Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1093

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua took a long breath. JieChong 167 obviously had something to do with it. Since his subpoena was useful, there was no risk in vain.

Then Xiao Hua inspired the seal and asked Wen Xiangqing. Knowing that everything in the barracks was normal, he was even more relieved. He didn't say anything about Hu Feishan and others in the seal It's hard to say!

Xiao Hua waved the flag and Chang Yue flew out. She greedily took a few mouthfuls of the spirit of the fairyland and asked, "where is this, my lord?"

"Don't ask me!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I never know the direction. I just lost my way in the demon League. Now I am lost in the fairyland."

"Hee hee..." Chang Yue's cold face showed some smiles and said, "if you have been summoned, you may as well wait for the last general here for a while. When the last general mends the immortal body, you can bring the adult back to the army!"

"Chang Xianyou, please!"

Xiao Hua smiles, indicating that Chang Yue is free.

Chang Yue is not on guard. She flies away to find a foothill and sits on the sky with her knees crossed. With the movement of the skill, there is a hurricane all around.

Xiao Hua flew to another place and sat cross legged, but his mind fell into the space.

Although Inchi planted it on purpose, he guessed that the soul of the young master was Xiao Hua!

Because the little Lord's magical power is so strange that he can prevent him from entering Guangdun. If it wasn't for Xiao Hua's skill of soul stabbing in the divine world, his head would have burst and died long ago!

Looking at the spirit of the young master, Xiao Hua frowned: "I'll go. His name is Xiuyu. Is he the young master of another powerful demon clan in the demon League? He's here to find the things left by his ancestors. The Xiuyu people cultivate their souls, just like Huangtong... "

“…… Is it looking for the nine color star core

Xiao Hua muttered a little.

After a moment's reading, Xiao Hua thinks about it and grabs it. Xiuyu's soul condenses into a crystal and throws it into the demon alliance space. From Xiuyu's memory, Xiao Hua knows that he has some gifted supernatural powers, which makes Xiao Hua feel worried and unwilling to let him fall into his own space. However, if he releases this soul, Xiao Hua feels that it is not proper.

"It's just a beautiful misunderstanding, but if you are young and ambitious, you just want to kill me. That's just bad luck for you!"

Just as Xiao Hua is about to get out of the space, he smiles again and his eyes fall on Ye Jian.

Ye Jian used to repair his body in the Dragon kingdom. After absorbing the Dragon Qi, he was sent to daomen fairyland by Xiao Hua to spread the skill of stepping on Shenque.

When yudie Huangtong enters the space, he is naturally happy to see Ye Jian. Without discussing with yudie Xiaohua, he sends Ye Jian into the demon alliance space. As for what nature yudie Huangtong gives Ye Jian, yudie Xianyou is too lazy to ask. Youye Jian is in the fairyland and is his own disciple. The more nature yudie Huangtong gives, the happier yudie Xiaohua is.

Watching Ye Jian wake up, Xiao Hua's heart and mind will take him out of the space.

"Poop, poop..." Ye Jian has just fallen into the Qi Yao Mo Yi heaven, and the immortal body is compressed immediately!

Looking at Ye Jian's short appearance, Xiao Hua raises his hand to protect Ye Jian!

Ye Jian looked at Xiao Hua, who was as big as Buddha. He knelt down, kowtowed and said respectfully, "disciple, thank you for saving my life!"

"Hehe, get up!" Xiao Hua's fingers moved and made Ye Jian get up. He asked, "how about cultivation now?"

"Master, I feel everything is going well. If I don't expect it, it will soon condense the immortal mark!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and Ye Jian encouraged, "although you have amazing talent, you started a little late. You need to work hard in the future..."

Just said here, suddenly born thunder shock, infinite light from the sky above, a vast and incomparable breath, like the world closed down!

"No!" Xiao Hua suddenly woke up to something, exclaimed, and the sword suddenly fell down. However, after only flying thousands of miles, Xiao Hua felt that the surrounding space was as solid as gold and stone, and he could not move at all.

On the top of Ye Jian's head, light falls like a sword. Four thunder pillars, which are like swords, come out and surround Ye Jian. Light rushes out from the pillar like waves. As for Xiao Hua and Chang Yue, who mends the immortal body nearby, there is no resistance at all. He is pushed far away by the breath on the pillar.

"This What is this Ye Jian is also confused. He doesn't know what happened. He raises his eyes to look at the giant pillar, but he sees that the pillar is engraved with countless sword like textures. As Ye Jian glances over, the textures condense into countless strange runes. The runes seem to float on the water waves, and there are virtual shadows like clouds in the light.

"Boom boom..." The four sword pillars were shocked again. The sword pillars suddenly expanded and stretched, but in an instant, they stood upright. The clouds and clouds in the sky disappeared. A vast, vast and cold air fell from the sky, completely enveloping the sword pillar space.

On the space of sword array, a sword light hovers down like blue. Where the sword light passes, thousands of swords appear like clouds, butterflies and fog. Swords first evolve into earth fire, wind and thunder, and then the sky, stars, sun and moon, etc. when the swords fly above the fallen leaves, the falling swords evolve into the universe, and the beasts hiss!

