Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1083

At that moment, Xiao Hua hastily urged Guangdun.

However, just when Xiao Hua entered Guangdun, he found that there were two light spots on his head. One was a golden crystal with a size of more than 100 feet, condensed by numerous elliptical rings, and the other was a nine color star core with a size of more than 100 feet, in which there were colorful spots, like a brilliant starry sky.

"Damn it! There are two things

Xiao Huaxie is born from the edge of courage. His body is out of the space, and his mind enters the space to take out wanmietiandou. With a wave of his big hand, Xiao Hua says, "brush..." There is a golden light falling in the wanmietiandou, which has covered the two things!

Golden yellow crystal block and nine color star core are avoiding the early sun, where do you want to get wanmietiandou raid?

The sight of falling into the golden light is a crazy vibration, but the golden light and water wire in the space are rushing towards wanmietiandou!

Xiao Hua dare not neglect? He stretched out his hands to suppress wanmietiandou, even if the white bone body was overturned several times!

See the beginning of the sun began to slant, wanmietiandou within the force can not resist!

Xiao Hua's heart God covered wanmietiandou, opened his hands, and his heart God followed the powerful upward force to "brush" the income space.

"Done, done!"

"If you want to fight with me, you are still young!"

Xiao Hua sneered, "Gaga" voice is divided into harsh, high five voice also seeps!

However, when Xiao Hua looked up, he hesitated, because the space was still closed, and the golden light and nine color water silk were still competing to support the whole space.

"The simplest way is to break the balance. The space collapses naturally, but Xiao doesn't know if he can escape from the annihilation of space!"

"And there are countless demon League demon body seals in the golden light, and countless demon soul seals in the water silk, which are infinite treasures for everyone! If I go away, will I not go back to Baoshan? "

"Or do you want to buy a pearl?"

"A crystal like object and a demon Jue can form a space and kill countless demon families. Who knows what power these two things used to be?"

"This crystal is gold. It seems to have some connection with the previous xuanjing and akacryst, and there is blood Guanyin in the middle. It's troublesome. If I don't take advantage of my strength now to speed up my cultivation, otherwise I will be the second blood Guanyin when the cause and effect of blood Guanyin comes..."

Having made up his mind, Xiao Hua simply sat down with his knees crossed, but he didn't worry about regenerating the immortal body. He let the skeleton of white bone float in the golden light, and his mind had entered the space.

The Golden Crystal and the nine color star core have fallen into the void and no longer have the power to struggle. One is overflowing with gold in numerous oval rings in the inner circle, and the other is shining brilliantly in various star streams. It's not so much to be ready as to be cute and try to please Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua was ready to stand on the sky, and said, "thank you, two Taoist friends..."

"Easy to say!"

Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua agreed.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, smiles slightly, and her left eye falls on the golden crystal.

"Brush..." Almost instantaneously, the right half of Xiao Hua's body was covered with ellipses, which overlapped and overlapped endlessly. With the transformation of ellipses, the right half of Xiao Hua's body began to expand rapidly, which was difficult to control.

"It's kind of interesting..."

Cause and effect Xiao Hua smiles, but sees that the cause and effect current falls into these ellipses like a line, and "brushes" all things can't escape cause and effect. Countless ellipses also have birth and death. But in an instant, a water line will string all the ellipses together, and Xiao Hua's right half of the yudie doesn't expand any more. It seems that countless ellipses begin to contract between rotations.

In addition to the space, there are also golden lights on Xiao Hua's white bones. In this golden light, countless elliptical bubbles "boom boom" and countless golden light filaments with the seal of demon clan bodies rush into these bubbles!

"Pa Pa Pa" Xiaohua white bone began to crack, Xiaohua white bone can't bear these strong demon body!

Just counting the breath, Xiao Hua's bones began to glow red.

The red light is like a stream of water. It drowns the golden bubbles. It's the gold wire and the sealed demon's body. About half a cup of tea later, Xiao Hua's white bone turns red. Countless gold wires are gradually annihilated and become a part of red!

Xiao Hua's bone refining seven colors is a secret method of the divine world. Although he does not use this secret method to soar, it is not difficult to refine the demon body.

After the red light is the orange light, and in addition to the orange light, there are golden bubbles and countless gold wires pouring in

All kinds of light and shadow brush Xiaohua white bone, more and more gold is integrated into Xiaohua white bone, the whole space begins to shake, the balance is broken!

In the space, Xiao Hua's right body is stable. He smiles and a golden light appears in his left eye. This golden light is purer than the golden light of the crystal like object. When the golden light falls, countless oval phantoms suddenly rush out, just like the Milky Way hanging upside down and directly falling into the star dome.

