Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1085

The purple thunder has fallen into Xiao Hua's body, and the broken immortal body is slowly repairing.

As the blood drips down, Xiao Hua doesn't care. He has already released the netherworld force, hoping that the wings can bring in the spirits of Hu Feishan and others. Unfortunately, they have fallen for a long time, and the demon clan can devour the spirits. Xiao Hua only perceives the ghost of the demon clan, but doesn't find the soul of the human race.

The demon clan is fierce, and there is not a compromise to surrender, but also save Xiao Hua's order.

When a disciple came to report the casualties, Xiao Hua nodded lightly, waved his hand to let the disciples still form a team, and sacrificed the Kunlun mirror to let the disciples still return to space.

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua takes a deep breath. The blood red in his eyes gradually disappears. He looks at the remains of the demon clan within thousands of miles, and waves Chang Yue and Jiang Meihua out.

Jiang Meihua looked at the corpses around and said in surprise: "this This is... "

"When we fly down to find the ordinary moon, red eye star Fox and purple pupil star Tiger take the demon clan to kill more than 1000 immortal soldiers such as Hu Feishan..."

After listening to Xiao Hua's words, Jiang Meihua's first reaction was: "my Lord, this injustice You can't escape it

"I know!"

Xiao Hua light said: "their death I have the responsibility!"

"You've killed these demons, and you've avenged them!"

"Death does not bring life back!"

"They all have separate roles. You don't have to blame yourself too much..."

Chang Yue is used to life and death in this battlefield. She knows that this is the necessity of Xiao Hua's transformation and doesn't say much.

Xiao Hua waved the flag and sent out more than a thousand immortal soldiers!

Jiang Meihua takes the immortal soldiers to clean the battlefield. Youxian will arrange the corpses and other things one by one and give them to Jiang Meihua.

"My lord..." Chang Yue saw that Xiao Hua's face was as deep as water. She only said, "regret is meaningless. Living is the most important thing!"

"Yes..." Xiao Hua nodded, "thank you for waking up."

As Jiang Meihua has said, Hu Feishan and others were besieged and killed by hundreds of demons, while Xiao Hua alone attacked and killed all the demons!

Jiang Meihua's words are nonsense, but Xianbing can't help believing them. They have no more worship for Xiao Hua.

Xiao Huafei went to the immortal soldier's head, glanced at all the people, and said: "I can't hide it from you. This is the first battle since I joined the team of mending heaven. Although there are not many demon families, our team is seriously damaged. When I brought you out, I didn't expect that half of my brothers would be damaged. However, the immortal friend of Changyue said well that regret has no meaning. Living is the most important thing! "

"Yes, only living is the most important. Only living can we kill the demons again. Only living can we protect the fairyland of the Terran!"

With that, Xiao Hua pointed to JieChong and said, "let's go..."

"Here..." All the immortal soldiers answered the call, urged their bodies to form a battle array, and flew towards Xiao Hua's fingers!

"My Lord, that's great!" Chang Yue gave a thumbs up and said, "just one word will make the immortal soldiers return to their hearts."

"No more than Kou Chen..." Xiao Hua light said, "that Si calculate fierce."

Chang Yue asked, "I haven't consulted you yet."

When Xiao Hua told the story of Kou Chen's winning the tiger education position, Chang Yue nodded and said, "it seems that Kou Chen has been prepared for a long time..."

"It's normal for him to be prepared! But if you attack Chang Xianyou secretly, you will die! "

"Actually..." Chang Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "adults shouldn't have sent Chang out so early."

Xiao Hua looked at Chang Yue and said with a smile, "is that right?"

Chang Yue was stunned, then laughed and said, "Chang is wrong. It turns out that the adults also have the idea of using Chang as bait."

"It's just a little trial, not a bait!"

"Well..." Chang Yue said with a smile, "around the demon League, Chang can't recover as usual, just follow the adults as bait!"

Seeing that the world was approaching, all the immortal soldiers were happy, and the immortal force was faster.

Suddenly, Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and said, "stop..."

When Jiang Meihua saw this, she did not dare to neglect him. She waved the flag and ordered the troops to stop.

"My lord..." Even Chang Yue was a little strange and said in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

"It's weird!" Xiao Hua squinted around and said, "when Xiao passed here before, the power of the stars and the moon was not so messy. Now when he comes back, he feels like a mess, like It's like we've just had a big fight! "

"Oh?" Chang Yue eyebrows pick, strange way, "adults on the power of the stars and the moon should be so sensitive?"

"Well," Xiao Hua said faintly.

"You can't have the heart of harming others, and you can't have the heart of defending others!" Chang Yue, suffering from Kou Chen's misfortune, said in a hurry, "in that case, we should send immortal soldiers to JieChong to have a look, and then make plans!"

Chang Yuefen says, Xiao Hua takes out his trump card to see what's different.Chang Yue said with a smile: "this place can't be used. It can only be used when you enter JieChong!"

