Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1095

Sure enough, under the instruction of Chang Yue, Jiang Meihua also found a piece of flame like the nebula and the sun and moon. Chang Yue took out the seal, and the immortal force urged it. The seal had a false shadow, and the brush fell on the flame. The flame first rolled, and then a spiral ring of fire gushed out.

Chang Yue said: "the seal has the number of our team. As long as it is activated, the portal can send us directly to the nearby barracks..."

The fairy boat fell into the ring of fire and whirled in. The light and shadow around it were stretched and twisted, about half a column of incense. "Poof" was like a broken bubble. The fairy boat rushed out, facing the patrolling immortal generals and the continuous barracks.

After checking the seal and releasing it, Chang Yue held down the immortal boat, took out a Mo Xiantong and respectfully handed it to Xiao Hua, saying, "this is the result of the exploration of the strange stars and rain sky, as well as the description of the battle between the demon clan and us. Oh, there is also the proof that the end will be rescued by the adult. The end will help the adult to write it, and the adult can deliver the reward when he sends it to Butian Xianwei."

"Hee hee, thank you so much for being a fairy friend!" Xiao Hua took the ink fairy pupil and said with a smile, "Xiao is scratching his head. How can I write it?"

"Commander Mei, no, with the help of Mei Changkong, adults don't have to care about these!" Chang Yue replied, "I'll leave at the end of the day. Finally Thank you for saving my life, and I will repay you with a spring of water! "

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" Xiao Hua waved his hand in a hurry

Chang Yue nodded, collected the fairy boat and flew to the barracks.

Xiao Hua throws Mo Xiantong to Jiang Meihua and says, "take it and study hard..."

Jiang Meihua took it and said in a low voice, "my Lord, don't you have a look first?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua said, "Chang Yue is very powerful. He has written everything he can, but not a word he can't write. He has boasted a lot about it. This time, the army has a lot of functions!"

"Then I have to see. For a kind person like me, brag It's not easy! "

"Let's go..." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "go back to the army account first."

"Xiangqing will come right away, just a moment..."

"Why?" Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and said, "you're more and more like a dog headed soldier!"

"My lord..." Xiangqing brings a few immortal generals with a happy face, but after a call, his face is a little unnatural.

There is no Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi beside Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua is bitter and astringent. There is no proof of death. Hu Feishan and other three immortal generals have brought more than a thousand immortal soldiers. In Xiangqing's mind, how could one immortal soldier have not survived without his own intention?

Sure enough, Xiangqing whispered: "my Lord, Hu Feishan..."

"Let's go. Let's talk about it in the army account!"

All the immortals were in a hurry to salute, and there was a lot of awe in their eyes.

When Xiao Hua was promoted, all the immortals would be separated on both sides. No one dared to say a word more, even those who usually made friends with Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi.

Xiao Hua wanted to explain something, but looking at the solemn atmosphere in the military tent, he suddenly understood a sentence:

benevolence does not command the army!!!

"Mei Tongling..." Xiao Hua coughed softly and said, "tell the generals about the journey to the strange star rain sky this time..."

"Yes, my lord..." When Jiang Meihua was out, Anza Changyue wrote it in Mo Xiantong, and told it all. Listening to Jiang Meihua's vivid narration, Xiao Hua felt that Jiang Meihua could not only be a dog's head strategist, but also go to storytelling!

"Alas, there is no silent barrier in fairyland!" Listen to listen, Xiao Hua himself wake up, "Xiao also want to let qianyuhan secret, but Xiao reported his military achievements, what don't leak? Even as Chang Yue said, Xiao is a lone hero who came from JieChong 167, but Can smell the family a check don't know Wen Wen and Wen Xiao died in the hands of Xiao? Even if Xiao doesn't report his military contribution, the reward for tianxianwei is known by the Wen family. They don't know if it's Xiao after checking

"Even if they have no evidence Do they need evidence? "

"So, I'm afraid it's useless. I can only Do it

When Jiang Meihua finished speaking, Xiao Hua also had a plan in mind. He looked up at the generals in front of the tent. Suddenly, he found that most of the fear in the previous generals' eyes had disappeared, leaving only the fiery, eager, and even yearn!

“nnd!” Xiao Hua suddenly felt a little cold. Xiangqing quickly bowed to him and said, "I'd like to congratulate you on your military achievements in the first battle. After this battle, you will surely be famous to make up the sky!"

"Congratulations on your fame

Looking at Xiangqing's solemnity, Xiao Hua said: "brother Xiang, you are a bit degenerate. This flattery is a bit big! However, ha ha... "

Xiao Hua got up, raised his hand to the generals and said, "please get up. This is just the first battle, and there will be more opportunities and more military achievements after that."

