Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1105

"Damn it Xiao Hua gave a low scold and accepted the body protection skill. There was a golden luster on the body. Wasn't it the new body training skill that was growing day by day?

The danger of the transmission channel is far more than Xiao Hua thought. The transmission speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and the light in the channel is sometimes very long and sometimes very short. If Xiao Hua does not have the solar power, he will not fall, but he will be lost!

Since Xiao Hua seized the precious time to plan, he had two questions in his heart:

one was how the male immortal caught up with him, because of the route or something else. As like as two peas in the trump card, Liu Yunshu's trump card was found in the trump card, and then there were two things in Xiao Feng's hands. The Xiao Hua's feeling was sure to be on the empty cloth when Xiao Hua felt that there was a problem.

The second is the means of the male immortal. Xiao Huaming has destroyed the light red mark on his body with thunder. Why does the light red mark still appear when the male immortal makes another move?

This can only show that Xiao Hua didn't really wipe out the scar. This strange method was the first time Xiao Hua saw it in the fairyland.

After a long incense stick, a bright spot appeared in front of the transmission channel. Seeing the familiar mysterious light, Xiao Hua exclaimed: "how did you get to the heaven of desire?"

Without waiting for Xiao Hua's exclamation to come to the ground, "click..." There are lightning like cracks around the transmission channel, whistling on Xiao Hua!

In the face of these spatial cracks that can split the mainland in the ordinary world, Xiao Hua did not wrinkle slightly, did not evade, and let the spatial cracks fall.

"Pa pa pa..." The space crack is like a storm, but it's just a storm. Xiao Hua's body surface has some light golden lines and spots, which flash away.

Xiao Hua's body shape has already gone through the cracks of space and rushed into the immortal Xuanguang.

"Boom, boom..." Xiao Hua's body had never stood firm, so he heard a huge roar in his ear. While Xiao Hua's body was compressed, he squinted and looked around.

But this is a colorful space, countless large and small space debris flashing different colors, around the slow impact, a large and small space storm, roaring in the space gap.

Xiao Hua came from a blue pillar of light that looks like a mountain peak. However, there are sieve like gray spots on the pillar. It should be the space crack Xiao Hua encountered when he flew out!

"If that man wants to kill Xiao, he can't fly to Xiao again, can he?"

Xiao Hua stood still a little, and immediately thought in his heart: "he must fly out of this transmission channel, but his means are strange. Maybe he will fly out of those light spots instead of directly passing through the exit of the light column. Xiao wants to kill him It's also difficult. "

In fact, Xiao Hua's heart is still not music, after all, two times only hurt the strange male immortal, even shooting arrow can't kill the male immortal, Xiao Hua doesn't know what means can be a hit.

Xiao Hua wants to hide his flying sword and sword gourd in the void, but the space is full of storms. The immortal tools can't stay in the void for a long time. Xiao Hua can only give up when he looks around.

"In that case, face to face!"

Xiao Hua takes a deep breath, slightly closes his eyes, turns to face the light column, and waits for the male fairy to appear.

Half a cup of tea later, the male immortal still disappeared. Suddenly, Xiao Hua's body trembled, and a strange idea came out: "I'll go, this This light red mark Is it poison? "

After Xiao Hua ascended to the fairyland, he didn't know whether it was because of the noble sentiment of the fairyland immortal or the strong body of the immortal. He didn't encounter too many poisons, so he never thought about poisons. He just had something in his mind, so he hastened to explore again.

However, from the immortal's body surface alone, there was no sign of being contaminated by poison. Xiao Hua spewed out a five color divine fire. When the five color divine fire burned the body surface, he really saw that strands of light red filaments were forced out like insects.

"Immortal means It's incredible Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, but hastened to stir up the fire.

After a few breaths, Xiao Hua's face changed slightly, because the five colors of fire certainly burned the red silk almost annihilated, but the red silk, like the maggot of tarsal bone, could not completely annihilate.

"Xiao's immortal body is coagulated by the first light. Ordinary poisons can't be contaminated. Since this poison can be eroded, ordinary means can't eliminate it!"

"It seems that not only the poison is powerful, but also the origin of this male immortal is very important!"

"Now Xiao has changed his route. If that person can still catch up with him, he must be the dishonoured man!"

"Is it the forces behind the male immortals who want this dishonoured cloth?"

Xiao Hua's mind turned sharply, and all kinds of ideas were in a rush. Suddenly, he patted his forehead and said in surprise, "how can I forget that thing?"