Xiao Hua received the trump card. After a few words, Jiang Meihua immediately sent out immortal soldiers.

Before the immortal soldiers could fly out for hundreds of miles, a red light flew out of JieChong. It was an immortal boat with red flame, on which a thin immortal in immortal armor stood with a long gun.

The thin fairy was seen by Xiao Hua when he passed JieChong 167.

The immortal general stopped in the distance and said in a loud voice, "is the team led by Xiao HuJiao ahead?"

"It's my family that leads the team!" The immortal soldier who sent the explorers simply welcomed him, bowed and said, "I don't know what happened in JieChong? My adult is waiting for me to explore! "

" ha ha, nothing! " The immortal general said with a smile, "it's just that some local people want to attack our immortal world. They have been repulsed by our adults. Now, as soon as my adults returned, they saw soldiers coming, so they sent me to have a look! Since it's xiaohujiao's team, let's go back to JieChong with me! "

"Yes, sir, just a moment..."

The immortal soldier agreed and turned back to what the immortal general said. Jiang Meihua didn't doubt that he was there. He waved the flag and still let the soldiers fly forward!

"Something's wrong..."

As Xiao Hua watched the boat turn around, the soldier relaxed his vigilance and thought to himself.

"When I passed JieChong before, I found that there was too much demon breath in JieChong, but Hu Feishan said that there was normal demon breath in JieChong. Now when we return, it seems that the immortal general's military position should be in the sky. How could he come here in person? What happened in JieChong? "

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua sent out Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming. After whispering to himself, Zhou Xiaoming's face changed slightly and said, "master, there must be a change. Otherwise, the immortal will not come out to meet him. He came here when he saw the master standing still. So there must be ambush ahead... "

"Well!" Xiao Hua smiles and opens a gap.

The immortal's means can't be used in the demon alliance, but Xiao Hua's eyes are not limited. When he opens his eyes, Xiao Hua can see that there are countless spots around him, such as halos, and there are thousands without tens of thousands!

Xiao Hua sneers and whispers to Jiang Meihua!

Jiang Meihua turned pale. He suddenly waved his flag and said, "all generals, listen to my command and step back!"

The immortal soldiers are big Leng, but they are also well-trained. They just hesitated for a moment. They can fly back quickly!

"This What is this for? "

The thin fairy will be in a big hurry and cry.


Without waiting for Jiang Meihua's reply, the thin immortal roared inside the immortal boat. A demon clan broke out and cried: "kill..."

"All right!" The thin immortal general shrugged his shoulders, and the "Peng" immortal cracked his flesh and blood. A demon clan with two hands on his back flew out from inside. The demon clan spewed out: "kill, kill, kill..."

With the appearance of the immortal incarnated in the immortal, there are stars in the void all around. There is a demon clan in every ray of stars. These demon clans also form an array and rush to Xiao Hua's team.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua saw the opportunity early, Jiang Meihua led the team back, did not completely fall into the demon array surrounded!

"Kill..." Xiao Hua also roared, body shape like a shadow, just blink of an eye has been in front of the human demon!

Xiao Hua is in the air, and the Ruyi stick has been shot down The sound of the sound, the space is broken.

The humanoid demon clan just raised the long gun, the wind has fallen, "bang" a loud sound, the humanoid demon clan surrounding space burst, bloody!

"Ah?" Even Xiao Hua could not help but be surprised that his power of this stick was much stronger than before.

Xiao Hua looked inside his arm and saw that there was some golden light and shadow flowing in an oval shape. He already understood the reason.

"Kill Xiao Hua soars to the sky, and when the Ruyi stick is waving, several demons are beaten to death!

"Go ahead..." Xiao Hua stood majestically, took out a flag and pretended to wave it. More than a thousand disciples of Zaohua sect led by Xu Minghao flew out of the space. Xiao Hua gave an order, "kill!"

Previously, Qiao reincarnation and Zhang Jing took their disciples out to fight and kill the four sides, and went back to show off. Xu Minghao and other disciples were greedy for a long time. Now Xu Minghao flies out and is naturally overjoyed. He leads all his disciples to rush into the demon clan like wolves and tigers, shouting to kill!

Look at Xu Minghao leading his disciples to protect Jiang Meihua and other immortal soldiers. Xiao Hua's flag swings again. Li Yi and Zhang Ying also lead more than 1000 disciples to fly out!

Chang Yue was surprised. It was not only because there were strange soldiers hidden in Xiao Hua's flag, but also because she thought these immortal soldiers and generals were too powerful. Everyone had the high-level strength of the five element immortals. It was really amazing.

Chang Yue's surprise has just been born. Xiao Hua's flag swings one after another. Wang Yizhi and Shangguan Yufeng also lead more than 1000 disciples of Zaohua sect to help!

It's just a stick of incense. Five thousand immortal soldiers can kill tens of thousands of demon families, and almost all of them are destroyed!

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