Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1100

When Xiao Hua looked at the disciples, he felt that although these disciples had profound personal cultivation and strong ability to arrange troops, they were still on paper. It was not cruel to practice with each other in the space, and there was no way to really exercise the demon league's fighting once or twice.

So Xiao Huafen said: "in addition to what you have said before, I put forward some suggestions. First, we should change the way of fighting. Fighting in battle can't be compared in pairs. That is to say, life and death will be separated in an instant. Otherwise, there will be more variables around us. These variables are very likely to be fatal. Second, we should practice the power of the team. On the battlefield, we can only rely on the team, Only then can we win. A single disciple can't be the enemy of a team... "

Xiao Hua said something more, then he shut up and said with a smile, "anyway, you have to pay a lot for this training. I want to give you a reward. Do you have a record of war achievements, Qiao reincarnation and Zhang Jing?"

"Master..." Qiao reincarnation and Zhang Jing replied in a hurry, "there are records of military achievements in Jiutian xuanshu Tonglu, which is passed down by the empress, and there are records of all the disciples!"

"Very good!" Xiao Hua was surprised, but thinking about his agreement with Jiutian Xuannu, he didn't go to see the general record of Jiutian xuanshu. He just said with a smile, "in that case, you should register what you want in Chenwei first, and I will reward you according to the record!"

"Thank you, master!" All the disciples were very happy.

Looking at a group of disciples urging Chenwei, Li Yi whispered: "master, I have a question to ask!"

"Oh?" The jade die Xiao Hua eyebrows a Yang, strange way, "what question?"

"Master..." Li Yi looked at the disciples around him and said, "I want to ask where I have experienced before Where? I want to take my disciples to have a look again... "

Xiao Hua squints at Li Yi and doesn't answer immediately. Li Yi is thrilled by Xiao Hua, who wants to explain something but doesn't dare to speak.

"Li Yi, if you have any questions, please send a message to me..." The jade die Xiao Hua light says, "you just of problem, seem to don't need to transmit sound?"

"Master..." As soon as Li Yi's face changed, he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't be like this. I've become self defeating."

"Well, you say it!" Xiao Hua didn't let Li Yi get up.

"I once heard from the empress..." Li Yi said, "there are many interfaces in this world, such as demon alliance, Buddha Kingdom, dragon Kingdom and so on. However, there are no demon clans in the space where the disciple searched all over. Therefore, the disciple bravely guessed that the place where the master took his disciples and others to experience is the real demon alliance."

Xiao Hua is silent. He is still wrong.

The disciples of the heaven realm are different from those of the Shenhua mainland. The disciples of the heaven realm know that they are in Xiao Hua's space and have fought with Xiao Hua in all walks of life, so they have no doubts about Li Yi. The disciples of the heaven and nature sect are different. When they have consciousness, they stay in the space. This is one side of the world. Xiao Hua takes them to the demon League to fight with the demon clan. Where is the jade die? Xiao Hua's experience can make it clear?

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and said with a smile, "your guess is correct. Where are you waiting to go It's the demon League

"Where, sir?"

The doubts on Li Yi's face not only did not subside, but also increased. Yes, since it was a real demon alliance, how did thousands of the disciples of Zaohua pass by?

What's the strength of the master of fortune gate?

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua knew that it was time to tell the truth to these disciples. He said with a smile, "disciples, the space you are in now is not a real space, but a space artifact of me. So when I go to the demon League, you will follow me!"

"But..." Without waiting for Li Yi to speak, Alan next to him immediately asked, "master, what about those disciples who are known as Fei Sheng? What happened to their Shenhua mainland? "

"That's the bottom of my space fairies..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "they are different from you. They are mortals. Only through cultivation can we get the space you are in!"

"But..." Alan hesitated for a moment and asked again, "Sir, they say Shenhua has a vast continent... "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, smiles, points around and asks, "what do you think of the fairyland?"

Allen awoke, and quickly bowed to himself and said, "I'm stupid, suspicious, and disrespectful to the master of Zhangjiao. Please forgive me!"

"No, no..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll be happy when you have doubts. Remember that everything you see in the world is not necessarily true, even if you think it is true It may not be true! We must practice and explore on our own before we can find the truth. "

"Then..." Seeing that Allen was not scolded by Xiao Hua, the other disciples summoned up their courage and asked, "how do those ascending disciples say that Shenhua is boundless?"

"You tell them!" Xiao Hua nods to Allen.

"It's very simple. It's just a simple Xumi magic trick!""Ouch..." The questioner patted his forehead and realized, "no! I know Xumi's magic, but I didn't think it could be used here! "

"So, if you only practice in space, you can only become a frog in the bottom of the well in the end..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "only when you go out and fight with others can you really grow up."

"Thank you for your kindness!" Suddenly, all the disciples bowed themselves again.

At this time, Qiao reincarnation and others had recorded what they needed in Chenwei. He flew over and looked at all the disciples and said with a smile: "in fact, the master of Zhangjiao didn't mean to hide us. His old man has told us to wait from the beginning, but you didn't pay attention to it!"

"What do you mean?" Ellen Qi said, "how can I not understand this, elder martial brother?"

"You Joe samsara said with a smile, "didn't all those rising disciples say that? Shenhua mainland also has the gate of creation, the master of Zhangjiao, and ten masters of Zhangjiao. Didn't the master of Zhangjiao invite several masters to come here? When you think about it, isn't it clear at a glance? "

"Good, good!" Some disciples nodded again and again.

"Disciples..." Xiao Hua gave a bitter smile and said in a deep voice, "busy old man and Huancao have brought you up. I have taught you the skills of cultivation, and nine heaven Xuannv has taught you the skills of battle formation. But the real growth depends on you. You should know how to use your brain and find the truth under the heavy fog..."

What Xiao Hua said is not Xiao Hua's own experience?

In order to find the truth, he has been running on the road, until here, he experienced the truth There is a long way to go.

After instructing the disciples, the disciples of Xiao Hualing still practice. After looking at the needs of the disciples, they directly take the trump card and enter the Bu Tian Xian Wei.

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They don't know how brilliant their future will be

, in addition, the WeChat public number of "Duan" is in the sixth official account of witch Wang Ming: "father, Huo Qing". You can look at it and help to make an opinion.