Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1090

Xuanji remembers clearly that when he was still in Xinghui realm, suddenly a strong man in Li Xingjing realm led the demon clan, and it was easy to kill the leader of the territory. Xuanji thinks that he and xihuomo will be annihilated. Who knows that Li Xingjing's strongman not only didn't devour xihuomo's demon clan, but also gave a lot of star nuclei to swallow, and let a demon clan who didn't agree with the leader become the leader.

Xuanji doesn't understand these things, but if the star core swallows and the realm grows, he can swallow more of the power of the stars and the moon and live better, so he thinks this is the happiest day.

Later, the demon clan of xihuomo was organized and divided into many teams. Xuanji also became a small leader. Xuanji was happier because he had more chances to get the star nucleus.

Later, Xuanji took the team to fight with the immortal, and then he understood vaguely that they could no longer live as they used to. They had to fight to live.

At first, Xuanji didn't get used to it, but later he tasted the taste of immortal's flesh and blood. The sweet blood, the tender muscles, the immortal baby and the immortal scar like liquor made him infatuated. Compared with immortal, the demon clan he had swallowed before was rubbish.

So whenever there is a chance to go to the battlefield, dazzle oneself will grab it.

This time, he has to go to the battlefield again. Xuanji can't help swallowing his saliva, but he is afraid to look at the distance. This time, not only the demons of xihuomo, but also the demons of Lihu Mo, xuanmo and Qimo are coming to the battlefield. Most let dazzle oneself don't understand is, oneself most respect of Mo Lord unexpectedly also follow troops to come, Mo Lord isn't never take part in a battle of?

At first, Xuanji thought it was the Red Star strongman who often led himself to fight that asked the stranger to lead the soldiers. But look at the Red Star strongman who was careful to accompany a man who was only 700 feet tall and surrounded by several powerful people who didn't even know he was in the realm. Xuanji understood that the stranger came to protect the demon clan.

This demon clan is very strange in Xuanji's eyes. He doesn't have the power of the stars and the moon that Xuanji is familiar with, but Xuanji has a clear sense that the demon clan can kill himself with his eyes.

So dazzle oneself can't help but see that demon clan again.

The demon clan looks like a human, but it is white and transparent, especially the two soft horns on the head are like whips on both sides of the slender ears. The three eyes of the demon clan flashed blue and looked straight at the starry sky. The proud face made Xuanji look envious.

The demon clan stands on the star boat pulled by Yuejiao. The power of the moon and the stars is surging around Yuejiao, but the star boat is extremely stable, and the demon clan stands still on it. The demon clan was wearing strange armor that Xuanji had never seen before. There were knot like objects large and small on the armor. Xuanji's eyes fell on the knot like objects. Some horrible breath would directly penetrate his mind, so he didn't dare to see more from beginning to end.

"Little master..." Xuanji suddenly heard a strong man on the chariot speak. He quickly closed his eyes and listened attentively.

"What's the matter?"

The voice of the little Lord was extremely cold, and there was no expression in his three eyes.

"I..." The strong man's words obviously stopped for a while, because the little Lord's answer was too cold, even dazzle oneself also feel that at this time should not say anything.

The strong man wears strange Demon Armor to block his body shape and appearance.

The strong just hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I have moved the edge of the demon alliance interface here, which should also exceed the limit of the little master's perception. It's not safe in front of JieChong. I'd better stop searching and let these demon soldiers go on? "

"Cunci, what if I want to continue?"

The strong man named Inchi bowed his head and said, "we will protect the little Lord!"

"Alas..." The young master sighed. The demon body that had been waiting to move moved a little. The knot like object on the armor didn't move. Some silk tapers around turned like running water. Some fierce demon fighting souls appeared on the knot like object.

"It took me more than ten years to set foot in tens of thousands of fields of demon League, and I finally felt the breath of ancestors around here. Now you ask me to stop, do you think it's possible?"

"Little master..." In a low voice, Chen CI said, "I know it's the young master's wish, but didn't the young master also say it? What does it mean that your breath disappears when JieChong is occupied? "

"So I'm going to visit JieChong..." The young master looked up into the distance and said, "what happened? Where is the breath of our ancestors?"

"But..." Cunci still wanted to talk. Suddenly, a demon clan screamed in the distance, "enemy attack, immortal battle!"

Xuanji didn't want to listen to them any more. He looked up and looked into the distance. His scarlet tongue couldn't help licking his lips. Immortal body, what a delicious food!

Xuanji quickly turned inside the old demon armour on his body, found out the wrinkled flag, and waved it in the air. Some dark halos shot around. More than a hundred demon clans quickly formed a rough demon array with the halo.

"Why are there fairies here?" The little Lord looked at the formation around him and asked strangely.

"I don't know!"

A few demon clan strongmen have tacit understanding to protect the little Lord. At that time, they saw that there were immortal generals waving the flag in the distance, and teams of immortal soldiers flew out of the formation. They replied faintly, "it's nothing to do with us. The little Lord can wait here.""Well..." The little master nodded, and the chariot stopped.

"Boom..." But seeing the sound of the star dome, a thick red light column fell out of thin air. It was just to cover the Red Star strongman who had been accompanied by the chariot before. The stars of the demon family rolled and circled around, and the demon body expanded rapidly and slowly flew up the mountain.

"Master Zhu mo..." The big arms of the demon clan moved forward, like a dragon going out to sea, shouting, "in front of us are the immortals, our meat. They sneaked into our demon League to plunder our heirs, trying to break the inheritance of our demon clan. I'll give you a stick of incense, and you can use it. After a stick of incense, the Iron Army will be out, and you won't have any good luck! Kill... "

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Xuanji's saliva had already flowed out. Before the strong one of the demon clan finished speaking, he raised the flag and rushed up with more than a hundred demon clan!

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What is the little Lord looking for? You must have known!

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