Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1096

The thousand feather cold exhorts a body shape to disappear.

Xiao Hua is a little strange. He doesn't know what Qian Yuhan wants to say to himself.

fortunately, after half a pillar of incense, Qian Yuhan turns around and says, "I can't measure your military achievements for the time being, Jin Jin Buyao said, "you can only evaluate after this battle, so don't worry."

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the last general is not short of military merit now!"

Just when Qian Yuhan left, Xiao Hua had already thought about it. He turned around and asked Jiang Meihua to offer a reward and collect invalid military cards. This is a way of using the White Wolf empty handed. How can Xiao Hua still lack military merit in the future?

Naturally, Qian Yuhan misunderstood what Xiao Hua thought and said with a smile: "that's, in addition to these two military achievements, you killed tens of thousands of demon families, and naturally you have a lot of military achievements..."

Listening to Qian Yuhan's failure to mention the issue of the disciples of the Zaohua sect, Xiao Hua knows that private soldiers are allowed by the Butian team, and he doesn't have to worry about the generals and seals of the disciples of the Zaohua sect in the future.

"Xiao Xianfeng, in fact, I have some hesitation..." Qian Yuhan went back to business and said, "because I didn't plan to send you a mission so early, but But as soon as you come up, you make great achievements. Some people As you've seen, I can't do without pie. "

"Thank you very much Xiao Hua didn't care much. He said with a smile, "please don't hesitate to say what you need to do."

"Actually..." Qianyuhan shook his head and said, "you don't understand!"

Xiao Hua in the heart "clap Deng" a, tentatively ask a way: "is the task very dangerous?"

"Yes Qian Yuhan nodded, "if you don't think it's OK, I'll I can take back your pioneer token! "

"Don't..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's so easy for me to find such a support as an adult. I have thighs to hold..."

"Hum..." Thousand feather cold hum a, secret room gives birth to cold frost!

Xiao Hua woke up and said with a smile, "don't blame me for my mistake, don't blame me for my mistake!"

"Since you want to, I have nothing to say!" Qianyuhan handed Xiao Hua a crystal box and said, "there is mo Xiantong in it. Everything you want to do is recorded in Mo Xiantong! Remember, the task you are going to do is extremely secret. You can never meet a big man who can know. You can kill anyone who wants to inquire about or know the task! Of course, if you divulge the mission, you will also be killed... "

"This So serious? " Xiao Hua was surprised.

"Only more serious than that!" Qianyuhan replied, "so I don't want you to do such a task as soon as you come up..."

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua took over the crystal box and said with a smile, "the end will certainly be able to complete the task!"

"Well..." Qianyuhan nodded, "if you complete the task, your military contribution is also great, you can rest assured!"

"By the way..." Xiao Hua thought of something and asked, "what do you mean by the broken green dragon stele?"

"It was used by the archaic immortals to break the boundary. Now it's very rare."

After that, qianyuhan seemed to wake up and said with a smile: "don't worry, since the team used the Qingbei, the grudge between you and the two unknown immortals is also borne by the team, and no one will trouble you!"

"Hee hee..." Xiao Hua naturally didn't ask this question, but he was also very happy. He asked with a smile, "and don't you need a psychic monster like Linglong dragon?"

"What do you mean?" Thousand feather cold Leng for a while, ask a way, "someone forces you to offer exquisite dragon?"

"Not yet..." Xiao Hua understood and said with a smile, "but I believe it won't be long before someone wants it? If so, don't give it to your adult! "

"That's true!" Qianyuhan thought for a moment and said, "you get the Linglong thing. Many people know that the psychic monster is a plaything in the fairyland, but it has a special role in the team. If you have this intention, I'll take it!"

Xiao Hua's exquisite dragon is useless. He can throw the trouble to Qian Yuhan. He is very happy: "thank you! Just a moment, my lord... "

With that, Xiao Hua's mind went out of the chamber of secrets, took out Linglong from the space, and entered the chamber again.

"Oh?" Looking at Linglong, qianyuhan was a little surprised. "This Linglong seems to have changed?"

"The end will not know!" Xiao huanao scratched his head and said, "the Linglong dragon that I will get at the end of the day is injured. Later, I didn't pay attention to it. I don't know what happened!"

"Well!" Qianyuhan picked up Linglong and said, "I used to block the disaster for you, but now it seems that I have no intention."

"Here, this is my Keepsake..." Qianyuhan handed Xiao Hua a piece of Bingyu and said, "who dares to ask you for Linglong, let him find me!"

"Thank you Xiao Hua took Bingyu, but before he looked carefully, qianyuhan's figure had disappeared like smoke.

Xiao Hua replied to the barracks and thought about it carefully. He felt that he had gained a lot.

He carefully closed the ice feather, this is bu Yao adult's promise, really not easy.

Then, Xiao Hua takes out the crystal box. He first releases Yan Nian to have a look. He doesn't find anything abnormal, so he opens it.

"Ah?" At the moment of opening, Xiao Hua lost his voice and exclaimed, because he saw something he was very familiar with inside the crystal box!Empty head cloth!

and Liu Yunshu as like as two peas.

"This What does that mean? "

Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply. He really didn't understand what had happened.

How can there be two empty heads?

After Xiao Hua takes out the Mo Xiantong in the crystal box, he is even more surprised. The extremely dangerous task of Qian Yuhan's mouth is to send the dishonoured cloth to a place called Yunyuan Xiaotianjing in three months!

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua Leng, "don't you just give something? So dangerous again? Is that Yunyuan small sky dangerous

But when Xiao Hua went to see Mo Xiantong again, he was surprised to find that there was no writing in Mo Xiantong. He must have done something inside.

"We have to see where the Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is first!" Xiao Hua's secret way is to send the crystal box into the space when he raises his hand. But Xiao Hua's mind just touched the crystal box, and his heart moved. Instead of rolling the crystal box, he sent it into naxu ring.

Qian Yuhan's task is strange, but Xiao Hua doesn't dare to be careless.

After everything is cleared up, there is something happening outside the military tent. Xiao Hua opens the military tent prohibition with a slight cough. Xiangqing takes the generals and some immortal soldiers into the military tent. They are all red faced and excited.

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The mission is to send the empty head to a place

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" has the fourth chapter of witch Wang Ming: Xiao Jia's exclusion. You can see and help to make an opinion.