Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1099

In the face of Xiao Hua's complaint, Jiang Meihua is also helpless. He did not expect that things would develop to this point, just less than three days!

"Just..." General Xiao Hua put his hand in his own space and said, "this is because we have no experience. In recent years, the team is dispatching to start. Everyone is replenishing the tianxianwei, so there are many people offering rewards..."

"No, no..." Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "it's not only because of this, but also because of the fallen immortals of the Butian team for so many years It's just too much. "

"Ah, yes, an army card is actually a life..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "these military achievements are actually their relics. I hope we can take these relics and inherit their will to protect the fairyland!"

Jiang Meihua looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "you are more and more a qualified tiger teacher!"

"Everyone will make progress and change as well!"

With that, when Xiao Hua patted the military case, a command arrow flew out. Xiao Hua raised his hand and picked up the seal. The seal was a little on the command arrow and said, "pass on our military order and set out in a whole team..."

The arrows rushed out of the army's accounts and turned into thousands of them, falling on the whole barracks.

"Pass on our military order, team up and go!"

Xiao Hua's voice was thundering in the barracks.

When Xiao Huafei got out of the camp, thousands of immortal soldiers had been formed.

But see these immortal soldiers in accordance with the array of soldiers, a strip of red light in each array slowly looking for, between the array, there are also light flow, nearly ten thousand immortal soldiers are one, a kind of high morale compared with the sky test!

"Let's go..."

Xiao Hua was very satisfied and raised his hand to the sky.

"Yes, let's go!"

Nearly ten thousand immortal soldiers responded in unison. There were immortal generals in front of them who urged them to move their bodies and waved their flags. A red bridge of light was winding deep into the starlight of the night!

There was no need for the immortal soldiers to push their bodies. A light pillar rushed out of the light bridge and covered the whole barracks. Except for Xiao Hua's tent, there was a flag pole that didn't move. Other tents told them to disappear. Then all the immortal soldiers in the barracks fell on the light bridge and said, "boom..." The light bridge vibrated, and the barracks turned into meteors and rushed into the sky.

When Xiao Hua led his troops to battle for the first time, he was quite curious. He stood on the light bridge and looked at it for a moment. He found that the light bridge was similar to a large star boat. There were huge runes flowing around it, creating a strong defense to protect the whole barracks.

"My lord..." Xiangqing understood what Xiao Hua was thinking and whispered, "the Bunian regiment has a fixed transmission channel in the fairyland. As long as there is a flag, it doesn't cost the fairyland soldiers any power. When it comes to Jietian, it's possible to go to the demon league with adults, or go to the army formation, or directly receive the flag. Of course, the income of the flag is to spend the power of the immortal generals, which depends on their own ideas. "

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "everything should be done in accordance with all the routine. It's good for immortal soldiers. I won't interfere."

"Don't worry, my Lord!" Xiangqing said with a smile, "the adults don't accept the immortal soldiers' military achievements. The immortal soldiers are both surprised and happy. They can fight the enemy bravely, so the general will be happy."

"Actually..." Xiao Hua hit the nail on the head and said, "it's not that you don't want to change, but because you don't have the ability to get more military contributions, you have to go with the flow."

"Yes, yes, meeting adults is the blessing of the end of the general and others!"

After a few words, Xiao Hua goes back to the military account. Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua wait outside the military account. Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shuhua are also careful to ask questions and study hard.

From the space, Xiao Hua took out a general view of the immortals and several six prism shaped immortals. These immortals were bought by Xiao Hua at butianxianwei when Jiang Meihua offered a reward for the military card. The inside is the symbol of the immortals and some entrance of JieChong.

"The team of mending the sky is really stingy. They have to bid for the entrance of the immortal map and the places of various circles. No wonder the immortal generals want the immortal soldiers to offer their military service!"

Xiao Hua murmured to himself that under the urging of the immortal force, there was an immortal figure on the hexagonal prism immortal weapon! Looking at the dense spots of light, Xiao Hua's head is big. He doesn't want to grasp it and send all the immortal pictures into the immortal overview!

"Brush..." The light spot like tide began to gush out.

Xiao Hua smiles a little, and Professor Jiang Meihua's immortal formula is played out. It takes less than half a column of incense time to refine all the immortal pictures and signs into the immortal overview!

Once again, he urged the immortal to take a general view, but seeing that there were several times more light spots and paths on it than before, Xiao Hua said in secret: "although the archaic immortal clan has a long history, it's nothing compared with the giant Butian team!"

"Of course, Jiang Meihua is just an immortal. He is not qualified to know the details of the Jiang family."

After that, Xiao Hua's fingers moved, and several layers of immortal pictures were enlarged or narrowed. Finally, a light spot marked "Yunyuan Xiaotianjing" was revealed from the layers of light pictures.

"Oh?" Looking at a layer of light like water patterns, Xiao Hua was surprised and said with a smile, "I thought the so-called Yunyuan Xiaotianjing was a place similar to a forbidden area. I didn't expect that it was so big, and it was still divided..."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Hua suddenly frowned and whispered, "no, no..."

