Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1082

However, Xiao Hua didn't like to be surprised. This cultivation is far beyond his realm. Although he has the body of shimuang, the two mysterious beings can't compete with each other at all. People like him can be fishermen. They must get rid of their struggle before the spirit is crushed by the two beings.

But how difficult it is to get out of the fight!

"Restore the human form first, so that you won't be controlled by the demon clan..."

Xiao Hua immediately thought of Yuanqi primitive chapter, which is an ancient secret skill comparable to Yuanxing Shenshen chapter. He quickly turned his heart and found the immortal baby who understood the secret skill. After waiting for him to take the immortal baby's understanding, he recited Yuanqi primitive chapter and said: "if you are a man of Qi, the way is tiny. It's easy to mix up the elements. Husband, the way of Chong Ning also. Chong and melt, congealed and made, is the birth of two Yan. Therefore, heaven and earth are divided into Tai Chi, which is based on the body. "

However, this "Yuanqi primitive chapter" is not as instant as "Yuanxing Shenshen chapter", or Xiao Hua has never practiced it, or maybe this skill can't resist the erosion of demon consciousness!

About half a cup of Xiao Huayun's tea, the Phoenix's body is still the same, and there is a sound of "Ding Ding Dong Dong Dong" in the spirit, which sounds like the sound of nature, "brush" the golden round wheel and emit golden light, "boom..." The beautiful stars are working again!

Qingxu chiqi!

Xiao Hua wakes up like a dream. He has practiced the innate Qi of Confucianism, and he also has the cultivation method of "Qingxu Jue". Although the cultivation method has been given to Wenqu, he is still comprehending it. When should he not wait?


Xiao Hua urged Qingxu Jue, but he saw that five innate Qi in his chest and abdomen suddenly lit up, just like a candle in the wind!

The candle was weak, but it was stronger than tenacity. Xiao Hua could see clearly. Under his strong urge, a faint red flower began to condense!

With the appearance of flowers, Xiao Hua's Phoenix body gradually changes!

I saw that Xiao Hua's phoenix feather had just disappeared, "boom..." A burst of inexplicable ice out of thin air, Xiao Hua's Phoenix Feathers grow like wind blowing weeds!

"Damn it

Xiao Hua urges Qingxu Jue again, but Qingxu Jue can't move in the ice. It seems that the consciousness on the beautiful stars has found Xiao Hua's resistance!


At this time, the golden disc is not to be outdone. The golden light falls down and covers Xiao Hua. The light silk penetrates into Xiao Hua's body through the ice!

In an instant, countless lights and shadows burst into Xiao Hua's mind, just like the previous scorpion's virtual shadow skill!

Xiao Hua is shocked. What is this?

Fortunately, there are many lights and shadows, but they are much less than the massive outline of scorpion. Especially when those lights and shadows come into Xiao Hua's mind, the golden light on Xiao Hua's body has begun to move wildly, like a big hand rubbing, destroying Xiao Hua's Phoenix body, and then the body changes with the light and shadow, and begins to transform different outlines!

"My God!"

Xiao Hua finally understood how the demons died!

It was rubbed to death by golden light!

The demon body of the demon clan is tough, but Can't stand the ravages of golden light!

If it wasn't for Xiao Hua, who was the body of Shiguang, but for counting breath, his immortal body would burst!

Even so, Xiao Hua can't bear it. He has to separate his body and let Jin Guang fight with Hua Lan ice!

"No, we must get away as soon as possible, and we can't stay for a moment, otherwise Xiao will be tossed to death by these two consciousnesses who haven't even seen their appearance!"

Xiao Hua's mind turns sharply, and he is thinking carefully about how to get out of trouble.

"Hum..." Suddenly, there was a change in the icy light. A wisp of green light came out, turned into a star and smashed at Xiao Hua.

"NND, this This is Do you want to take the tiger away from the mountain? "

Xiao Hua understood that his spirit is still the main battlefield of the beautiful stars, and what body is just a shot in vain. Now that the golden light's attention is attracted to the body, the beautiful stars will be killed!

Xiao Hua can clearly see that the green light is a green star core, not surprisingly, it should be the green star realm demon clan, which is comparable to the existence of real immortals!

Xiao Hua can't bear the cold!

"Let's go, let's go..." Xiao Hua can't fight back. He can only hope for the Golden Disc!

Sure enough, the star core has not yet fallen, a golden light has been emitted, and the star trace turns to sticky green in the golden light!


Xiao Hua was a little puzzled when he was overjoyed. He didn't know how long the golden round wheel had been fighting with the beautiful star. How could the beautiful star do this useless move?

Sure enough, Xiao Hua, who had to get out of the disaster, thought clearly that the sticky green had mixed with the golden light and fell into Xiao Hua's top door!


The green liquid and the golden light fall, which is exactly where the golden round wheel and the cold rolling Xiao Hua's spirit are. The green liquid and the golden light fall into Xiao Hua's spirit without any obstruction. With countless pieces of memory crazy just impact the spirit of Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua's spirit rises sharply!

Not only that, in order to resist the ice, the golden light also urged some fire wires to fall into the body. Some demons or immortals were smashed and turned into particles to impact the ice. Xiao Hua's body also expanded rapidly!!"Some immortals were trampled to death, some immortals were I'm going to die! "

Xiao Hua sad to find the truth of the matter!

But Xiao Hua can't help it. If he doesn't want to die, he can only stick to it and swim on a line on the cliff!

Xiao Hua's mind and spirit entered the space several times, but he was even sadder to find that his original spirit almost couldn't come back to his body several times, so Xiao Hua didn't dare to try again.

I don't know how long later, Xiao Hua's various means came out together, and a huge "Curse" character also condensed over his head, and both the golden light and the green liquid would be weakened; the red flower had gradually formed and even was about to bloom between Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

When the muscles and muscles under his feet burst first, revealing his bones, Xiao Hua knew that his doomsday was coming


Flesh and blood burst like firecrackers.

Every inch of white bone is exposed.

Seeing Xiao Hua's head burst, the golden round wheel and the beautiful stars suddenly froze. It seems that they have never seen such a stubborn immortal and demon!

"Right now!"

Xiao Hua has an impulse to run with tears. His mind is about to enter the space in a flash!


At this time, a column of boundless, tranquil and far-reaching sunlight pours down from the height of the space and instantly covers everything.

Whether it's the golden wheel or the beautiful stars, it's quiet now!

"This is the beginning of the sun to the top of the head!" Xiao Hua woke up and said, "when should we not escape at this time?"

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Can Xiao Hua escape from heaven?