Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1101

This is Xiao Hua's first time to use Butian Xianwei. After he saw what Xianfeng token could bid for, he was shocked again. He could only think of it, but could not buy it. The abundant resources in butianxianwei are far beyond Xiao Hua's imagination. Not to mention that all the elixirs and casting utensils needed by the disciples of Zaohua sect are complete, that is, there are several kinds of elixirs with the same effect.

Xiao Hua has 2.9 million military achievements in his trump card, and Liu Yunshu has 1.7 million military achievements in his trump card, which adds up to 4.6 million. Xiao Hua is not stingy and spends all his military achievements.

Xiao Hua is still a little frightened when he looks at the small bags of Panax which appear in the trump room like flowing water after his military contribution. He is used to being careful for fear of being noticed.

However, after collecting all the bags, Xiao Hua waited for a while, but nothing changed. He was gradually relieved that he was only a tiger educator. He could get nearly three million military achievements in a big war, and other dragon riding and bu Yao could not get more than ten million? They also want to buy things for their private soldiers, especially now that the team is assembled, and their 4.6 million military achievements are just a little spray in the sea. How can they attract other people's attention?

Xiao Hua put down his heart, took things back to space, and sent them to Chenwei. Ren Chenwei sent them one by one according to the needs of his disciples.

After all this, Xiao Hua returned to the army tent, looked outside the tent door and said with a smile, "where is Mei Changkong?"

After all, Jiang Meihua made a fat bait, and Xiao Hua got a good result. How can he tell others?

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua murmur about how to collect military cards next time. In a secret space of tianxianwei, a dark brown figure is bowing to another tall ochre yellow figure. They are careful and say, "my Lord, I find someone is collecting old military cards."

"Oh?" The tall figure was stunned and said nervously, "what's the matter? I don't know... "

When the dark brown figure told the story, the tall figure was displeased and said, "is that it? It's also worth my visit to the secret space? "

"Big My lord... " The dark brown figure was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm afraid of those immortal generals There will be problems! "

"What can go wrong?" The tall figure said coldly, "their military cards have been refined again, and the old ones are useless! What's more, you also said that the reward had been withdrawn in less than three days, indicating that she had found the military card she was looking for... "

"The problem is that I've never heard of anyone bidding for a military medal in butianxianwei."

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean you haven't!" The tall man waved his hand and said, "I know only a few. Oh, by the way, if you didn't tell me about the collection of military medals, wouldn't I have no idea? That doesn't mean there isn't any! "

"Yes, yes, I understand!"

"Come on, you are so cautious, and you have the intention to promote you. If there is anything unusual in the future, I will report it in time!"

"Yes, I understand. I'd like to present you!"

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua naturally don't know that their actions fall into the eyes of those who want to. Jiang Meihua just opens her eyes wide and listens to Xiao Hua say the incredible number. Then she squints with an old fox and says, "in that case, you don't have to worry about the daily expenses of the adult and the end general in the future. I'll make a list of them and give the end general's future cultivation to the adult, please The gang will not bid! "

"Well, that's ok..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "but no one can talk about it."

"The end will know!" Jiang Meihua nodded and said, "and the general knows that the matter can be finished by himself. There is no need to explain it to the general. Since the general trusts the general so much, how can the general let him down?"

"If only you knew!" Xiao Hua smiles, just about to say something else, Jiang Meihua suddenly kneels down on one knee and says, "but the end general is hiding something from the adult, please forgive me."

Xiao Hua understands that what Jiang Meihua says is the inheritance of the Taoist. Does he not hide something from Jiang Meihua?

It's not that Xiao Hua doesn't say it. It's just that the time has not been decided. Xiao Hua doesn't dare to disclose it easily.

So Xiao Hua quickly lifted Jiang Meihua up and said, "Oh, get up, get up! Don't mention that. After all, who has no privacy? To tell you the truth, Xiao also has some privacy, but it doesn't mean Xiao doesn't trust you! "

"I wish you understood!" Jiang Meihua is very grateful.

Just then, there was a voice from Xiangqing outside the military tent: "my Lord, the way the troops used by the regiment are coming to an end. In front of them is the last post. Do you need to rest?"

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua hastily explained, "binglu is a fixed transmission channel that can be used by butianbing array in Jietian. When it comes to the end of binglu, it can only control Xianzhou; Bingyi is where butianxianwei can be connected. When we get out of Bingyi, we can't contact butianxianwei. The team can rest here to see what's missing!"

Xiao Hua looked at the ink fairy pupil in his hand and said with a smile, "Hey, I didn't miss it. I'm afraid Mei Changkong missed a lot!"