"Lotus..." The sound of an ancient sigh is passed down from the sword light. The sword light is broken, the clouds are thick, and the sky is full of countless sword sounds. Originally, in the quiet space, countless lines appear like flying swords. These lines are obvious one by one, condensing a human shape on the top of the sword."Boom..." The outline of the human figure is in the center. As soon as it appears, a monument like shadow will be broken like fireworks. The fragments of the monument will fill the outline of the human figure, and then the fragments will burst like flowers again. In the process of the explosion, the light of the sword will rise and fall. When the light of the sword rises and falls, the light will soar into the sky. An ancient immortal in Taoist robes will step out of the outline of the human figure in this light!

Isn't it the Taoist master who gave Jiang Meihua the seal in chenxiaohai before?

The Taoist master stepped out of the light haze, and there were strange waves all around him. Countless dragons and phoenixes came out of the waves, and the sound of dragons and phoenixes roared wildly. Beyond the space of "click" sword post, there were clouds like Yingluo, white clouds like Qinglian, clouds like Huagai, and thunder roaring to the sky. However, the sword post flashed four colors, the light of the sword was as vertical and horizontal as a mountain, and the thunder was blocked.

When ye Jianfu saw the image of the Taoist master wearing a Taoist crown, a green robe, and a jade Ruyi in his hand, he was so understanding that he called out in a low voice: "Tao "Tao Zhu"

"Great goodness!" The Taoist priest looks at Ye Jian and praises him. Ye Jian feels a great pressure. He can't breathe at all.

With the voice of the Taoist master, the whole world in front of Ye Jian's eyes is distorted, turning into hundreds of millions of sword shadows. Then the Taoist master grabs with his right hand, and the hundreds of millions of light and shadows turn into hundreds of millions of light spots, condensing into a light and shadow like a flying sword. When the Taoist master probes into the hand, his big hand crosses the space and time, as if the will of heaven and earth falls on the top of Ye Jian's head, which seems to be bigger than the sky At this time, the shadow of the sword turned into the size of the thumb and melted with the staple food finger of Tao, and fell towards the heart of Ye Jianmei!

The main food of Tao falls, and Ye Jian's mind is pierced by a flying sword With a huge shock, countless sword shadows came out in his mind.

Ye Jian has a splitting headache!

In the agony, a virtual shadow, which is exactly the same as that of the remnant tablet in the outline of the Taoist master, comes out. The voice of the Taoist master comes out from the virtual shadow of the remnant tablet: "I'm very glad that you have achieved in your cultivation. Your Taoist seal is the second in the immortal realm, and I'm even more happy. Now I'm here to engrave the Taoist seal for you, and there is a mystery of my orthodoxy in it. Go to you to understand it, know my heart, and pass on my skills..."

The voice of the Taoist master is dim, and the body shape of the Taoist master turns into the light of the Taoist sword. In the space of the sword pillar, all the swords fall into the four sword pillars and disappear, "boom, boom, boom..." When the four sword pillars roar and hide into the void again, the four virtual shadows turn into sword light, stabbing from all directions like the heart seal of Ye Jianmei, and gradually condensing into sword shape!

The Taoist master points the seal here, but Xiao Hua in the distance is scared. He is afraid that the golden human form in his space will come out and disturb him. Fortunately, the golden human form has not come out from the beginning to the end.

Seeing the Taoist left and the sword pillar disappeared, Xiao Hua said in secret: "Xiao understands that when Ye Jian enters the space, there is a golden silk coming out immediately. In fact, he already has the trace of Dao, so the stingy golden figure doesn't come out!"

"Well, it's still trouble..." Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly sighed, "those disciples in Xiao's space are all five element immortals. If they come out, don't they all get immortal marks? Previously, they were in the demon League. Fortunately, in the fairyland, Xiao had to be careful! "

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua came in a hurry. Looking at Ye Jian with a confused face, he said with a smile: "Congratulations, I just talked about congealing immortal trace, Dao Daozun is coming! "

Xiao Hua was outside the space of the sword post, and the golden figure didn't come out, so he didn't know which fairyland was the supreme lower realm.

"Master..." Ye Jian shook his head and said, "it's the master of Taoism..."

"Ah? How could he be the Taoist Xiao Hua was also stunned.

"And also said that disciple's seal, yes, it's a seal, not an immortal mark, but the second one in the immortal world..." Ye Jian has no secrets. As soon as the Taoist master left, he revealed everything to Xiao Hua.

watched Ye Jianyi take as like as two peas, and a Jiang Meihua's mark appeared just like Xiao Hua!

"No wonder Jiang Meihua's previous eight trigrams immortal mark turned into sword mark. It turns out that he is the first seal in the immortal kingdom!"

"This guy also shoulders the responsibility of inheriting Taoism, NND. It's also a great responsibility! Ha ha ha... "

"No..." Looking at the half of the remnant stele in ye Jiandao's seal, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of the remnant stele and sword picture in his own space, "is that the inheritance of the Taoist master?"

"No, it won't, it's just part of it..."

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and asked, "did the Taoist master say how to find the orthodoxy?"

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The truth that Jiang Meihua tried to hide was so easily known by Xiao Hua. Should Jiang Meihua cry or laugh?

, in addition, the WeChat official account of "Duan" WeChat has third chapters: the first step of awakening. You can see and help to make an opinion.