Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1097

Xiao Hua asked faintly, "is the military work finished?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiangqing looked at Jiang Meihua and said, "as for the number of military achievements, the general will not dare to say it in vain. He can only give it to butianxianwei to judge. The general will only have a rough estimate..."

"How much?"

"My Lord, it's no problem to make 200000 military contributions when you explore the sky with strange stars and rain!"

"To attack and kill seven hundred demon clans, one demon clan has about eight hundred military achievements, which is five hundred and sixty thousand..."

"My lord led the immortal soldiers to fight against the demon clan, and killed 2000 demon soldiers. The demon soldiers made about 500 military contributions, and that's a million..."

"When you lead your troops to break through the encirclement, you should kill 20000 demon soldiers. However, only about 10000 can be used as evidence. Each demon soldier has 500 military achievements, which should be five million..."

"This adds up to 6.75 million yuan. Xianwei's determination of military merit may be more strict, and it should be more than 6 million yuan. The adult takes half of the military merit, and Mei Tongling and Li Tongling divide it into another half. One thousand immortal soldiers also need 1.5 million yuan of military merit, and each immortal soldier has 1500 yuan of military merit."

"My lord..." After hearing this, the ten immortal soldiers fell down on their knees and said, "thank you very much for your generous gift. Others don't know. I know very well that this is a military contribution to us!"

Xiangqing whispered: "in fact, it's very difficult for immortal soldiers to get military merit. Although killing an immortal soldier has 500 military merit, it's good to survive every war. How can every immortal soldier get 500 military merit? They are so happy that they can earn 1500 military contributions at once

"Get up, get up..." Xiao Hua picked up the immortal soldiers and said with a smile, "it's not easy for you to accompany me to the demon alliance. I eat meat, so you have to drink soup! Don't mention it. In that sentence, there will be more military contributions waiting for you in the future! "

"Thank you, my lord..." The immortal soldiers are very happy and thank you.

"And..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll just take half of my military exploits. I'll give you other military exploits, too!"

"No!" Xiangqing quickly stopped and said, "this distribution method is approved by the immortal soldiers and generals in the military camp. It's not easy for adults to make do with other immortals."

"OK, ok..." Xiao Hua took a few hundred bags and Mo Xiantong from Xiangqing and casually said, "there will be a lot of military achievements in the future. Let's divide them slowly!"

Xiao Hua sent Bai Na bag and Mo Xian Tong to bu Tian Xian Wei to deliver military exploits. Before specific military exploits came out, the seals of more than ten immortal generals, including Xiao Hua, flashed with light and shadow.

When Xiao Hua and others looked at it, they all said in a hurry: "Qin Long's horse is going up, go away quickly!"

Since there are more than ten immortal generals in Xiao Hua's team, how can there be fewer immortal generals waiting in Qin Xin's tent? However, Qin Xin's military account is huge. Hundreds and thousands of immortal generals don't seem crowded in it. Xiao Hua stands at the end without showing mountains and dew, and no one looks at him more.

On the contrary, Qin Xin, watching Xiao Hua and Xiangqing stand still in the distance of the military case, said with a smile: "Xiao HuJiao came back in time, it seems that the harvest is good, but Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi fell in the demon League, and the strength of the team is weakened. Xiao HuJiao has to find a way!"

Xiao Hua had a heart in mind. He didn't expect that Qin Xin got the news so fast that he must have the eye liner of Qin heart.

"Yes, we will find a way as soon as possible!"

"Well!" Qin Xin nodded, "I know you must have a way. Unlike Kou Chen, who is greedy of offering a reward for his military service, I will never come back. I have to worry about the military position he left behind!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua is more stupid, and the speed is too fast! He just came back from the demon League, but before he got hot in the army tent, Kou Chen was killed.

Is it made by Wen Jia?

Or will those who refuse to accept do it?

Xiao Hua didn't know and Qin Xin didn't say that there were other immortal generals coming in. Qin Xin had other topics, either encouragement or beating. Looking at Qin Xin's ease, Xiao Hua envied.

When there was the sound of beating drums outside, the fire spread over the military tent, and the general tent was closed.

Qin Xin stood up, glanced all over and said, "you guys, general Ben said earlier that there will be a big war. Now there is a military order. Although we don't know the specific situation for the time being, all the battle teams have begun to dispatch. We have 365 teams in the platoon."

As soon as they heard that they were going to take part in the war, all the immortal generals were enthusiastic. Some of them almost clenched their fists and blushed.

"As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army for a while..." Qin Xin still said, "our dexterous team has been recuperating and training days, now it's time for other teams to see the strength of our dexterous team! I can promise that as long as I complete the tasks laid down in this war, I will not leave any of my contributions, and I will give them all to you.... "

"Thank you, Qin Longqi!" The generals were overjoyed and bowed together.

