiao and Feng ronger?"

"Well, well, yes..." Liu Yanyu nodded quickly and said, "we know them..."

"What's the matter?" Liu Zhifei was a little surprised and said, "how do you know Huang Xiaoxiao and Feng ronger?"

"Daddy..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "you think there's something wrong in your heart during this time. I didn't listen carefully. Xiao Hua is the disciple of the mysterious business alliance..."

"Isn't it the fairy baby that she saved? How did you get involved with the business alliance

Fenghua's eyes turned slightly, looking at Xiao Hua, he didn't know what to think.

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