Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1084

Subdued the golden yellow crystal block and nine color star core, Xiao Hua's mind rolled out of the space with two things.


The water is shining, the ice is rippling, and the water is rushing towards the core of the nine color star.

The gold is shining, the fire waves are rolling, and the gold wire is pouring towards the gold crystal.

When the space was empty, there was a pillar of fire falling from the sky, but Xiao Hua said in secret: "there is a method of body condensation in the Huangjing. If I practice with it, I will be able to regenerate the supernatural power. The body of the first light is only a jade. It needs to be carved. If you don't isolate the body, you can cultivate it alone. "

Then, Xiao Hua urged the simple realization of the skill. The golden crystal blocks turned into numerous oval rings outside his white bones. The gold wires flowed inside the oval rings. The flame mixed with the star light fell into his white bones. The Phoenix body was rebuilt again, and the ellipses were hidden in the body of the beginning light. Although the universe was rising, the pillar of fire could no longer fall.

Xiao Hua didn't leave in a hurry. His mind rolled up the nine color star core and fell into the space. He still turned into a jade ultimatum. Xiao Hua arched his hand and said to Huangtong: "Congratulations, Daoyou!"

Yudie Huangtong quickly opened her eyes and said, "thank you so much, Daoyou!"

Yudie Xiao Hua sends the nine color star nucleus to yudie Huangtong. At this time, the halo of the star nucleus is larger than that of the star nucleus. I don't know how many times. Outside the halo are the spirits of the demon clan. I don't know how many demon clans fall into this strange space.

Xiaohua looked at yudie Huangtong with a smile and said: "this is chance, and it's also dangerous!"

"No danger, no chance?"

Yudie Huangtong also answers with a smile.

"Well, take care!"

For a moment, Xiao Hua didn't know how to talk to yudie Huangtong. Xiaohua was already involved in the battle between the demon alliance and the fairyland. Huangtong and Fengwu are demon families. Should they be hostile to each other?

Yudie Huangtong seems to feel yudie Xiaohua helpless, arch hand with nine color star core to leave space.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed and got out of space.

Xiao Hua's head is just as painful as when he got the red crystal. However, after a little examination, he is overjoyed. Under the pressure of the nine color star nucleus, the original spirit enters the country quickly. Don't say that casting the Fu arrow and bird Yin is the 7788 which is also cast by non poison. Only at this time, Xiao Hua knows that the seven Spirits don't have to be cast in order It's not easy.

"There is a terrible relationship between life and death!"

In addition to this sentence, Xiao Hua really can't think of any other danger and opportunity that can be described just now.

Look at your body has condensed, spread your wings and rush to the height of space.

However, after flying a hundred thousand miles, we still can't see the top of the space.

Xiao Hua realized that this space has interface rules, which is not as simple as he thought. Even if he only receives golden light, the space will not be annihilated after collapse!

"It's no wonder Zhong Xiao didn't find this space. They never thought that there was such a strange interface under the starry rain sky. It can only be opened when Yu Tai rises..."

"But they didn't find that they were lucky, otherwise they would turn into a wisp of gold in the interface!"

In his mind, Xiao Hua urged the art of light escape, and flew into the front of his head with a lot of light and shadow piled up like a wall. Naturally, there was a labyrinth like gully in the light and shadow, but for Xiao Hua's incomparable sense of void direction, this labyrinth was nothing!

Out of Guangdun, in front of us is the sky of strange stars and rain. Xiao Hua let out a light roar and spread his wings.

The starry rain sky is still like that, the mist and the water are reflected, but Xiao Hua's face has changed a lot when he has swept the place!


Xiao Hua a roar, wings crazy fan, Phoenix body into streamer out.

Although the starry rain sky set off waves, the space is heavily broken, still can not calm Xiao Hua's anger.

But beyond the starry sky, hundreds of demon clans dance wildly in the starlight, and more than 1000 immortal soldiers led by Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi have long disappeared.

Within thousands of miles of space, the debris of immortal generals, whether flesh and blood, or bones, or even heads with eyes open, were rolling in the air.

Demons step on the stars, or open their mouths to swallow, or raise their claws to trample!

Blood will cover the stars!