With that, Xiao Hua's mind entered the space and still turned into Xiao Hua's jade. He squinted at the pure bottle in the Buddha space. The pure bottle itself is just an ordinary Buddhist vessel. But in the pure bottle, there are not only Xiannai water and the water of the four seas, but also the other side turned into willows. This pure bottle is not a simple Buddhist vessel.Xiao Hua's heart moved, and three drops of water in the bottle disappeared strangely.

"Nanwu is merciful and merciful, Avalokitesvara Buddha..." The Buddha of Avalokitesvara smiles a little, and the halo of blood is very striking.

Xiao Hua can see the blood color jade ultimatum of the Avalokitesvara Buddha clearly, but he doesn't have a trace of regret in his heart. If he can't even stand firm in the fundamental position of the human race, what qualification does he have to talk about great kindness and love?

Out of space, Xiao Hua separated a drop of pure water into his own top door.

"Brush..." The purified water turns into water and falls.

"Zilala..." Between the sound of the sound, strands of scarlet fog in the pure water after the annihilation.

After the fog disappeared, Xiao Hua burned it with five colors of magic fire, and the immortal body was no longer abnormal.

"Go..." Xiao Hua smiles and raises his hand a little. One drop of purified water turns into a water filament and falls in front of the light column, covering the exit of the transmission channel!

However, a moment later, Xiao Hua's heart moved. He raised his hand, took out the cloth and threw it next to the pillar of light. With a big hand, he caught the water silk next to the cloth. No matter where the male immortal came out, he had to pass the silk!

Xiao Hua himself, however, urged his body to lie down in another direction.

Fortunately, the power of the space around the light column is slightly balanced, and the air cloth and water silk are floating in the air, which is fairly stable.

After another cup of tea, when Xiao Hua murmured to himself, wisps of red mist suddenly appeared in several light spots. Xiao Hua's eyes swept by, and he didn't know where the chasing male fairy came from.

"It's the art of separation..." Xiao Hua thought to himself.

Sure enough, a wisp of mist condenses several air masses, and a touch of Yannian sweeps through the space from one of them.

"Boom Boom... " Not far away, several irregular spaces collide with each other, or annihilate, or merge, a space storm will rush over, empty heads will spread in front of the storm and begin to shake violently.

"Brush..." In the fog, an arm stretched out and grabbed the cloth!

This arm is the condensation of fog. There are some light red runes on it. There are some strange apertures in the fog, which seem to boil.

Arm through the net of pure water condensation, "zilala..." Make a sound, "ow, ow..." A low wail came out of the fog, and immediately the aperture inside the arm began to burst, and the whole arm collapsed towards the fog!

"Damn it..." The fog was surging wildly, and a human figure rushed out from the inside. The human figure was pure light red light. As soon as it appeared, it immediately rushed to Xiao Hua's place!

"Why?" However, this figure is just out of the thousands of Zhang, suddenly stunned, body shape in mid air stagnation.

Because Xiao Huaxian didn't have the expected light red mark on his body, he couldn't attack Xiao Hua directly!

"Even now, I dare not show my face. I really look like a shameless man!"

Xiao Hua's voice rang out, and then Xiao Hua's body fell down like an arrow!

"Hey, hey..." The pale red figure sneered, he did not dodge, raised his hand a little, "brush..." There are thousands of red filaments in the air. Needless to say, these filaments are the poisons that corrode Xiao Huaxian's body!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua also sneered, a shot in the middle finger, a drop of water instantaneous net, it is the human nature red silk block.

"Zilala..." Sound all over the air, inexplicable smell!

"Fight..." Without waiting for the breath to dissipate, Xiao Hua's wishful stick came out and roared at the figure!

Under the wind of Ruyi stick, "boom Boom... " A few loud noises, several vortices in the shape of the human figure around out of thin air, hit the shape of the human figure inch by inch fracture, can not see the human shape.

"Damn it With a low curse, the figure suddenly shrinks into the fog. Ruyi stick falls, and Shengsheng smashes the fog away!

But in the fog, there was no more sound!

"Where to go?"

Xiao Hua turned his eyelids and looked at another mist in the distance. He roared and was about to fly away!

All of a sudden, Xiao Hua was involved in a huge space storm.

This space storm is different from other places. There are fireworks in it, tearing Xiaohua's immortal body madly.

In the mist in the distance, the outline of light red figure slowly emerged, but the light red was a little dim.

"Hoo..." "It's not easy to win this guy," he said to himself! But at last... "

At this point, the figure was stunned, and the empty cloth that was just shaking in the space has disappeared!

Naturally, the figure didn't know that the empty headcloth was involved in the space by Xiao Hua's mind. He panicked and said in secret: "where is it? How can I Why can't I feel... "

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