Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1103

These two water rings are strange. One can't see the end from a distance, and the other can't see the end from a distance. Doesn't it represent cause and effect?

As for the gray light belt, from the middle, it gradually becomes holy and dark! One light band turns into two! And two light bands cast on the surface of Xiao Hua's body become two halos. The two halos cover the two water rings of cause and effect!

"Great goodness!"


Within the space, Xiao Hua of cause and effect and Xiao Hua of the way of heaven praise together.

Two lights overlap!

"Buzz..." At the moment of overlapping, there was a sudden darkness between the heaven and the earth. The Xianling xuanguangquan tribe was on the surface of Xiaohua's body, and countless runes fell on the halo and water ring like hail. Gradually, the image of yin and Yang finally became clear!

The Yin and yang are different from those of the common Juyuan immortal. The interweaving of holiness and darkness is life and death, and there are two causal water rings in the darkness and holiness.

Both life and death, or cause and effect, are slowly rotating, inexplicable waves spread around.

Xiao Hua steps into the high level of Juyuan fairy!

"Why?" Just as the light and shadow of his whole body had stabilized, Xiao Hua was suddenly overjoyed. He opened his eyes and looked down at the two huge Liangyi. He said with some joy, "finally stopped?"

Xiao Hua's realm stopped, but the huge Liangyi trembled and turned into 7749. Liangyi fell everywhere in the immortal body. When all the light and shadow disappeared, the immortal trace closed slowly.

"It's really stopped!"

For a moment, Xiao Hua was relieved. Others were eager to advance, but Xiao Hua was eager to stop. After all, the speed of cultivation was too fast, and Xiao Hua was not at ease.

"However, the realm of Xianying is still soaring. I'm afraid it can't stop until it is similar to the realm of Xianchen..."

Just as he thought, "brush" three or five Liangyi light and shadow suddenly gushed out from Xiao Hua's left shoulder, slowly rotated for a moment and disappeared.

"Why? What does that mean? "

Xiao Hua took a look at his left shoulder and the strange flowing clouds in the distance. But before he could see it clearly, a kind of shock came from the bottom of his heart.

"No!" Xiao Hua screamed that he was not good, and his body swayed. He used the technique of Guangdun and went in the opposite direction.

Xiao Hua just flew away for a moment The strange sound of wind roars, but a dozen strands of rosy clouds are in full bloom like chrysanthemums. In the flowing clouds, an immortal beast with a size of more than 700 Zhang flies out. The immortal beast has big and small tricolor spots around its body, which looks like a mullet. However, when the immortal beast opens its mouth, its sharp teeth with a size of several Zhang flash cold light.

"Kaka..." The fairy beast flashed its dorsal fin and made a loud sound. It looked around and seemed to be confused. Then it flew down, "boom, boom..." More than ten wisps of rosy clouds rush into the mountain peak and beat the crystal clear top to pieces.

Seeing the rock burst, the immortal beast didn't get rid of his hatred. Liuxia still rushed into the depth of the mountain, and the whole mountain was about to collapse.

"Brush" high in the sky, a light purple pipian falls, haze color will be covered nearly thousands of miles!

"Kaka..." Fairy beast is angry, Liuxia into water, rushed to the sky, want to disperse Xiacai!

"Hum..." A cold hum sounded like a thunderbolt. The immortal general in silver armor stepped on the cloud and flew down. As the immortal general raised his hand a little, pitching turned into a rope to bind the immortal beast.

The immortal beast opens its mouth and sends out the same "kaka kaka..." The water pattern is just about to rush out of the mouth, but it is blocked by the light purple light!

The immortal general ignored the immortal beast and patted the immortal mark on his eyebrow. At the opening of the immortal mark, an oval eye protruded from the inside. The eye dribbled around and looked very strange. Five colors of light shot out of the eye and penetrated the thousand li space.

After a few breath, the five color light shrinks and turns into a net. There are some pieces of light and shadow in the net!

As soon as the immortal fished in his hand, the fragments were spread out in the air, and gradually a vague figure appeared. Unfortunately, there were water color holes on the figure, which had smashed the appearance of the figure.

"Sure enough, there is a law change..." The immortal's whole body was shining with silver light, and he didn't show his appearance, but the way he pinched his chin was still very obvious. He looked at the light and said to himself, "this change has nothing to do with the real immortal. Is it the weather immortal who wants to be in the world?"

"It's impossible! How does the Qi immortal escape the white light and reach the dese heaven

"Is there another flaw in the sky?"

"It's a pity that the light and shadow were destroyed by the water bamboo beast. I can't see what happened! That's all. Let's talk about it later... "

When the immortal general finished, he rose to the sky. Before he was about to disappear, he raised his hand. The water bamboo beast was thrown out of the sky by the light purple pitching. "Boom..." The sound of a smash in the Liuxia disappeared.

