Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1091

Xiao Hua released the disciples of the Zaohua sect, and Jiang Meihua also released the team disciples. The team disciples were a little surprised to see the disciples of the Zaohua sect. The disciples of the Zaohua sect looked naive, and even the armor was brand new, with no trace of blood.

However, all the disciples of the gate of nature are not only excellent in cultivation, but also powerful, which is comparable to the master of Baisheng!

Especially the disciple who holds the flag doesn't need to issue special orders. All the disciples immediately understand the flag orders. Any attack or defense is uniform, just like a giant. I really don't know how they are trained.

Of course, if they knew that these disciples had been together from birth to cultivation, and even from platoon to formation, they would understand!

Seeing that the five thousand disciples of the Zaohua sect and the one thousand immortal soldiers of the regiment had finished their battle, Xiao Hua looked at the flying demon soldiers and cried coldly, "all disciples, kill

"Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill... "

Five loud responses were comparable to five immortals, and then five teams shot at the same time, like a sharp knife into the nebula.

On the other hand, the immortal soldiers who have experienced many battles are somewhat uneven, but they are more experienced. They are commanded by Jiang Meihua and are also fierce at the demon soldiers.

"Big My lord... " Looking at the five teams tearing the nebula like five fingers, even Chang Yue was a little surprised. She whispered, "you Why are you such a powerful private soldier? "

"Is it?" Xiao Hua was very proud and said with a smile, "do you see that?"

"No..." Chang Yue was going to say something, but after looking at it for a moment, she shook her head and said, "this is definitely not from adult training! This This array, this cooperation It's far more than the ordinary immortal soldiers. In the last general's impression, it seems that there is only one team that can compete with the private soldiers of the adults... "

"Oh, which team?"

"Capture the private soldiers of the demon commander Si Nankong!"

"Captured demon handsome?"

Xiao Hua laughed, waved his hand and said, "how can Xiao's private soldiers compare with the private soldiers who captured the demon commander?"

"It's not about their strength and accomplishments, it's about their formation, deployment, reaction, etc..."

What else does Chang Yue have to say? Xiao Hua opens his eyes, points to the distance and says: "Chang Xianyou, the first group of demon soldiers have been attacked and killed, the rest are on the run, the second wave of demon soldiers have come, and their number is far more than before. What should Xiao do at this time?"

Xiao Hua is right. At this time, Xuanji is dragging the remaining half of the demon body to escape. He didn't expect that the immortal soldier he met this time was so fierce. He just spewed out a few hundred feet of flame, and the immortal soldier who was against him broke through the demon fire and fell in front of him. The demon fire that could light the immortal's body was ignored.

Thinking of the immortal soldier's one shot fall, the demon weapon in his hand is broken, and the demon body is destroyed. Xuanji can't help but tremble. If he didn't see the opportunity quickly, he would have fallen long ago.

As for Lingqi being destroyed and taken away by Xianbing, he didn't care. His life was important.

"My lord..." Chang Yue replied without hesitation, "our purpose is to tear up the demon defense line and look for the transmission immortal array. We don't have to fight! There are hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers here, which can't be resisted by thousands of us! "

"Good!" Xiao Hua showed his flag and said, "as soon as Chang Xianyou's serious injury is over, Xiao won't let Xianyou contribute. Please have a rest in the flag!"

Chang Yue sighed. She was seriously injured in a short time. In the demon alliance interface, she couldn't repair it very well. Without Xiao Hua, she couldn't believe it. Even if she escaped from the sky, she was afraid that she would fall into the hands of these countless demon families.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Chang Yue falls into the light and shadow of Lingqi, and still tells him, "don't love war!"

Love war?

That's impossible, not in my life!

Xiao Hua is good at escaping. If there are so many demon soldiers, in order to let the disciples of the Zaohua sect experience, Xiao Hua would have covered his body and flew away. How could these demon families find out?

By this time, 100000 demon soldiers had gathered at a high speed, while 5000 of the disciples of Zaohua sect and more than 1000 of the immortal soldiers were still in full swing, forming a battle array and rushing towards the demon soldiers.

Xiao Hua catches up as a rainbow. While flying, they are Li Yi, Zhang Ying, Wang Yizhi, Shangguan Yufeng, Hu Wenyuan, Allen and Zhen Daojia, who lead their disciples to fight in this department. They are ready to return to space.

Although they were five thousand disciples, they formed the immortal array, which was caused by Xiao Hua's mind. The disciples could feel the atmosphere of space immediately and could easily enter the space.

Slightly difficult is more than a thousand team immortal soldiers, of course, they can income flag, but it takes more time, easy to attract the attention of the demon clan.

Jiang Meihua got Xiao Hua's voice, and quickly waved the seal to discuss with the leaders of all the teams. After receiving the military order, the leaders of all the teams began to shrink their troops and prepare to return to the flag.