"Everyone, please get up..." Qin Xin picked up the generals and said, "military merit is just a kind of encouragement. As a guard group of human immortals, we should have a sense of mission in our hearts. The real purpose is to kill the demon clan and protect the fairyland..."

Qin Xin had a lot of eloquence. He talked about the military case endlessly. After that, he ordered the arrows to turn into the number of big Zhou days and rush into the air. Then they fell in front of Xiao Hua and other leading tiger teachers and said, "this is the military order of the dispatch. After the assembly is completed within three days, let's go to the waiting place.""I'll wait for you to obey the order!"

The generals took the token, bowed themselves together and flew out of the army tent like flowing water.

Xiao Hua didn't take a close look at the military order. He only complained in his heart. The vanguard military order asked him to send the strange cloth to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing within three months. At this time, the Dragon riding military order asked him to lead the troops. It seems that it's difficult to take care of both!

Back in the army tent, the generals had been waiting. When Xiao Hualing passed on the order of Longqi, he took out the order himself. The order was as concise as qianyuhan's vanguard order.

However, when Xiangqing finished, Xiao Hua patted the seal he had put on the military case, and there was a light and shadow on it. Instead, he had to put his arrow on the seal, and the "brush" of blood light flashed on it, and a rugged light filament appeared in the light and shadow.

"Generals..." Xiao Hua pointed to the point of light and said, "Lord Longqi ordered our team to finish preparation in three days. You must be used to getting to the place in the limited time and route."

"Yes, my lord..." All the generals bowed and said, "you don't have to worry about this. Just pass down the military order, and we'll go there naturally."

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and sealed the order arrow, but the order arrow fell into the arrow pot of the military case. "Swish swish" dozens of order arrows flew out of the arrow pot and fell in front of the generals. The generals took the order arrow and said again, "the final generals are waiting for the tiger to teach the military order..."

Seeing that the crowd was about to leave, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "just a moment, Xianwei offers a reward..."

"Oh?" Even Xiang Qing was a little surprised, "so fast?"

Xiao Hua took out his token, Yannian scanned it, and said in a loud voice: "Diqiao 240 team explored the strange star rain sky and verified 200000 military achievements; the demon League killed 700 demon clans and verified 620, the number of Xingheng realm and xingxuan realm A total of 598000 military exploits; the demon alliance killed 12000 demon soldiers, verified 14307, and confirmed the number of xingxuan and Xinghui realms A total of 6472300 military contributions were made. The team led by immortal Xiao won a total of 7.2623 million military contributions this time... "

“…… According to the list given by immortal Xiao, immortal Xiao obtained 2.94920 million military contributions, led 653600 military contributions of Meijiang, and 163400 military contributions of Changkong Li Cheng The rest of the immortals won 2200 military contributions! "

Li Cheng and Changkong are both surprised and happy. They have made 160000 military contributions. Although thunder was straightforward before, it has never been so generous. How could Xiao Hua have made so many military contributions at once?

"Thank you Thank you Li Cheng knelt down on one knee and said, "I will follow you to the death!"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua smiles. Instead of helping them up in a hurry, he puts the token on the seal and says, "brush..." More than a thousand gold lights flew out and fell on Li Cheng and other seals.

"Whoa, whoa..." Outside the military tent, there were cheers immediately, and then there was a voice like a tsunami, "thank you for your kindness!"

"Ha ha, get up!" Xiao Hua laughs and raises his hand to help the immortal soldiers and the immortal generals up one by one. "I can seriously tell you that from the first day of this year, military achievements will come in like flowing water. I don't have time to assign them to you. I will give them to Vice Minister Hu Jiao in the future..."

Xiangqing Weileng, he thought Xiao Hua would let Jiang Meihua do such things, he hastened to say something, Xiao Hua waved to him, motioned him not to speak.

"Generals..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "according to the order of the Dragon cavalry, prepare to start!"

The generals were happy to leave the army account, but Xiangqing didn't leave. He said in a low voice: "Sir, you haven't given Mei Tongling..."

"Forget it!" Xiao Hua patted his forehead and said, "there were so many people there just now, I didn't remember."

"This is the best time!" Xiangqing said, "you have won military merit. According to the custom, you have to pay 30% of your honor to Longqi..."

"What?" Xiao Hua was surprised, "and such filthiness?"

"Ha ha, it's not dirty!" Xiangqing was not surprised by Xiao Hua's reaction. He said with a smile, "this is the rule of the team. Otherwise, Lord Longqi will give us a little hardship, which can't be made up by 900000 military achievements!"

"That's true!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and agreed with Xiangqing. Don't you want to ask someone else to give Jiang Meihua a seat in the sky?

At this time, Xiao Hua finally understood why Liu Yunshu's military achievements were only a million.

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There are hidden rules everywhere, and so is fairyland

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" has the fifth chapter of witch Wang Ming: Rune general solution test. You can look at it and help to make an opinion.