Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1106

He didn't wait for him to send out the idea to explore, "brush..." A light and shadow flash, Xiao Hua suddenly flew out of the light and shadow!

"Ah?" Looking at Xiao Hua's wishful stick smashing, the silhouette of the human body screamed out. He never thought that Xiao Hua could escape from the space storm, and he was still so fierce.

With the exclamation, the silhouette of the human body broke again inch by inch, but at the same time the light red filament broke, the fog burst open, protecting the light red filament into the void!

"Brush, brush, brush..." When the fog disappears, it is different from before. The edge of the fog overflows the ripple!

"Ha ha, it's a space power!" Xiao Hua laughed, "I said, how can I not find your trace? If it is not for the strong space law here, how can I see your details? In that case, there is no need to go... "

With a laugh, Xiao Hua sacrificed the sword Hu. When he pinched the sword Jue, the object with nose and eyes appeared. The black-and-white light column in the two eyes of "brush" but stabbed like a sword, and Xiao Hua saw that the distorted light column went deep into the void!

"Up..." Looking at the light and shadow convergence of Jianhu, Xiao Hua smiles and raises his hand to hit Jianhu. The Zhuling Yuanguang pulls out a strange figure with fog condensation like fishing!

"It seems that this human figure is just the strength of the two Qi immortals. With strange means, he dares to attack and kill Xiao again and again, and his goal is clear. It seems that Xiao has caught a big fish..."

"What's your name?" Xiao Hua looks at the thin skin that the human form has shown under the black-and-white light column of zhulingyuanguang, and asks faintly.

"My name is persistent poison..."

"The poison of persistence?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. How strange the name is!

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to ask again, the figure's infatuated expression suddenly turned to sarcasm. A red lip like scar suddenly appeared on the figure's chest. The lip like scar said: "remember my name, persistent poison, you Never kill me

With the sound, a strange wave came from the heart of the figure!

"No!" Xiao Hua's face changed slightly. He thought of the space storm that just appeared strangely!

Sure enough, Xiao Huagang was about to urge Jianhu, and the human figure was like a volcanic eruption, which broke out a very strong law of space. This law was like a huge stone throwing into a pond, tearing the human figure to pieces while setting off a raging wave.

"Want to destroy the body? No way

Xiao Hua roars and hastens to activate Jianhu. Zhulingyuanguang takes pictures of the broken spirit and brings it into Jianhu.

"Boom Boom... "

Around the huge pillar of light, the law of space is relatively stable. At this time, the earth begins to shake. The calm space like a mirror is broken. Hundreds of huge space debris are like icebergs in the ocean, crashing and rushing to Xiaohua.

If he is in the desire world, Xiao Hua may not care about these space debris because of his physical strength. But this is the color world, which is still a strange upper space for Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua dares not neglect it. He hastens to get ready to escape the erosion of space law with the help of light escape.

At this moment, "roar..." A roar came from the bottom of Xiao Hua's feet, and immediately a chill came out of his vest. Wasn't it the warning sign before he flew into the transmission channel?

It turns out that the most serious thing in this space is not the space storm, nor the annihilation of space debris, but the immortal beast at the foot!

"Go..." Xiao Hua didn't want to escape into the light and shadow immediately.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to escape, "hum..." The powerful power of space tears the light and shadow to pieces. Xiao Hua's figure flies out of the light and shadow in a mess!


However, under the space, a nearly transparent fairy beast flies out. Some of the fairy beasts are similar to the water bamboo beast, but there are fluctuations between the waving of more than 100 transparent tentacles. The space is broken within a thousand miles, and countless large and small space debris collide with each other, forming a huge vortex between the rotations.

The power of space generated by this vortex is far more than Xiao Hua thought, and it drags his body down!

"Natural space beast..." Xiao Hua has the heart to cry. He has just killed a mysterious immortal who uses poison. Now there is another immortal beast in space, and he will not be allowed to live. "Moreover, he is the immortal beast in the color world!"

"Kill..." Xiao Hua tried his best to keep his figure steady. He raised his hand, and the thunder sword came out A ray of thunder came to the immortal beast. However, the ray just flew down thousands of feet and suddenly began to twist. When it fell on the immortal beast's body, I didn't know that it had turned nine or eighteen turns, and its power was weaker than 70%!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolds a low, just about to take back thunder sword, suddenly the surrounding space suddenly closed, unexpectedly cut off the connection between him and thunder sword!

"My God, I I'm a Hualing fairy, and I'm a real power... "

"I can't even kill a space immortal. I've lost the face of Hualing immortal!"

Xiao Hua's wailing never finished, "roar..." There was another roar of the beast, and the space around him was closed. Xiao Hua felt that it was dark before his eyes, and his connection with Jinglei sword suddenly came back!

"This..." Between Xiao Hua and nahan, there is a stillness all around, and the law of space is completely annihilated!"I I'll go. I'll be swallowed by the beast? "

Xiao Hua had a strange idea in his mind.

Xiao Hua took back the thunder sword and thought about the way to get out of trouble As soon as my mind began to rise, there was an inexplicable sound in the surrounding space. Countless rules of space were created out of nothing. They rushed towards Xiao Hua. They were more powerful than any flying sword in yujietian!

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua's face changed greatly. With a low scold, he hastened out of the Kunlun mirror. Under the urging of immortal force, there was a clear light on the Kunlun mirror. Within the clear light, there was a lot of light and shadow of the small world gushing out like bubbles.

"Puff, puff, puff..." The law of space destroys the light and shadow of Xiaoqian world and gradually annihilates himself. Looking at the clear light of Kunlun mirror, Xiao Hua is relieved!

"Xiao's art of light escape is blocked by the law of space. I'm afraid it's not easy to use it again, but I can use the power of Kunlun mirror to escape from the belly of immortal animals. I just don't know if the power of Kunlun mirror can be achieved..."

Xiao Hua was just thinking, "ah, ow, ow..." A sound like thunder came from the deep darkness, and then the space law of killing Xiao Hua was swept away.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao Hua nahan, "Wu..." When the wind came back, a dark golden thunderbolt flashed through the darkness, illuminating the darkness. Everything within a thousand miles fell into Xiao Hua's eyes

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Persistent poison, ha ha

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