Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1081

"Ah? What do you mean Xiao Hua was stunned.

"He said that there was a red eye star fox here, which led me and other immortals to come down. Who knew he had helped ambush here for a long time..."

Chang Yue said a few words, the immortal mark light and shadow between the eyebrows began to annihilate, and it seemed to be frozen by the cold.

Xiao Hua raised his hand to cover Chang Yue and said, "let's talk about it later!"

"I can't either!" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Jiang Meihua said first.

"Well, I know!" Looking at Jiang Meihua, Xiao Hua finds that there are some dragon patterns surging on his body surface, barely shielding him from the cold. However, there is no light and shadow flowing from Kirin's Dharma, which is obviously frozen.

After collecting Jiang Meihua, Xiao Hua spread his wings, and the hurricane swept away the cold. At this time, a little light suddenly appeared in the depths of the cold like a candle, and then inexplicable waves swept through Xiao Huafeng's body like electricity and rushed to the height of the space!

After the fluctuation, xuanjing and akajing in Xiaohua's Niwan palace suddenly trembled, as if they were afraid and excited.

"Isn't it?" Xiao Hua was surprised and had a bad expectation.

However, before he had a second thought, all the chaos and cold would disappear in a moment, and the sun would pour down like fire, lightning and flint. Where the sun went, it would fall like the hand of God, and everything would be destroyed!

"This is Yutai rising again, and its light column falls here, just like what I saw outside the starry rain sky before..."

Xiao Hua is so scared that he dare to fly up?

He spread his wings and dived madly. He thought to himself, "how can Changyue survive if the sun destroys the sky and the earth?"

"I understand that the space gap that Chang Yue flies into is not a real space, but the space created by the fire silk. If Jiang Meihua didn't see Chang Yue, she would always stay in the fire silk and merge with the strange stars and rain in the sky..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's eyes brightened, and he already felt that the vest had its own irresistible heat, so he quickly accepted the Phoenix body and urged the light escape!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's eyes were full of strands of fire, but the fire was so delicate that Xiao Hua could not live in it. However, there were some golden halos around the fire, which were as thin as the light outside the space.

Even if Xiao Hua was hiding in the light, the fierce heat around him could still kill him. He rushed into the golden halo.

As if he was in a furnace, or as if he had been sacrificed by fire, Xiao Hua clenched his teeth and tried his best to fly. When the immortal power was exhausted, he still opened the immortal trace and tried his best to maintain his state of light escape.

Xiao Hua can feel the silver light in his eyebrows, which is like the flood pouring madly.

Even so, Xiao Hua can't stay in Guangdun for too long. It's like a mortal holding his breath in the water. There are always times when it's hard to support him!

Xiao Hua couldn't stick to it any more. He could only escape from the light.

"Wu..." When the huge wind roared, Xiao Hua could see clearly that when his body appeared, the space near him and the light and shadow were completely distorted.

"This Where is this? "

Xiao Hua's figure is different. He looks around and finds that this is the same space as the starry rain sky. The water is full of water. In the water, there are countless golden lights, which are as fine as gossamer. The golden light glows in the sunlight!

"Strange..." Xiao Hua thought about it and turned his head to see where the sun came from. However, when he turned around, he was shocked on the spot again!

But in the space behind Xiao Hua, a huge round wheel of golden light hung there, and a fire like sunlight fell on it from the sky. The round wheel rotates slowly, crushing the sunlight and absorbing it.

With the flame broken, countless different sizes of golden texture rotation, giving birth to inexplicable fluctuations!

Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the waves, and countless strange lights and shadows rushed into his mind like water.

"Boom boom..." Countless roars appeared in Xiao Hua's mind, as if the starry sky burst. Xiao Hua's eyes were dark, and the immortal body began to boil. However, at this time, the red crystal around the xuanjing in the mud pill palace glowed, speeding up the rotation, and the track agreed with the golden texture.

Shining like a spring breeze, Xiao Hua's mind gradually calms down the roar!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to look at the golden round wheel any more. He quickly moved his eyes away, but his eyes swept a wisp of golden light, and he was creepy again, because in the golden light, a fierce demon like clan stood upright. Although he didn't move, the sharp eye light in the lavender eyes touched Xiao Hua's eyes, and Xiao Hua felt like lightning strike!

Xiao Hua couldn't help thinking of the spirits of those immortals in the bloody desert.

Are the demons sealed in this continuous golden light? Just like Chang Yue falling into space?

Xiao Hua was dazzled by the golden round wheel, so he looked away, and suddenly found that a half moon like beautiful star was in front of him opposite to the golden round wheel.

