Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1102

These runes rotate orderly. With each minute of rotation, Xianying's accomplishments will be improved. It doesn't take a single stick of incense to enter the primary stage of Erqi immortal!

"Too fast, too fast!" Xiao Hua was in a great hurry and told the fairy babies to slow down their cultivation.

It's a pity that the immortal babies can't stop at all. Xiao Hua wanted to stop practicing, but after checking the immortal baby's body, there was nothing wrong with it. He simply let their cultivation soar.

As for the fluctuations that rush into the mysterious cloud, there are more. Where these fluctuations fall, the land lease on the mysterious cloud begins to flash. After absorbing these fluctuations, the mysterious cloud becomes more and more glossy.

The mysterious and cloudy Tianwen land lease can absorb few fluctuations, and more of them fall into the skill of Yuanxing Shenshen chapter. Moreover, Xiao Hua found that these fluctuations seem to be used for cultivating Yuanxing, and there is no need to condense them and integrate them into the spirit immediately!

"Why? What's going on? " Xiao Hua was a little stunned. "Could it be that the immortal Xuanguang Is this good for the spirit? In other words, there are traces of soul cultivation in the cultivation of true immortals, and they begin to refine the spirit. "

"Well, it should be possible..."

"Every friar in the world has physical cultivation, Yuanying cultivation, Yuanshen cultivation, even demon cultivation and ghost cultivation. When he arrives at the immortal world, Qi immortals can be divided into three types: Yuanying, Yuanshen and Jinshen, which correspond to immortal mark, Daoguo and Daoyin respectively. Oh, Jinshen should be immortal mark. Only Jiang Meihua's Dharma phase and Ye Jian's Dharma phase are Daoyin. Anyway, this is Qi immortals. When you get to the real immortal, you can't practice again, can you? It seems that we can only find another way to cultivate the spirit. "

"It's a pity that Xiao doesn't have an ordinary way to cultivate the true immortal..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua patted his forehead and said with a smile, "isn't there a remedy for tianxianwei? And I found a common true immortal skill to have a look... "

The true immortal skill is almost rare in Huang Zengtian. There is no way to buy it. It's nothing in butianxianwei. Although Xiao Hua's HuJiao trump card is not qualified to bid, another vanguard trump card can be bought with a thousand military achievements.

After Xiao Hua had seen this common method of cultivating real immortals, he suddenly realized it.

True immortal cultivation method is based on immortal trace, but the essence of cultivation has been transferred from immortal body to immortal infant, which acts on the spirit. As for how to practice, Xiao Hua's current strength can't understand it, and he doesn't have time to see it. After understanding it, he throws it into the space.

Such a toss delayed another half an hour.

It's a toss, but it's actually Xiao Hua's intention to do it. After all, the entry of cultivation is too fast. Some people feel that they drink cold water, but Xiao Hua is not at ease. Compared with the cultivation of ordinary real immortals, it can not only solve the puzzles, but also restrain the entry. That's what Xiao Hua thinks.

However, after receiving the skill, the immortal trace, which had been bulging before, gradually calmed down, and then "brushed". When he first set foot on Juyuan immortal, the ten color rainbow bridge, which represents the condensation of the way of life and death, once again rushed out of the top door of Xiao Hua. After running through Xiao Hua immortal's body, it began to rotate slowly, and the dazzling ten colors began to fade away.

As for the 365 water rings that represent the condensation of cause and effect, one of them circled all around Xiao Hua at the moment when shise Hongqiao was exposed. Just as these 365 water rings were born, they began to burst. Between the broken water rings, countless causal lights and shadows flashed, and the immortal light fell on them, which scattered these lights and shadows and gradually revealed 108 water rings .

Xiao Hua had already stepped into the middle stage of Juyuan fairy in the demon League when Yuanri was the first day. However, the demon League had no spirit, and his foundation was unstable. This time, Xiao Hua came directly to the color world, which also had this reason.

Hongqiao, which represents the way of life and death, continues to fade. After a few hours, it has turned grey. At the same time, the water thread representing the cause and effect is broken into 50 pieces!


Although the realm of feeling has been unimpeded to improve, and the vision of whole body cultivation has changed again and again, Xiao Hua still does not understand the relationship between the gray light belt and the fifty water rings and the four images.

Water ring has become the number of Dayan, it seems to have reached a limit, Xiao Hua's realm will not be improved.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and knew that he finally met the bottleneck. Instead of anger, he was happy. He caressed his hand and said, "good!"

What Xiao Hua doesn't know is that in the vast area of Wangchuan, the old man in black robes treads on the ink clouds. The bone mountain and the sea of blood in his eyes have disappeared, replaced by two wheel shaped light and shadow.

This round of light and shadow is virtual and real, and the end is fuzzy, which can not be seen clearly by the naked eye. The place where the round of light and shadow falls is Zhuang Bi's wandering soul with closed eyes.

Zhuang Bi's wandering soul changes rapidly in the round light and shadow, or vegetation, or birds and animals, or men and women. Later, the change slows down gradually, and finally turns into Zhuang Bi's appearance. However, it is in Zhuang Bi's wandering soul that the light and shadow before his death begin to appear. When there is a sound of "pa", strange bubbles appear in the light and shadow. There is a wisp of gold wire in the bubble, and the bubbles burst immediately !

"Oh?" The old man was surprised. As soon as his eyebrows were raised, the round light and shadow in his eyes disappeared, and the light and shadow in Zhuang Bi's wandering soul disappeared.

"No wonder They want to kill the immortal, so he He has such a great cause and effect

"The cause and effect I'm afraid even Laofu I don't dare to get infected easily... ""Not if..." The old man was a little hesitant and seemed to have some difficulty in making a decision.

However, a moment later, he burst out laughing: "since Zhuang bi was met by me, how can I stay out of the affair?"

"In that case, let me see who It's the cause and effect

With that, the old man "poof" breathed out a breath. This breath with black silk fell into the air, and the void was torn open. But under the crack, endless light and shadow burst out. Each light and shadow filament had thousands of rounds of condensation, and within the light and shadow there was the mystery of heaven and earth, and life and death were revealed.

"Go The old man of forgetting Sichuan pushed Zhuang Bi's eyebrows and said with a smile, "go on pretending!"

"Wu..." Zhuang Bi had just touched the light and shadow, and the wandering soul was immediately pierced by every ray of light and crushed into thousands of Zhuang Bi. However, there was a dim slap mark between Zhuang Bi's eyebrows, which protected Zhuang Bi's memory from annihilation in reincarnation.

As for why, it will be broken down in the future.

When Zhuang Bi fell into reincarnation, it was just when Xiao Hua was about to end his meritorious service. At this time, the causal water ring of Da Yan's number suddenly burst, and the escaped ring mysteriously disappeared. As a result, the 49 water rings quickly burst and merged, and gradually turned into two water rings!

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Zhuang Bi's story may continue in Wu Wang Ming

, in addition, the WeChat public number of "Duan" is in the sixth official account of witch Wang Ming: "father, Huo Qing". You can look at it and help to make an opinion.