"But..." After that, Xiao Hua said, "Xiao is inexperienced. When he goes deep into the sky, he easily asks Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi to lead more than 1000 immortals to explore the outside of the sky, so that they are buried in the hands of the demon clan. Xiao finds it late and is very sad..."

"My lord..." You don't have to answer Xiangqing, but the immortal general next to you said in a loud voice, "you don't have to blame yourself. It's a risk to go to the demon League. Moreover, you always go deep into the strange stars and rain sky. Hu Feishan and they are just exploring outside, which only shows that they are not strong enough...""Yes, sir, you have killed hundreds of demons and avenged them. You don't have to blame yourself..."

"The big man will be a dead man. They will die properly. They will understand him!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Mei Tongling, let's release our brothers. Let's count our military achievements..."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jiang Meihua nodded and took the flag.

"Please..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "this military contribution is not much, but it's also our team's military contribution. Please help Mei to lead it!"

"Nature, nature..." A group of immortals, with a happy look on their faces, rushed out of Jiang Meihua.

Xiangqing didn't leave. He looked at the empty army account and said in a low voice: "my Lord, Hu Feishan and them..."

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua did not answer, but asked.

"Ha ha, I understand at last!" Xiangqing smiles and is very happy. Obviously, he believes in Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua doesn't let him down.

But after laughing, Xiangqing said: "Hu Feishan and their affairs, adults don't have to explain, they should be adults themselves!"

"Whatever you want!" Xiao Hua has a bitter smile.

"According to commander Mei, there are more than a thousand immortal soldiers in the army this time. You can ask for meritorious service for commander Mei. There's no problem in Changkong's position!"

"Well, I understand!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I'll report to the higher authorities when commander Mei finishes counting their military achievements!"

What else did Xiangqing want to say? Xiao Hua moved and said, "elder brother Xiang, I have something to do. You can also help commander Mei."

"Good!" Xiangqing knows that Xiao Hua is in a hurry and goes out.

General Xiao Hua inspires Zhang Xianjin and takes out the vanguard token.

"Congratulations, Xiao Xianfeng..." Inside the token, Qian Yuhan's voice said, "you have made great achievements!"

"Dare not..." Xiao Hua said hastily, "this is what the last general should do."

"It's a keepsake from the secret room. Come in and talk about it!"

Qianyuhan's voice disappeared.

"What What do you mean Xiao Hua said, "the token is not good. Do you want to open a secret room?"

Thinking of opening a secret room with Leng Yan's qianyuhan, Xiao Hua feels a little warm. It's a pity that the secret room was opened. On the opposite side, there was a figure with only outline. The convex and concave of the connecting bar could not be seen.

But Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly bowed and said, "I've met you at the end of the day..."

Qian Yuhan didn't make a sound, which made Xiao Hua confused. For a long time, Qian Yuhan sighed: "Alas, Xiao Xianfeng, please get up..."

Xiao Hua blinked, but he didn't speak. He waited for Qianyu to decompose.

"Xiao Xianfeng, you Do you know what military contributions you have made? "

"My Lord, don't scare the general!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the last general has just made military contributions for the first time!"

"You don't know the importance of JieChong 167 at all, otherwise the team won't explore the strange stars and rain sky again and again. Oh, especially the demon league's reinforcement of millions of demon clan, this news is more important than JieChong's capture..." Thousand feather cold side say side is excited, "I really don't know how you get this news!"

"The end will rob the reward of the strange star rain sky..." Xiao Hua felt his nose and said wrongly, "he explored the sky of the strange stars and saved Chang Yue, but when he came out, he found that more than a thousand immortal soldiers of the last general had fallen, and the last general had killed those demon families..."

Xiao Hua is helpless, once again said the strange star rain sky matter.

"How did you get back?" Qian Yuhan said with great interest, "don't tell me that you were killed by yourself in the rush of the world!"

"Master Ming Jian..." Xiao Hua didn't dare cheat Qian Yuhan and said, "someone wanted to kill the last general. After the last general killed him, he found that they had Qingbei, and then from the ink immortal pupil they took with them, Mo Jiang found the method and place of using Qingbei. When he went to find Qingbei, he met a million demon soldiers... "

"It turned out to be the broken green dragon stele. No wonder!" Qianyuhan understood and asked, "do you know who the two immortals are?"

"Two people blow themselves up. I don't know!"

"Well, it's not hard for you!" Qianyuhan stretched out his hand and said, "give me the broken green dragon stele and the place to use it! This is another marvelous achievement... "

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, not only because it was a great military achievement, but also because Qian Yuhan took over the task of killing two disciples of Wen family.

"It's urgent. I'll send it out first. Wait here. I have something important to tell you."

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What does qianyuhan want from Xiao Hua? It's so mysterious

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" has the fourth chapter of witch Wang Ming: Xiao Jia's exclusion. You can see and help to make an opinion.