Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1094

"Yes..." Ye Jian was much more honest than Jiang Meihua, and said without concealment, "the Taoist master asked his disciples to find the first one to engrave the seal. Let's work together, but we don't know what to do with them? Are you looking for it or practicing with master... "

"Don't take advantage of what's cheap, don't take advantage of what's white!" Xiao Hua said angrily, "didn't your master tell you?"

"Hee hee, of course, that's what the disciple thought!" Ye Jian covered his mouth, "then the disciple went to find the first one who engraved the seal."

"Don't look!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "far in the sky, near in front of you!"

"Where?" The leaf sword is big Leng, strange way, "isn't it the master himself?"

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua took out the flag and said, "I have to do something else first, and then I'll find the man for you!"

Xiao Hua pretended to wave the flag and sent out the disciples of the inner creation sect one by one.

Previously, when he was in JieChong, Xiao Hua had already received a message. The disciples of the Zaohua sect began to engrave immortal marks in the immortal world. If Xiao Hua wanted these disciples to continue to practice in the immortal world, then engrave immortal marks It is necessary!

Just now Xiao Hua wanted to be more careful, but after listening to Ye Jian's words, he wanted to see who the other disciples engraved immortal marks were.

Sure enough, Qiao reincarnation and Zhang Jing flew out of the space, and Tao Zunli arrived!

"Interesting..." After listening to the reply from Qiao reincarnation and other disciples, Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said in secret, "is there any secret between Taoist master and Taoist Zun that can't be said?"

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua sent out the other disciples

Xiao Hua was distressed to see Taoist Xuying fly down again and again. He just asked some high achievers to engrave immortal marks, and then he stopped, ready to look for opportunities later.

Xiao Hua takes out the flag and sends Jiang Meihua out.

"My lord?" Jiang Meihua flew out, looked around, looked at Ye Jian, and bowed, "where is this? What can I do for you, my lord

"This is my disciple Ye Jian!" Xiao Hua pointed to ye Jiandao, then said to ye, "this is Jiang Meihua, Jiang Tongling under my master's tent, but you have to call him commander Mei."

"I've seen commander Mei!"

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua quickly picked up Ye Jian and said with a smile, "my Lord, how can you accept a dust fairy as a disciple? Did you teach it?"

"Who said he was a dust fairy?" Xiao Hua also laughed, "look at his seal..."

"Dao Yin" Jiang Meihua's face changed dramatically when she heard this. She looked at the scar of Ye Jian's eyebrows!

"How do you know?"

"Why can't I know?" Xiao Hua laughed as like as two peas. "Ye Jian is my disciple. He must engrave the seal to tell me that since his road seal is second, the same seal is the first one."

“nnd!” Jiang Meihua couldn't help cursing. She looked at Xiao Hua with a guilty heart and said in a low voice, "I've concealed this. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Shit! What's wrong with me? " Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. "That's what the Taoist ordered. Do you dare to say it casually?"

"Hey, hey, yeah, yeah!" Jiang Meihua rubbed her hands, patted ye Jianxian's body with her big hands, and said, "Ye Jian, we are the only two pathetic brothers. There are only two Taoist seals in the fairyland. Let's feel sorry for each other!"

"Not necessarily..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "there may be a third!"

"Shuo Bing?" Jiang Meihua woke up, nodded and said, "she may also be!"

"Enough..." Xiao Hua then thought, "Shuo Bing has immortal trace, her immortal trace is not broken, I'm afraid it can't be."

"Isn't that easy?" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "broke her immortal mark!"

"If you want to be chased and killed by Guan Tian, do it!"

Jiang Meihua naturally would not really break the scar of Shuo Bingxian. He looked at the distance and said, "Changyue is coming..."

Although Jiang Meihua didn't say anything, the meaning of the test was obvious.

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "don't worry, she doesn't know anything. When the Taoist master ordered the seal, she and I were imprisoned by the celestial phenomena. I only knew after listening to what Ye Jian said... "

"Is this the Qiyao Moyi heaven?" Jiang Meihua looked around and said, "it seems that you have to rely on her to lead the way!"

"No way!" Xiao Hua shrugged, "I can bring you back from the demon League, but from here back to the barracks I can't do it! "

"This is my lord Disciple? " Chang Yue came to see Ye Jian, which was so small that she said, "how can he coagulate immortal traces in the Qiyao Moyi sky?"

"I don't know..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Ye Jian, give Mr. Chang Yuechang a present quickly!"

"I've met Mr. Chang..." Ye Jian bows himself in a hurry.

Chang Yue holds Ye Jian up with a finger. She thinks for a moment, takes out a bag and hands it to Ye Jian. She says, "it's nothing to give. This is the spirit liquid I got from a demon clan I killed last time. It may be good for the immortal body."

"Thank you, master, thank you Ye Jian was overjoyed. Unfortunately, he saw that he was twice as big as him. He was powerless!

With a flick of his thumb, Xiao Hua's bag shrank and fell in front of Ye Jian's body."Go back and experience the newly engraved immortal mark." Xiao Hua quietly took out the flag and said to Ye Jian, "I'll let people pass on your skills when I have the experience."

"Thank you, master!" Ye Jian bows down and is not mentioned by Xiao Hua.

"My lord..." Chang Yue offered sacrifices to the immortal boat and asked, "has the message of JieChong 167 been sent back to the barracks?"

"Yes, it has."

"Please..." Chang Yue respectfully invited Xiao Hua to fly on the boat. She had not been indifferent and proud when she saw Xiao Hua in the city of the sky at that time.

Chang Yue steers the immortal boat, slightly distinguishes it, flies directly to the sky, and goes in one direction.

Looking at the changes in the sky, Xiao Hua came up with the scene of demon alliance in his mind.

Time is the same time, but the vast starry sky of that piece of the world, is it busy?

Chaos is the responsibility of the demon clan, and the credit is Xiao Hua's.

Standing next to Chang Yue, Jiang Meihua humbly asks for advice. It seems that he also understands his duty. Fighting depends on Xiao Hua, and finding his way depends on his own.

After flying for three or four hours, she saw a large spot in front of her head, and the immortal boat defense was splashed with the spark of "zilala". Chang Yue raised her hand and pointed to the distance, and said in a low voice: "Mei Tongling, there is the entrance to a place of JieChong, and there should be the transmission of our regiment barracks nearby."

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I don't know if Xiao Hua would draw the attention of daozun if he let his disciples engrave immortal marks!

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" WeChat has third chapters: the first step of awakening. You can see and help to make an opinion.