"Kill..." The two armies soon fight together. The disciples of the Zaohua sect suddenly change their positions. They change their positions from five teams to sharp swords. Li Yi and Zhang Ying lead the disciples to kill in front of them. Wang Yizhi and Shangguan Yufeng protect them on both sides. More than a thousand disciples of the team are in the team. When the disciples of the Zaohua sect fight, more than a thousand disciples of the team fly into the flag quietly!

"They're running away..."The young master standing on the chariot was very keen to see Xiao Hua's small movements, and could not help but remind him in a low voice.

"Little master..." The strong one of the demons nearby said, "it's none of our business, and They should make their own arrangements! "

Sure enough, the Red Star demon answered, "thank you for reminding me. I saw it."

With that, the Red Star demon flag at one stroke, low roared: "listen to my command, the rest of the master..."

It's a pity that before the Red Star realm demon clan's order is finished, the disciples of the fortune gate have surrounded and pierced the hundred thousand demon soldiers!

Look at Xiao Hua again, with a clear sound of "Ga", the immortal body is changed into a phoenix body, and his wings are more than a thousand feet in size. As the wind and thunder vibrate between his wings, a remnant shadow rushes from the back of the disciple team of Zaohua gate to the gap where the demon soldiers are defeated.

Xiao Huafeng's body flies back, and thousands of disciples of Zaohua sect disappear like dust!

Red Star realm demon clan watched Xiao Hua rush through the nebula alone, a little stunned!

Some shameless!

However, Xiao Hua's eyes are like electricity. After sweeping the chariot, the thunder between the wings rises again, and the lightning and flint rush to the distance!

"Damn it The young master seems to see the contempt in Xiao Hua's eyes. He can't help but scold him. He immediately flies out of his body and chases Xiao Hua like smoke.

Although this battle has nothing to do with him, he can't let an immortal escape from him!

"Young master!" Several demon clan strongmen were shocked, and in a loud voice to stop them, their bodies flew up. They were tacit and turned into mountain like barriers to block the little Lord.

It's a pity that the young master was bent on his own way. He rushed to the front of the barrier, and the light smoke suddenly turned into more than a hundred stars At the same time, after hitting the barrier, it came out from a hundred miles away.

"Little master..." Inchi was a little helpless. He knew that it was the little Lord's magic power, and he could not stop it.

"Kill the immortal! Protect the young master

At present, seeing this, the two powerful demon clans simply speak loudly and fly to Xiao Hua. They want to cut corners.

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua has been flying for thousands of miles. Suddenly, he is locked by the strong spiritual sense. When he releases Yannian quickly, he finds that there is a strong man behind him who can be as strong as the green star realm. He can't scold him.

Then Xiao Hua took the Phoenix body and tried his best to urge the light escape, trying to hide and escape.

The light on Xiao Hua's body flickered, and countless light particles emerged and gradually disappeared. The little master clenched his teeth and clenched his claws. Then he saw strange star marks on his forehead. The star marks were like ghosts. The ghosts roared and flickered, and the green light fell into the void and disappeared.

At the same time, Xiao Hua's huge body, which was the beginning of the decomposition, condensed again. A faint green ghost star Mark had been hidden in his eyebrow unconsciously!

"Dare to come, our demon alliance interface is arrogant!" The little master's eyes glowed green and growled, "explode for me!"

With the little master's voice landing, Xiao Hua's eyebrow ghost "Gaga" makes a sound and rushes into Xiao Hua's mind!

"Hum..." Xiao hualeng, hum, don't hurry to move the soul sword!

"Oh..." The ghost sword is like a hook, which instantly penetrates the ghost head. The Ghost Head screams and turns into a broken firefly!

At the same time, "poof..." With a dull sound, the young master's head cracked like a firecracker!!

The little master demon's body falls like a meteorite!

All this happened so strangely that many of the strong green stars on Xiao Hua's side were surprised. They didn't have time to help. The little Lord had already fallen!

The strong man who first told the young Lord to yell: "kill!"

Other strong green star still rushed to Xiao Hua, while Inchi suddenly turned back.

"Boom..." The demon armour of the whole body of "inch thorn" burst, revealing the demon body. It looks similar to the human shape of the little Lord, but there is no whip like antennae on the forehead of the demon clan.

"Wu ah Wu ah..." The strange syllables were chanted in his mouth. Where the Demon Armor burst, pure white gas was gushing out madly, covering the surrounding space. With the syllables, a virtual shadow flew out of the young Lord's cracked head. Wasn't it the spirit of the young Lord?

Seeing his soul appear, Inchi was relieved, but at this moment, "brush..." Strange wind whistling like autumn wind, suddenly rolled the little master's soul into the earth!

"Damn it In a big surprise, he ran after him regardless of everything and said, "boom..." It crashed into the ground and disappeared.

At the same time, Xiao Hua's body was in a flash, and Huafeng burst into a strong green star, "Wu..." Without waiting for him to get close, thousands of invisible sharp blades appeared in the air, cutting his immortal body crazily!

as like as two peas, who are almost the same as the green star, the same three black bodies are seen everywhere. Each knot has a crazy demon spirit, and it snarled at Xiao Hua.

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