Naturally, Xiao Hua didn't know that he was in a big trouble again. He urged Guangdun to fly away directly. After he could fly out, he recognized the direction slightly and disappeared again.

After about half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua emerged from Guangdun and offered sacrifices to Xianzhou to fly away.

However, the immortal boat just came out, "kaka kaka..." On the surface of the immortal boat, the sound of explosion sounded, and strands of spider like cracks appeared."Damn it Xiao Hua wakes up and knows that the immortal boat can't resist the powerful immortal light in the color world. He calls a low curse and takes the immortal boat away. He urges his body to fly quickly.

"The color world is really different from the desire world..." Xiao Hua said in secret while flying, "the mysterious light of the fairies in the color world is ten times stronger than that in the desire world, and the vitality of the fairies here is also very strong. In such circumstances..."

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Hua suddenly trembled and looked at the earth. Sure enough, on the ground, there are many fairy crystals, big and small. Although these fairy crystals are of low quality, they are fairy crystals after all!

In the face of such temptation, Xiao Hua could not resist.

Since he can't resist, Xiao Hua doesn't want to resist any more. His mind is released, just like the wind and clouds.

After searching all the way, Xiao Hua was satisfied to see that the mark on xiankuan Kan had arrived. He urged Guangdun to rush into the earth again, but in the blink of an eye, he had already seen the interface barrier.

"Oh, I I see! " At the moment of seeing the interface barrier, an idea suddenly came out from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart, "Why are there so many relics and good things in Huang Zengtian's earth? Is it because Huang Zengtian's earth is the real ground, and all walks of life are just interface barriers? "

Of course, this idea is just a flash away, Xiao Hua's body has already escaped into the interface barrier.

It took Xiao Hua more than half an hour to go from the desire world to the color world, but it was easier to return. It was only half an hour. Xiao Hua had already crossed the interface barrier!

Xiao Hua's body shape just flew to the sky, "boom..." The sound, his immortal body uncontrollable surge, Xiao Hua did not deliberately convergence, the whole immortal body full up to 900 feet up and down to stop.

At this time, around Xiao Huaxian's body, there was no need to urge the immortal force at all, and a layer of halo was distorted. This was because Xiao Huaxian's body was too strong, and it distorted the light, shadow and space.

"Pa..." Feeling that the immortal body was stable, Xiao Hua patted the top door gently, and the light was clear, which not only wiped away the distorted halo, but also reduced his figure to about 700 feet.

Later, Xiao Hua offered a sacrifice to the immortal boat. He did not look at the immortal boat at all, but flew in one direction. In Jietian space, Xiao Hua never used to look at the immortal boat.

After flying for a few days, Xiao Hua takes out his rhinoceros and asks about the Marines in a low voice. He knows that the Marines are still flying, and there are other Marines around. There is nothing unusual. Xiao Hua's heart is even more relaxed.

However, just after receiving the rhinoceros, Xiao Hua's heart was a little bit shocked. He quickly stopped the immortal boat and used the technique of controlling yuan and changing smoke to explore.

But in the space of jianjietian, it's quiet, and the twisted strip halo seems to be everywhere!

"It's nothing!" Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and still urged Xianzhou.

However, after flying thousands of miles, the surface of his immortal body suddenly gave birth to tingling. Xiao Hua looked down, but saw huge pieces of light red stains, like red lipprints of different sizes, eroding his body protection silver.

"This What's going on? "

Xiao Hua was shocked. He quickly urged Xianli to "click" a layer of fine thunder, trying to destroy the scar.

The light red spots disappear where the thunder is like a sword!

But all of a sudden, "brush..." This is the air that has nothing to do with the silence. Strands of light colored filaments come out. Ignoring the space distance, the filaments are connected with the light colored spots on Xiao Hua's body. In a moment, a human figure appears in the light colored filaments!

This figure is pure silk, but the fist raised by the figure is no different from the fist of ordinary immortal. With a loud bang, Xiao Huagen couldn't cope with it, and the fist had already hit Xiao Hua's heart!

"Puff, puff, puff..." Just listen to Xiao Hua's body, like a bubble burst, a series of sound, Xiao Hua's heart crack from the outside to the inside.

"Ah..." Xiao Hua lost his voice and screamed, the immortal body retreated quickly!

The figure is obviously to take Xiao Hua's life. "Suo Suo" light filament makes a strange sound. The figure disappears and condenses again after several breath. It has caught up with Xiao Hua. The figure raises its hand and another fist strikes Xiao Huaxian like lightning and flint!

Without waiting for his fist to approach, Xiao Hua raised his left hand and said, "brush..." A dark sword light flashed by and split the figure in two!

To Xiao Hua's surprise, after the sword light, there was no blood splashing, just a "eh?" In a short time, the light filament is broken and dissipated, and the human figure is no longer visible.

"Damn it

Xiao Hua turned pale and quickly patted his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

Unfortunately, in his eyes, there was only a little twisted light, and there were dim fireflies in the distance. There was no human figure at all!

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