"Lotus..." Outside the space, Xiao Hua could not help but groan, countless strange light and shadow impact his mind!"What kind of divine existence is this wisp of consciousness above the crystal?"

"The information contained in one crystal he used is enough to burst me! Xiao Hua of the way of heaven and Xiao Hua of the cause and effect absorbed most of the information in the golden crystal. My own body was only affected. Even so, I can't bear it. What about other immortals? No wonder so many immortals and demons have fallen here as well! "

Xiao Hua's right eye was closed all the time. At this time, he suddenly opened it and looked at the nine color star core.

Almost at the moment when his eyes fell on the nine color star core, Xiao Hua's left body could no longer be maintained, "boom..." The sound of the sound suddenly became a blur of light and shadow. As like as two peas and nine colors, such as a rainbow, hang on it, the

is a center of a star. The weird thing is that the other nine sides of the star mark are hung with the same nine color iridescent rainbow. But the color of the rainbow is not colored, or the color and the celestial being are never seen.

"Brush..." After the appearance of the nine colors, the dark spirit world, which has not been moving, has been agitated. The inexplicable wave light flits across the void and falls on the nine colors. Does the nine colors immediately have flexibility?

"This Is this the dark nine

Even Xiao Hua was a little confused!

However, what makes him confused is still behind. After two rainbow colors, one positive and one negative, each color produces a wave, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one waves collide together to produce evolution. Each evolution evolves into a star, and eighty-one stars have just been born. There is another wave in the color. This wave is similar to the previous one, but it is absolutely different, so 81 stars are pregnant again!

Just a few breath, the left half of Xiao Hua's body has been filled with countless stars, just like the previous right half, but it has expanded.

Correspondingly, outside the space, Xiao Hua's white skull has turned into a Phoenix, and the spirits of all animals and birds devoured by the Phoenix are lit up like a candle, "boom..." On the one hand, water color, light and shadow, wisps of water light, carrying the spirits of the demon clan, once again impact the spirit of Xiao Hua.

There is no need for Xiao Hua to urge, the original spirit chapter begins to rotate like a star halo, and begins to strangle these spirits. In the center of the star halo, the mysterious crystal that Xiao Hua does not know blooms a mysterious light, which condenses into the image of Jiuquan and devours the broken spirits greedily.

"Good..." In the space, Xiao Hua praised the way of heaven above the star dome, and a bright star fell into the left half of Xiao Hua's body.

This starlight is not only bright and dead, but also black and white, which is the way of life and death.

Starlight is extremely easy to fall on the original Star mark.

"Pa..." The extremely mysterious voice rang out, and the stars in Xiao Hua's left body were completely annihilated like a lamp out. Under the way of death, the stars could not escape.

Like rotation or reversal, the stars are bright, the way of life is revealed, and all the previously annihilated stars are reshaped at the same time!

Just after his death, the expansion of Xiaohua's left body was stable, and a golden light came out of Xiaohua's right eye and fell into the nine color star nucleus.

"Just..." Within the core of the star, if there is an old sigh, it's the language of the demon alliance. Xiao Hua can understand it, "there is life, there is death, there is front, there is back..."

After the golden light falls, there are countless light filaments, which rush into Xiao Hua's eyes and into Xiao Hua's body!

"Ah?" The jade die Xiao Hua is not calm and exclaims, "demon The spirit casting method of the demon clan? "

Yudie Huangtong once asked yudie Xiaohua what the spirit of the demon clan was like. Yudie Xiaohua didn't know. When he saw the bright and dark colors, yudie Xiaohua didn't know the nine spirits and nine spirits of the demon clan?

The sound of Xiao Hua's exclamation did not fall to the ground. Huang Tong had already revealed his body in the distance. It was obvious that he had sensed something!

Looking at Xiao Hua, yudie Huangtong dare not come near.

"Wait a moment, Daoyou!" Xiao Hua said, and closed his eyes again.

"Puff" two light rings, nine color star core and Golden Crystal fall into yudie Xiaohua body, yudie Xiaohua left and right body ellipse, stars gradually disappear.

Seeing that Xiao Hua ignored himself, Huang Tong looked up at the golden ellipse and the strange shadow of the nine color star core. She didn't know what to think.

All of a sudden, yudie Huangtong's eyes opened and her whole body was like a lotus.

"This is yingyu?? Demon The soul casting method of demon Alliance?? How is that possible? "

jade lotus is as like as two peas of Xiao Yu, who never thought that the demon race had the soul to cast their souls.

"Who left this?"

Xiao Hua didn't pay attention to him because he didn't know that when the sound disappeared, all the marks would disappear. Xiao Hua might be able to explore, but he didn't want to.

Seeing that Xiao Hua didn't say a word, Huang Tong also closed her eyes.

Time and space are silent.

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