Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1098

"Moreover, my Lord, this military achievement..." Before Xiangqing finished, Xiao Hua's seal flickered a little. Xiangqing smiles and says nothing more.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He suddenly understood it and looked at the seal. Sure enough, it was Li Cheng and other immortal generals, as well as a group of immortal soldiers who also gave themselves some military contributions!

Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry. He has just given these military contributions to them, and they want to "bribe" themselves. This What is this!

Xiao Hua's face changed slightly. He snapped the seal and broke all the shimmering light. Then he roared at the seal and said, "I don't care if the generals listen to the order. I don't care if anyone else will wait for tiger education in the future. But on the first day when you wait for tiger education, no one has to pay military merit to the boss. If the boss dares to take the military merit, I will let him end up like Hu Feishan! ”

"big My lord... " Xiangqing couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "it's unnecessary, isn't it?"

"I know it's difficult for you to take over HuJiao in the future!" Xiao Hua took a breath and said, "but I don't like these, but you can rest assured that the military contribution to Qin Longqi comes from me..."

"This is our team's filial piety to Lord Longqi..."

What else should Xiangqing say? Xiao Hua waved his hand to stop him and said, "elder brother Xiang, I'll leave other things to you. Please listen to me first."

"All right, all right!" Xiangqing nods helplessly, takes out the ink fairy pupil, and writes in detail how to tell Qin Xin and how to show filial piety to the military.

Xiao Hua looks at the seal and urges it to move. The photo is clear. Sure enough, after half a cup of tea, Jiang Meihua's seal has moved. Jiang Meihua looks at it, nods to Xiao Hua and flies out of the barracks.

"My lord..." Xiangqing looks like he wants to stop talking.

"Elder brother Xiang..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I know what you mean. Although the Butian team shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding the fairyland, the immortal generals are also immortal. All kinds of forces in the team are intertwined. If the immortal is going to live, they have to rely on military merit. It's inevitable that there will be some links to hide evils. I don't want to break these. I just want to give my immortal generals a relatively clean place within my control. In fact, brother Xiang, if you think about it, it's the immortal soldiers who are in front of you in the war. The ones who have the least military achievements are still immortal soldiers, and the ones who have turned in military achievements finally fall on the immortal soldiers. Do you have the heart? "

Xiangqing is silent!

Xiao Hua is right. HuJiao turns in military contributions to Longqi. HuJiao's military contributions can come from Changkong and the commander. Changkong and the commander turn in military contributions to HuJiao. Military contributions come from the next level and are handed in at different levels. The last source is Xianbing!

And the immortal soldier's military merit comes from fighting the demon clan with his life!

It's not fair to Xianbing!

But the immortal soldier There is no room for resistance, they also want to have soldiers to cover, not easily fall.

Xiao Hua looked at Xiangqing, looked up at the military account, and said: "so, I will strive for more military achievements to satisfy all the brothers!"

"Thank you, Xiao HuJiao!"

In addition to the military tent, there was the sound of the tsunami.

All immortal soldiers and generals kneel down on one knee.

Xiao Hua walked out of the army tent, looked at the prostrated immortal soldiers and immortal generals. With a smile, he raised his hand and lifted them up one by one, saying: "Xiao may not know the art of war or the battle array, but Xiao is willing to share life and death with the generals and protect the immortal world together."

"Live and die together, protect the fairyland together!"

All the immortal soldiers are shouting!

After a short time, Jiang Meihua returned and looked at Xiao Huaduan's military case. She said with a smile, "900000 military achievements really work. Jiang is now a man of Changkong."

"Well, since you've got the advantage, it's up to you to collect the old army cards!"

"How to collect it!" Jiang Meihua scratched her head a little. "After the adults said that, I also thought, isn't it remarkable that we offer a reward for collection? There will be trouble... "

"It's very simple..." Xiao Hua gave a mysterious smile and said, "so, so..."

"No No? " Jiang Meihua can't laugh or cry.

After half a cup of tea, there is a humble reward in butianxianwei: "I am a hibiscus, crying for my lover's army card. My lover camellia, who has been in love for more than ten years, fell into the battle of JieChong. I can't sleep alone. I beg for the army card of my lover to comfort me. Those who give me the army card of Camellia are willing to give me ten military contributions and ask for help from those who want to help me! "

As soon as the reward was offered, a message came: "hibiscus, here's a military card. I don't know if it's from Camellia. Let's have a look first..."

Jiang Meihua didn't look at it, so she took it and said, "I thank you for your service. This is not a military card, but I thank you for your intention. It will take military service to return the military card. I don't want to give it to you directly..."

With a military contribution, there was no sound there.

A useless military card for a military merit, better than nothing!

Then another message came: "Furong, the dead are gone, the living are precious. I'm Huacha. I'm strong, strong, considerate and warm-hearted. I'm willing to take brother Shancha's will and take care of Furong and my sister..."

"NND, what the hell!" Jiang Meihua didn't finish watching it. She couldn't help scolding, "get out of here!"

Then Jiang Meihua's trump continued to flash, and Jiang Meihua was a little tired to deal with it."My lord..." Jiang Meihua cried and said, "how can I practice this?"

"Nonsense, just a fairy puppet?" Xiao Hua was not angry and said, "there is a military merit and a military card on the left and right. When you see the military merit given by the military card, if you don't have the military card, you naturally want to chat up and take advantage of it. Just let them roll!"

"My Lord, you are wise!" Jiang Meihua thumbed up and rushed to send a fairy puppet into the military space.

However, Xiao Hua underestimated the number of useless military cards in the Bunian team. These military cards are like sand in the sea. No one remembers that Jiang Meihua's reward is like a big hand picking up the dust.

In fact, Jiang Meihua didn't care. Just when he was ready to go with the army, his military card suddenly flashed.

When Jiang Meihua looked at it, she was foolish. In the Xianwei space of the military card, the immortal puppet asked him pitifully for military merit!

There is not a single military contribution he has made to the immortal puppets!

Jiang Meihua told Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua was also stunned. He quickly asked Jiang Meihua to withdraw the reward. How about 100000 military medals? Xiao Hua is just trying to sneak up some small moves, get some small benefits, and collect 100000 military cards all at once This is clearly to find attention to the rhythm ah!

Xiao Hua regretted that she should not let Jiang Meihua be the bait. The bait is too fat!

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Hibiscus, hibiscus, I'm Camellia

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" has the fifth chapter of witch Wang Ming: Rune general solution test. You can look at it and help to make an opinion.