Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1092

Before, Xiao Hua said that he would not take out a wishful stick, or tempt, or lure. Now Xiao Hua doesn't want to use any fancy means any more. With a lift of his left hand, he "brushes" the flying star sword out of his hand and turns into a meteor to stab a strong green star. The flying star sword is extremely fierce under the power of the demon alliance and the moon. As soon as it appears, it "bangs" through a knot like soul and reaches the demon family's chest .

The demon clan was shocked and retreated. "Roar" at this time, a knot like soul suddenly flew out, biting Xiao Hua's arm!

The demon clan is very happy, because all the immortals who were bitten by the soul before are withered and broken.

However, when Xiao Huaxian had a flash of gold on his body, the knot shaped soul "Gaga" bit several times, but he couldn't bite it down, and his soul was embarrassed.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua is not embarrassed. He just pushed the left hand of the flying star sword and waved it slightly, as if it was blown by the wind. The flying sword, originally called Shadow blade, attacked the wind and split the demon clan in two instantly!

As for Xiao Hua, all of a sudden, he rushed to the corpse of the demon clan with light spots all over his body. Behind him, there were white bone sticks or bronze drumsticks.

These three or five demon Green Star strength has closed the space, to say the flaw, only this just fell demon direction!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's body was twisted and passed through the two halves of the corpse, as if there was a teleportation immortal array in the corpse of the demon clan, and then it disappeared strangely.

Several powerful demons were very angry. They were just about to move their bodies. They scattered around to find out, "roar..." A pillar of light soars into the sky. Just now, the general who flies into the ground to search for the soul of the young master comes out.

As soon as the thorn flies out, the spirit feels angry and sweeps all over the place. The faces of several powerful demons change suddenly. Knowing the bad things, they quickly sound.

"Damn it The sound of the stab was like thunder, which made some strangers and the Red Star demons shiver and stop in the air.

"Quick..." "Inch thorn roared," look around to find the immortal just now... "

Red Star realm demon clan quickly waved the flag, ordered hundreds of thousands of demon clan array, began to explore!

"Big My lord... " A green star realm demon clan whispered, "little master, he..."

"The little master's soul disappears. If he doesn't fall into the soul returning abyss, he is taken away by the immortal..." "I have explored the earth, but I have not found the soul of the little Lord!" cried the thorn

"No way?"

"What's impossible?" Inch stabbed three eyes to sweep that demon clan, a word a way, "little Lord soul if not be taken away by immortal, how can you and I not protect little Lord soul?"? You and I return to How to explain to the host? "

The meaning of pushing the black pot to Xiao Hua was so obvious that the demon clan woke up and yelled: "yes, that immortal is too powerful. He not only killed the little Lord, but also swept away his soul..."

Without Shao Zhu's talent, Xiao Hua's light escape was not discovered by the demons. When he flew out, he had already exceeded the scope of their exploration.

"Damn it..." As soon as he got out of Guangdun, Xiao Hua saw a stone beam running across the mountains in the distance. There was a dragon mark on the stone beam. He couldn't help cursing.

This is another village with hidden willows and bright flowers!

However, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect at this time. The magic power of the demon clan was too strange. He flew down to see the mark of Pan Long, and quickly put the green tablet on it.

Fortunately, the stele fell on the stone beam, and Panlong began to swim, and strands of green light poured into the stele from the stone beam.

Looking at the ring of Qingbei, Xiao Hua turns to see that it's no different. He urges his body to fall to Qingbei. It's obvious that there is a ban similar to Xumi immortal array on Qingbei. Xiao Hua's body shrinks rapidly and flies in like a bird!

As soon as Xiao Hua's figure fell in, the circular ripples immediately appeared. Xiao Hua felt like a compressed flying sword, "poof poof..." Through a series of strange spatial faults.

There's a lot of time, "poof..." Xiao Hua felt that his whole body was light, and the twisted light spot turned into a towering water wave in front of him.

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and quickly released Yan Nian to explore.

But see this is a coast, a long stone beam was submerged by blue water, stone beam top, a green monument is flashing blue light, gradually dim.

Xiao Hua raises his hand and grabs the green tablet, offering sacrifices to the immortal boat.

After flying for more than an hour, it stopped.

Although Xiao Hua knew that this was the seventh Yao Mo Yi Tian, he didn't know where he was!

However, his body stopped well and immediately urged the trump. Sure enough, there was a patch in it.

Xiao Hua knew that he could summon the troops here and immediately offered a seal. However, when he was about to inspire the seal, he hesitated again. As long as he passed the news that JieChong 167 had been occupied by the demon clan to the team, then the people of Wen family would know that it was Wen Wen and Wen Xiao who were killed by himself. They thought that they could not explain how to return from the demon League!

However, if Xiao Hua does not summon, it is very likely that a team will fall into the trap of JieChong 167 and be killed by the demon clan!

"That's all!" Xiao Hua clenched his teeth and said in a low voice, "there are no two things in this world! Can Xiao not only kill the red eye star fox that has never been formed, but also be afraid of being chased by Wen family? "Of course, before Xiao Hua inspired the seal, he moved his mind again and urged his vanguard to win the medal. Inside, Qian Yuhan's voice came: "what's the matter, Xiao Xianfeng?"

"My Lord!" Xiao Hua said hastily, "the general has something urgent to report to you, but he hopes you can keep it secret for him?"

"Confidential?" Thousand feather cold smile, "did you kill the person that shouldn't kill?"

"My Lord is wise!" Xiao Hua flattered, "in addition to your beauty, your wisdom is also unparalleled!"

"Say it!" Qianyuhan sounds very useful and says, "JieChong 167 has been captured by the demon clan of the demon League. They have transformed our Terran to guard there. Now the demon League has millions of demon clan reinforcements..."

"What?" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Qian Yuhan exclaimed, "JieChong 167? How is that possible? "

"It's true..." Xiao Hua said anxiously, "it's the last general who saw it with his own eyes, and the last general Just escaped from that place... "

"Damn it Qianyu was so cold that he cried, "I know. Your message comes from It's too timely. I hope we can have time... "

With that, qianyuhan will close the communication.

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Finally back to fairyland, it looks like a great achievement!