"My God!" Xiao Hua looked at the stars emitting a cold halo, a heavy ice around the golden round wheel, strange and familiar fluctuations against the fluctuations of the golden round wheel, Xiao Hua could not help moaning, "so this This space is so formed! "This space is similar to the purple stars and dark nether world that Xiao Hua found under Xiaochen Valley during the war between Xuanyi Kingdom and Moqing Kingdom on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty. They are the balance of yin and Yang. However, at this time, the Yin% and yang are more powerful than before?

This huge space, this gold silk in the seal of the demon clan, which is not Xiao Chen Valley can compare!

When Xiao Hua was looking at the beautiful stars, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air when he was cold as frost and the colors of the nine colors were reflected in each other!

The nine colors are the same as the golden light. There is a star with different colors in each of the nine colors. The star rotates slightly. Although the strong breath is sealed by the ice, the unspeakable soul power is still like a needle!

"Every Is every star a demon

Xiao Hua is a little shocked. How deep is the demon League! How many years has this space existed? How many stars like souls are sealed!

"There are countless ways to cultivate the demon alliance. The main stream is to cultivate the body and soul..." Xiao Hua was suddenly moved, "this soul is useless to me, but it's very good for Huang Tong..."

As soon as Xiao Hua thought of this place, a wave suddenly appeared on the beautiful stars, which seemed to fall on Xiao Hua regardless of space and time!

Xiao Hua can't resist at all. On the surface of his body, the Phoenix body came out without any sign. Xiao Hua was surprised and spread his wings!


If the sound is outside the space, it must crack the stone and pierce the cloud, but it seems that it doesn't even count as moaning here!

What makes Xiao Hua's soul fly out of the sky most is that his own body shape bumps into the golden round wheel uncontrollably! It's like a puppet being manipulated!

"Damn it

Xiao Hua angrily scolded, and quickly flapped his wings to struggle. What he didn't need to think about was the residual consciousness on the gorgeous stars!

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua's strength in the eyes of this consciousness is nothing more than mole ants, there is no way to break free.

"Since this beautiful star is the consciousness of demon alliance and demon clan, and Xiao needs to be transformed into a phoenix body to control it, then Xiao needs to be transformed into a human form to get out of the control of this consciousness..."

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua tried to restore his human form.

However, under the strange fluctuation, Xiao Hua could not recover anyway!

Not only that, with Xiao Hua's struggle, a wave of consciousness like crazy impact on his spirit, as if there is a demon race to give up, Xiao Hua's mind began to be confused!


"Since we can't recover the human form, we will transform the witch body!"

What makes Xiao Hua puzzled is that in the fairyland, all kinds of taboo skills are still useless! The green light and shadow of his whole body flickered, and his eyes opened between his eyebrows could not stop the condensation of the demon body.

We can see how strong the demon consciousness of the beautiful stars is!

"What to do?"

Xiao Hua's rush out has attracted the attention of the golden round wheel. A wisp of fire light begins to condense. Xiao Hua can imagine that the time when the fire light falls is the time when he falls!

The most terrible thing is that Xiao Hua's consciousness began to blur!

"We must find a way quickly, otherwise we don't have to rush into the golden round wheel, and Xiao will be dead!"

"Xiao's noumenon is a human race. How can we find other help?"

"Xiao is the soul casting skill of the Terran against the soul eating skill of the demon clan!"

"There are three spirits in the body of husband and immortal: one is Taiqing, the Qi of Taiqing and Yanghe; one is Shuangling, the change of Yin Qi; one is Youjing, the mixture of Yin Qi..."

Xiao Hua was so absorbed that he began to recite every word of Yuanxing spirit.

"Buzz..." There was a hurricane at the place where Xiao Hua's spirit was, and his skills suddenly moved. A lot of dark light, three colors of light, whirled around the top door of Xiao Hua!

However, Xiao Hua was still late. That was where the fire started. A golden light broke through the air first, "boom..." I hit Xiao Hua on the top door!

"Wu..." Xiao Hua's head sank and his eyes darkened. He thought he had fallen, but it was only a few breaths. He woke up again. The golden light not only didn't kill Xiao Hua, but also turned into a disc of more than 100 feet on the top door, slowly spinning.

In this golden light, the original spirit doesn't need to be urged by Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua was very happy when he saw that he was fresh and fresh. The snipe and the clam were fighting and the fisherman got the benefit. He was the fisherman himself!

But without waiting for Xiao Hua to be happy for half a moment, "hum" was another roar, which came out of his mind. It was the beautiful stars again!

"Brush..." The golden round wheel shoots out another golden light and falls on Xiaohua's top door!

"Damn it

Xiao Hua suddenly came to realize that the golden round wheel and the beautiful stars are the battlefields to compete with his own spirits!

On the top of Xiao Hua's head, the golden round wheel, which was slowly rotating, began to speed up, and the cultivation of Yuanxing deities accelerated. Xiao Hua's hard work for several yuan days was just a flash of thought here!

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