Where the blood pollution rises, the red eyed star fox is wagging its tail and whispering around the purple pupil star Tiger. All eyes are full of flattery!

"Ga..." The sound of Fengming rings out from the blood. The group of demons have no reaction at all, but the red eye star Fox and the purple pupil star Tiger are stunned for a while. At the same time, they can't believe where the sound comes from!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew out of the blood. The phoenix feathers were stained with blood. The red eyes of the Phoenix burned in the starlight!

"You and others will die!"

The justice of the human race is called out from Xiao Hua's mouth. Immediately, thousands of soldiers with distinctive clothing and armour will fly out of the sky and surround the space with thousands of Li. They are the disciples of Chuanghua sect led by Qiao Huanhui and Zhang Jing!


Xiao Hua roared, and there was a lot of thunder in the air!"Roar..." Hundreds of demon clans roared and rushed to the disciples of Zaohua sect. They thought that there was immortal soldiers' meat coming to the door again!

Xiao Hua's body never stops. The two phoenix claws give birth to thunder light, and catch red eye star Fox and purple pupil star Tiger like lightning. Xiao Hua really can't stand it. His kindness makes the two demon families kill three Er Qi immortals and more than a thousand immortal soldiers!

"Haw..." Red eye star fox low call a few, body shape in a flash rushed to purple pupil star tiger behind.

"Roar..." Naturally, Zitong star Tiger also flies backwards, but after it bumps into the red eye star fox, it knows it's hard to escape. With a low roar, it opens its mouth and spurts out the Star column, and pours at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua ignores the star pillar at all, grabs the star light defense of Zitong star Tiger with one claw, "poof..." A from the purple pupil star Tiger forehead grasp into!

"Puff, puff, puff..." One after another, Zitong star Tiger was caught by Xiao Hua!

"Spare my life, spare my life..."

Red eye star fox where dare to resist, shivering kneel in the air!


Xiao Hua did not hesitate, another phoenix claw directly red eye star fox catch explosion!

However, when the Phoenix claws fell on the abdomen of the red eye star fox, Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, and a little boy stood up with his hands down, watching the situation of the star sky's arrogant vow emerge from his memory.

"My hand will never touch innocent blood, otherwise it will never become a god!"

But a moment later, Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi's defensive and dependent smiles show up, and more than a thousand strange and impressive faces emerge, including blood, flesh, bones, laments, despair and resistance!

Kill or not?

I'm a Terran. I'll fight for the Terran!

Of course, I have the fruit of great compassion, but I have the fruit of Buddha only when I am human.

Although I have the separation of demons, I have the benevolence, but the demons have no benevolence. The Terrans and demons have only hostility in the war. The red eye star fox is cunning in nature. I will spare its life. Instead of repaying its kindness, it will fight back. The red eye star fox may not have been born, but if it was born, because of me, it can't be said that thousands of immortal soldiers died in its hands!

Think of here, Xiao Hua immediately think of the space yudie Fengwu meaningful vision!

Terran, demon clan, you have to have a choice first. How can you have great love if you don't live in Terran!

At this time, how much love is really far away!

And do Terran, after strangling may harm the germination of the Terran!


Xiao Huali's claw no longer stagnates. He kills the red eye star fox through flesh and blood!


The unspeakable purple thunder suddenly came out of thin air and went crazy!

"Come on!"

Xiao Hua took in the Phoenix body, and still turned into a human body. After putting the red eye star Fox and the purple pupil star Tiger into the space, Ren Leiting beat his body to blood stains, and said in a high voice: "there is nothing wrong with heaven, I should build a human soul with blood and flesh!"

With the thunder madness, in the space of the Buddha Kingdom, the great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha suddenly began to produce blood light all over his body.

Sakyamuni Buddha and dingguang Buddha Guangming Buddha were shocked. Just as they were about to speak, the great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva Buddha put his hands together and said: "Nanwu great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva Buddha..."

Then the Bodhisattva's eyes shed blood and tears!

"Nanwuding Buddha, Guangming Buddha..."

"Namo Amitabha..."

Xiao Hua has always been a bit indecisive and soft hearted, but he has never been so firm at this time. Benevolence may be the most reasonable thing, but killing may not be the means.

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This chapter is very tangled