Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1104

"What's the matter? It's Who is it? "

Xiaohua surprised, hands rub, "boom" thunder light will cover nearly a thousand miles.

In the world, the power of thunder is not as strong as that of the outside, but the place where the thunder passes still breaks the void. Xiao Huayan has read the place, but he has never found anything different.


Xiao Hua accepted the magic power and urged Lei Hao again. Lei Hao washed away the light spots like water.

Xiao Hua still urged Xianzhou, but this time it slowed down a lot. Xiao Hua released Yannian and thought to himself, "who is going to kill me?"

"Smell home?"

"I'm afraid it's just them!"

Just at this time, Xiao Hua's trump flashed a little. Xiao Hua stopped the immortal boat, on the other hand, he was on guard, on the other hand, he separated a wisp of mind to explore.

Within the trump, a small ink fairy pupil flashed halo, which was obviously just delivered.

However, when Xiao Hua explored butianxianwei, he couldn't find it. It was just a moment ago that he could connect the card to butianxianwei, and then there would be mo Xiantong!

Mo Xiantong is sent by Qian Yuhan. After reading it, Xiao Hua shows a strange look on his face. In Mo Xiantong, there is a message, the great victory of Butian team! It's a victory for a dragon cavalry under Bu Yao Su min to recapture JieChong 167!

The victory report mentions that there are two ways for the soldiers. One is to attack JieChong 167, which was captured by the demon clan, while the other is to use the Qinglong provided by a family disciple to break the boundary stele, sneak into the demon League and attack from behind JieChong 167.

Although the success report didn't mention which aristocratic family provided Qinglong with the boundary marker, it clearly offered a commendation and military merit reward.

"Qianyuhan's method is very clever!" Xiao Hua accepted Mo Xiantong and sighed, "she directly asked Su min and Su Buyao to point out Qinglong's broken boundary stele, just to let the Wen family know that Butian has discovered their little action, Qinglong's broken boundary stele It's Butian Xianjie who took it away, and the green dragon broke the boundary Monument and made a great contribution. In this way, the Wen family will never investigate the origin of Qinglong's breaking the boundary monument. As for the reward for Wen's military exploits, it's probably nonsense. "

"In that case, the assassin just now should not be a disciple of Wen family! Moreover, it is impossible for the Wen family disciples to know that Xiao is here! "

"Since I'm not a disciple of Wen family, then Who is it? Who is going after Xiao? "

"Penalty palace? Zhang LV Gong?? "Qianji Pavilion"

Xiao Hua thinks that the more confused he is, is it a misunderstanding???

In the next ten days, Xiao Hua was careful and did not encounter another assassination!

Xiao Huazhen because it is a misunderstanding!

It can be seen that a calabash shaped cumulus is like a stalactite falling down from the sky. Xiao Hua knows that he has arrived at another sign of the celestial survey mark. He looks carefully to the left and sees nothing unusual. He abandons the immortal boat and flies to the top of the cumulus. From the top of the cumulus, there are two twisted oval transmission channels, like willow catkins swaying in the wind.

Without hesitation, Xiao Hua flew to one of them.

However, Xiao Hua was just about to fly into it.

"Brush..." More than ten faint red mist clouds floated up. As before, they condensed into a very simple human figure and rushed towards Xiao Huamei's heart!

What surprised Xiao Hua most was that the red mark that he thought had been cleaned by thunder light had been produced all over his head strangely. There was a mysterious connection between the mark and the red fog silk. Just after the mark was revealed, the fist of human figure had already hit Xiao Hua Xianchen!

The appearance of human figure is too strange. Xiao Hua has no time to do other defense. On the side of immortal mark, he opens his eyes to "whoosh..." The arrow shot out of the sky!

"Ah..." Blue light, it is cut off all the fog, a scream from the fog. In the red stain, a thin man's face flickered away.

The man's face is strange to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua can be sure that he has never seen this man before.

But why do men kill themselves?

Once in a while, twice never!

What's more, the man set up an ambush in front of him and flew faster than himself, which made Xiao Huabai puzzled!

The mist, like ink in the water, gradually dissipates. Xiao Hua's eyes are like electricity. He cautiously explores around. The man is like a ghost, and there is no trace. Xiao Hua really doesn't know how he appears and how he escapes!

Facing such an opponent, Xiao Hua felt powerless.

"What to do?"

Xiao Hua's eyes turned wildly, and finally his eyes fell on another transmission channel.

This transmission channel is not for Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. As for where, Xiao Hua didn't take a close look before, but his eyes fell on it. There is a feeling of fear, which only shows that there must be danger outside the transmission channel.

"If you follow Xiao's previous plan, you will go to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. But some male immortals attack and kill Xiao, and Xiao can't be captured. It seems that Xiao should show him Xiao's means."

With that, Xiao Hua's body suddenly fell into another transmission channel. He saw that Xiao Hua's body was divided by colorful light filaments. In a wisp of fog in the distance, a space gap of more than ten feet was invisibly corroded out, and a withered yellow eye floated out in the fog.Behind Xiao Hua, hundreds of broken flames whirled and disappeared. A moment later, the transmission channel was calm again.

The eyes in the fog are more and more bright. After a cloud of fog corrodes the space of thousands of feet, it seems to fall and condense into a human shape.

At this time, his eyes were hidden in the fog, and a voice from the deep of his throat rang out: "this immortal general is very powerful. He escaped my sneak attack twice in a row, and even hurt me the second time. It seems that he is alert. I am afraid it is difficult for me to attack him and take his things away from him..."

“…… But it's also bad luck for him to leave a good transmission channel and go to the dead end. If I remember correctly, this transmission channel seems to lead to a broken space in the heaven of desire. With his strength of gathering Yuanxian, I don't have to do it myself, and he will die without a place to die. If so, look for that There must be some trouble. "

"Just wait a moment. If that guy has super strength, he must be laid out at the end of the transmission channel. If you don't wait for the power of space to strangle him, I won't be too late..."

As expected, Xiao Hua stepped into the transmission channel, facing the wind of suction. The heavy pressure of transmission mixed with gray light fell on him like raindrops, tearing the silver light of his body to pieces.

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Who is this man?