When Xiao Hua pressed his big hand, the light of Yunyuan's small sky fell on the view of xianguan. When Xiao Hua looked at it again, he said with a bitter smile: "this Yunyuan's small sky is clear, and the boundary of the demon alliance is within it!""That's strange..." Xiao Hua knocked his fingers on the military case and thought to himself, "Xiao remembers that when he was in Qiling mountain, Xiao once knew the Yunyuan Xiaotianjing from the ghost of Yaoxing king. Yaoxing king and Kuangshi had been to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. They were just Yanxian. How could they get to dejiechong?"

Xiao Hua was puzzled, and then offered a seal. After a ray of light fell, he squinted to see the marching route and assembly site of the team. It seemed that he was far away from Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. Even if this dishonored cloth is helpful to the war, it seems that it is not the war that can be used!

"Just..." Xiao Hua took a look at the fairyland and thought, "there is not much time. Let's see the situation. Xiao must leave the team first. After all, the march route is decided by the team. There will be no great changes along the way. Now it's time to see Jiang Meihua's achievements... "

Xiao Hua went into the space and broke the ban on 100000 military medals. Then he took the military medals to butianxianwei. After carefully reading the military medals, Xiao Hua was stunned. Although most of the 100000 military medals have only about 10000 military achievements, the accumulation of these military achievements is also a terrible number!

"Hair, hair..." Xiao Hua whispered and said, "I don't have to fight any more to earn military merit. As long as I collect old military cards, I can become the richest tiger priest in the Butian team."

There are about 5000 military medals left. Most of them have 100000 military achievements, 500000 military achievements, one million military achievements, hundreds of them, 50 military achievements of five million, and the highest is 14 million. They are two generals named you and xinyuzhu.

These two military cards are also the most seriously broken. Thanks to the immortal puppets, they will take military cards automatically. If Jiang Meihua himself, he will never take them.

Xiao Hua knew that this was a loophole in tianxianwei, so he did not dare to leave his military cards in the space of Xianwei. After checking, he put all his military cards into his own space and took them out later.

After finishing all this, Xiao Hua's heart moved and took out Li Yun's military card again. At this time, Xiao Hua's sweat bristled!

1.57 million!

Four hundred thousand more than the previous one hundred and seventeen thousand!

"No, absolutely not!"

Xiao Hua's eyes turned slightly, and he said in secret, "if it's less, it can be understood that the military achievements in the military card will disappear, but if it's more or less, someone must be using it. Immortal, as expected, there are many capable people. It seems that Xiao is not the only one who has seen the loophole in tianxianwei. Some immortals will seize this loophole long ago! "

Knowing this, Xiao Hua's heart was relieved. After all, the water was clear, but there was no fish. Some people were taking advantage of this loophole, just like themselves. Naturally, the water in Xianwei had been mixed up. Xiao Hua sneaked in to collect the old army cards, but he was not afraid that it would be so easy for others to find out. Moreover, judging from the current situation, others did it earlier than himself.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua's mind fell into the space and still turned into Xiao Hua's yudie. Now the fairyland space is booming, much like the previous Shenhua mainland. Looking at the zhuangong sub body sitting on the throne of the God of creation, Xiao Hua has already understood what happened in the gate of creation.

Xiao Huachong, the jade ultimatum, embraces KUNDO in his arms and turns to look around.

At this time, Qiao reincarnation and other disciples not only practice, but also practice in many groups of teams. I want to know that Xiao Hua will send them to fight at any time.

So Xiao Hua flicked his thumb with his right hand, "when" a bell sounded, and then said, "where are Qiao Huanhui, Zhang Jing, Xu Minghao, Li Yi, Zhang Ying, Wang Yizhi, Shangguan Yufeng, Hu Wenyuan, Allen, Zhen Daojia!"

A group of disciples woke up and saw Xiao Hua's body like a god standing in front of Zaohua Taoist palace. His face was full of joy. They came to see him in a hurry.

The disciples are different from before. They are arranged in seven groups. Qiao reincarnation and other ten disciples stand in front of their heads and bow.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, lifted all the disciples up with a smile and said, "you have to wait for this kind of hard training. What's the situation of death, injury and harvest, and report it one by one!"

"Master..." Qiao reincarnation and Zhang Jing fly out first and respectfully say, "there are no fallen disciples under the disciple's command, only a few hundred disciples are slightly injured. As for the harvest, to tell you the truth, we didn't expect that the real fighting was so cruel. Those demon clans were not as strong as their disciples, but they were still defeated by the fierce. As for the injured hundreds of disciples, they also asked one by one. They were all caused by lack of experience. So when the disciple comes back with the team, he will practice more. I hope he will have experience next time, and there will be no more casualties! "

Then Xu Minghao, Li Yi and other disciples reported one by one that there was no big difference with Qiao reincarnation.

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The team finally set out, the first war

, in addition, the WeChat public number of "Duan" is in the sixth official account of witch Wang Ming: "father, Huo Qing". You can look at it and help to make an opinion.