Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1080

The sound of the war drum gradually calmed down, and Xiao Hua only had "brush..." The sound of wind and rain, like leaves.

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua looked at the top of his head and said, "it seems that the changes in this pillar of fire space are not immutable. Oh, great... "

Xiao Hua just scolded a word, see the edge of the pillar of fire space there is a fire wave oblique penetration, there is a space channel.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed. His body swayed and rushed to the space channel!

The space passage looks small, but it's incredible where Xiao Hua is. Even if Xiao Hua's body is thousands of feet, it's like a fly.

The space passage is naturally a sea of fire, but this fire can not hurt Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua.

But, just flew into a thousand miles, "roar..." A tiger roars, a star spotted tiger steps on the fire cloud and flies out. The tiger's eyes emit purple light, which is extremely fierce!

"Purple pupil star Tiger?" Seeing this, Jiang Meihua yelled, "let me go, let me come!"

"As you wish!" Xiao Hua smiles and releases Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua's body fell in the air. She looked up at the purple pupil star Tiger in the distance and said coldly, "let me show you my means!"

With that, Jiang Meihua raised her front paws and rushed over, but saw the stars and flames around her. With Jiang Meihua's body shape, she also made a torrent and rushed to Zitong Xinghu.

"Roar..." Zitong Xinghu's eyes emit purple light, as if disdaining Jiang Meihua's methods. Stepping on the starlight, Zitong Xinghu also welcomes him. Zitong Xinghu moves, creating wavy ripples in the surrounding space. The power of space as sharp as a sword is like Zitong Xinghu's armor, protecting it and rushing at Jiang Meihua.

"Jiang Meihua is not the enemy of Zitong star Tiger!" Xiao Hua knew it was not good when he saw it. "This purple pupil star Tiger should be the Red Star land, which is equivalent to Juyuan fairy!"

Xiao Hua thinks to himself that the unicorn that Jiang Meihua has transformed is already fighting with Zitong Xinghu. Both of them roar like thunder and their flames are splashing like rain. But for a moment, Jiang Meihua's body is already bloody.

"Poor Jiang Meihua..." Xiao Hua was suspended at a high place, watching Jiang Meihua's muscles torn, and said with a bitter smile, "the first time you use the law to fight, you will lose!"

"Boom..." Jiang Meihua was struck upside down by Zitong Xinghu's claw, smashing the flames around her!

"Roar..." Jiang Meihua's Qilin Dharma Prime Minister suddenly gives birth to a dragon chant. The hidden dragon pattern on the body surface of Qilin Dharma Prime Minister suddenly shows up. A virtual dragon image roars out. The Dragon Wei is so scared that Zitong Xinghu flies upside down.

Jiang Meihua immediately pours on it, pressing Zitong star Tiger for a moment, tearing wildly. Unfortunately, for a moment, Zitong star Tiger is aware of Jiang Meihua's strength in the outside and starts to fight back!

Xiao Hua knew that he didn't dare to wait any longer. With a clear cry, he jumped down and pierced the star tracks around the Zitong star Tiger The purple pupil star tiger roars back and bites Xiao Hua's lower abdomen!

Xiao Hua Feng's beak inquired, "poof..." A purple pupil star Tiger top door!

"Oh..." Purple pupil star Tiger howls and struggles, with red flame in its blood!

"Go away..." When Xiao Hua saw this, he raised his Phoenix claws, and the purple pupil star Tiger tumbled and fell in the air. Then he rolled his tail and fled to the depth of the space passage.

"Why don't you kill it?" Jiang Meihua flew in with blood stains all over his body. He asked with hatred.

"I'm afraid it's the nest of Zitong star Tiger..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "you and I come here to take refuge. It's normal for people to attack us. Why should we take its life?"

"Whatever you want..." Jiang Meihua didn't want to say more. She looked outside the space and said, "the changes outside should be over."

"Well, let's go..."

Xiao Hua flies out of the space channel.

Outside the space channel, waves and light have swept by, surrounded by completely broken space, which looks like rotten meat smashed by one hand. Large and small space debris overflows with inexplicable water stains, with some bloody smell.

"I always feel that the moon is more ominous than good! Can the power of seal kill Juyuan immortal just now? If we had not found a space channel, we would have fallen! "

Jiang Meihua said that he should rush into the abyss first, and the starlight around him keeps the space debris out of his body!

"You have to see to be at ease!"

This is Xiao Hua's answer.

Stay two people fly far, space channel, the purple pupil star Tiger just slowly out of the head, a pair of purple pupil more bright.

"Haw..." All of a sudden, the sound of the beast came from behind, and the purple pupil star Tiger quickly came back. But in the distant fire light, a pair of red eyes came slowly.

After another hundred thousand feet, there was cold fire color crystal wire in the broken space around him. An indescribable burden covered Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. Xiao Hua looked up at the dim space above his head and sighed: "there is no evil spirit in heaven and earth here, only cold, even the fire wire is frozen. Even if he survives, he will never return, I'm afraid she left the golden triangle before it fell... "

"Go back?" Jiang Meihua was also shivering with cold. He didn't expect to be so cold under the sea of fire."Go back!" Xiao Hua nodded, "you and I have different skills. We can't be at ease here. How can Changyue live?"

"What a pity!" Jiang Meihua's eyes twinkled with gold. She looked around and said with regret, "it's all in vain..."

"Oh, here it is..." Without waiting for Jiang Meihua to finish, he exclaimed and rushed to a place.

Xiao Hua was a little puzzled, but he became Jiang Meihua With a loud sound, he spurted out a pillar of fire, a flame color crystal wire flashed, and the fire light gradually melted, "boom..." In the sound of broken glass, only half of the immortal moon fell from the inside!

"Damn it As soon as Chang Yue's figure fell, she immediately gave a low scold. The immortal mark in her eyebrows flickered, as if she was going to sacrifice an immortal.

It's a pity that in such a cold, even if it is the high-level moon of juyuanxian, the immortal mark in the center of the eyebrow is like a candle, and the light and dark are about to go out!

"Changyue..." Xiao Hua quickly said, "I'm immortal Xiao. Seeing your message, I'm here to save you..."

"Ah?" Chang Yue is stunned. She looks at Xiao Hua's Phoenix. She can't believe her eyes.

Jiang Meihua opens her mouth and sprays out the broken triangle!

Chang Yue's eyes were moist, and she cried, "more Thank you, Mr. Xiao

"You're hurt, hide in my sleeve first!" Xiao Huafeng's claws are raised, and the shadow of Daopao appears to cover Changyue.

"Immortal Xiao, watch out for Kou Chen..." Chang Yue was about to fly in. Suddenly she thought something and said, "I was cheated into this room by him..."

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Kou Chen really has a problem. Chang Yue's life is great when she meets Xiao Hua