"Haha, thank you Jiang Meihua rubbed her hands, looking a little excited."Good!" Xiao Huayang said in a voice, "give me the order to rest for an hour."

An hour later, Xiao Hua took seven fairy boats to fly out of the post like a fortress again, and headed for the deep place where the power of the stars and the moon was disordered and the power of the interface was turbulent.

After flying for a few more days, Xiao Hua looked at xianguan's flying track and whispered to Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming, "I have some urgent matters that I need to leave the team for a few days. The team's affairs are arranged by Xiangqing and vice Hu Jiao. If you have any suggestions, just tell Mei Changkong and let Mei Changkong talk to vice Hu Jiao. If you have something urgent, you can tell me by Chuanxi! "

"Yes, sir!" Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming agreed.

Xiao Hua calls Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua in again. After he orders in a low voice, his figure disappears in a flash.

Xiao Hua had already told Xiangqing when he took over the position of HuJiao. He would not be in the team often, so Xiangqing had been prepared. After Xiangqing took over the battle, everything was as usual. No one knew that Xiao Hua left quietly.

Xiao Hua stealthily flies out of the fairy boat. After seven fairy boats fly away, he can see the boundless space of heaven and sacrifice the star boat to the sky!

After flying for half a day, the dark sky was gradually speckled with light, and strands of light pierced the darkness like a sword.

Xiao Hua felt the great power of the interface, so he stopped the boat, squinted at Ning ruo's light, and said in a low voice: "the color world is near. Xiao can't even dream of it. It's only forty or fifty years, and Xiao has the strength to step on the color world!"

"However, if you don't have the strength to step into the color world, how dare Xiao step on the first level of Shenque skill to be called a real immortal?"

With that, Xiao Hua urges his body to fly up again, and the power of the interface is as strong as a rock. Even if he can't mobilize the immortal power, he can't fly half an inch high. Xiao Hua urges Guangdun.


With the ripple of light and shadow, Xiao Hua's eyes appear like a mountain like flame, which with a suffocating atmosphere will close the world.

However, the body into the light and shadow of Xiao Hua has long been in this flame to find a rugged path, straight to the depths of the flame!

The interface barrier between the color world and the desire world is so solid that even Xiao Hua has been shuttling through the light for more than half an hour before he can see the neat light.

At this time, the immortal power of Xiao Huaxian is almost exhausted!

"Damn it Xiao Hua's waistcoat was in a cold sweat. He couldn't think of the end after his immortal power was exhausted! Trapped in an interface barrier? Or is it pushed back by the interface barrier?

At this time, Xiao Hua Mei's magic mark flickered slightly in her heart, and a green mountain road, which was very similar to the transmission channel, came out of thin air. Xiao Hua was very happy and stepped into it.

It's just a flower in front of me. The endless blue color is falling like rain. Xiao Hua has already stood over a red mountain.

Without waiting for Xiao Hua's body to stand firm, a layer of bubbles began to appear on his immortal body!

"Pa pa pa..." When the bubble burst, Xiao Hua's immortal body was shocked and shrunk rapidly.

Xiao Hua looked down and realized that these bubbles were the immortal vitality in the desire world, which was forced out by the immortal light.

Xiao Huafu felt that the immortal's body was as hot as fire. He quickly urged his body to fall on the mountain. After he sat down on his knees, the air pressure immortal's skill again urged him.

"Wuwu..." The strange sound of wind roars, but Xiao Huaxian's body surface produces strange runes of different sizes. This rune is the condensation of light spot, which is not like Xiao Hua's previous black outline of human shape when he wanted to cultivate heaven.

At the moment when the light spot appeared on the body surface, Xiao Hua's celestial trace suddenly opened, and countless rules fell into the celestial trace with the immortal light. Xiao Hua never touched these rules near. The tree of rules within the celestial trace, the stars of the rules, were shining and growing crazily.

More than that, after the flash of the light spot on the body surface condensed the immortal power, some inexplicable fluctuations were generated with the flow of the skill. A small part of them fell into the lower elixir field like water. Fifty two immortal babies, most of them transpiration into the mysterious cloud!

As soon as the wave of water touches the Jiujiang star fire of 52 fairy babies, it immediately divides into 52 smaller waves and falls into each fairy baby's body!

"Boom boom..."

The immortal baby's body seems to burst, and its size is growing wildly. They are so scared that they try their best to push Jiujiang Xingfu tail fire to stop the waves from falling into the sky!

Seeing that the fluctuation is less, the immortal babies urge the skill of stepping on Shenque to condense the fluctuation. As a result, these immortal marks also produce runes of the same size as Xiao Hua.

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