Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1079

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Leng for a while, he didn't think of this problem, strange way, "why red eye star fox won't go out from the different star rain sky?"

"My lord..." Hu Feishan said with a smile, "the red eyed star fox is clearly pregnant. It's not in its nest. Why do you want to go out?"

"There's some truth in it!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "but it can't be ruled out that the red eye star fox originally raised its fetus in the sky of the alien star rain, and then sensed the Bodhisattva flower, which just flew out in a hurry!"

"What your excellency said! It's possible... " Hu Feishan nodded, "but adults can think from another point of view, if the nest of red eye star fox is not in the strange star rain sky, then the strange star rain sky can't find red eye star fox, so why does he fall in the strange star rain sky?"

"That must be to meet more powerful demon clan!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "even the sky itself swallowed her up!"

The immortal body of Hu Feishan shivered for a moment, shrunk his neck as if he was afraid of the cold, nodded and said: "what you said is true, if not..."

"Well, I understand!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "you just need to get to the flame in front of you. Let the immortal soldiers set up the immortal array and explore around you!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed, but before he left, he explained, "my Lord, it's not the end general who is afraid, it's the end general's subordinates. Many of them are low-level five element immortals, even Yanxian, too weak..."

"Know, know!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "go yourself! Pass on my military order and give it to me after investigation. I'll take it back to Xianwei and return it to you as a reward! "

"Coward!" Seeing that Hu Feishan had gone, Jiang Meihua couldn't help whispering, "how can you lead the troops with such courage?"

Xiao Hua laughs and doesn't say much. He has just been on the battlefield and is not qualified to judge others!

After flying for tens of thousands of miles, suddenly a violent heat wave came through the water. Even the phoenix feather around Xiao Hua couldn't help but "brush" and burst. There were stars in it. The stars protected Xiao Hua.

Jiang Mei's Chinese body shows that the unicorn can no longer turn into a virtual shadow, "roar..." With a low roar, Qi Lin's shadow falls into Jiang Meihua's body. Immediately, Jiang Meihua's immortal body begins to change. A demon clan with Qi Lin's body appears in front of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took a look at Jiang Meihua. There was no doubt in her eyes. She was so worried that Jiang Meihua was determined.

Jiang Meihua already knows that the reason why she can successfully practice the Taoist master's secret skill is not that she is lucky. The only possibility is Xiao Hua.

As for why Xiao Hua has such a great magic power, Jiang Meihua chooses to shut up when she sees that Xiao Hua is also a phoenix demon.

"Go..." With a low roar, Xiao Hua put his wings on his back, spread his wings and rushed to the fire color whirlpool in the distance. His figure was more flexible than the fairyland!

Jiang Meihua followed, and yellow clouds were unearthed under the four hoofs.

"Silk..." Before flying to the firelight, Xiao Hua couldn't help but take a breath of cool air. Where is the vortex? It is a huge pillar of fire. On the top of the sky, Yutai, which had already fallen to the west, was shining on the pillar of fire, and a series of nine color flames fell madly.

There is not only a flame, but also the place where the light shines. The stars hidden behind the sun all shoot out a light column and fall in the flame, condensing into big and small stars, falling like hail.

Within the pillar of fire, countless demons, big and small, roar. It's a pity that the lights and shadows are broken in the stars and melt in the flames!

"Such a demon realm, such a power, such a power of heaven and earth, is it possible for ordinary gathering immortals to come?"

Xiao Hua feels the star flame coming from his face. He is shocked. He also knows that if he didn't have a demon body, if he didn't have the strength to reach the primary level of spirit immortal, he is afraid that he can't stick to it here. He doesn't know why Chang Yue can survive in such a dangerous situation!

"Brush..." At this time, the flames surging, there is a incomplete pale gold triangle upstream, like a fish.

"Boom..." Inevitably, a star fell on the triangle, the golden light splashed on the triangle, and the shadow of a fairy was reflected from inside, and then disappeared.

"Chang Yue" Xiao Hua was shocked. Although the triangle was smashed and rolled, he still flew up stubbornly. He quickly stretched out his Phoenix claws and went into the pillar of fire to catch the triangle!

There is no need for the stars to fall. Xiao Huafeng's claws are lit out of thin air. A sharp pain comes like a sword!

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to take a closer look, the sky had already fallen, and it was not dark, but the top of the pillar of fire sent out "buzzing..." The low roar, a huge flame vortex, side is rotating, side is falling, that vortex has a shape like a star seal will seal the whole pillar of fire!

"My lord..." In the distance, Hu Feishan's voice said, "the sky is changing. It's not suitable for exploration. Don't we go back?"

Xiao Hua didn't rush to answer. Instead, Yannian swept the golden triangle and handed it to Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua looked at it and exclaimed, "is Changyue still alive?"

"There is a cry for help from Chang Yue. No one knows whether he is alive or not."

"As Chang yueneizhong said, if we want to save her, we can only go down from the pillar of fire, otherwise the pillar of fire is closed and there is another space, so we can't find her!"Xiao Hua nodded and said, "you should pay attention to the sealing of the pillar of fire here and send a message to me at any time. I'll send Hu Feishan and they'll talk again!"

Xiao Hua flies back, but sees that the whole bodies of Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi are already in flames, and wisps of starlight are shuttling through the flames like swords.

As for the two battle formations, there are a lot of fire clouds pouring out in the blue light, many immortal soldiers and immortal bodies have been burned!

"Hu Fuhu teaches..." Xiao Hua said, "I have found Chang Yue's whereabouts. She is under the pillar of fire. The pillar of fire is a space in the starry sky. I'm going to save him!"

"My lord..." Hu Feishan cried in a hurry, "the strange star rain sky is already dangerous, and the space of the pillar of fire coming out with Yu Tai is even more..."

"No need to say more!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if I don't know, I won't go. Since I know, I can't help going! You take your own command out of the starry rain sky

"Yes, my Lord!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed. He quickly bowed and said, "I'll take this with me..."

After that, Hu Feishan was stunned for a moment and said bitterly: "at the end of the day, I will withdraw from the starry rain sky with my command!"

Hu Feishan also knows that if Chang Yue is saved, there will be a lot of military exploits. If he withdraws from the sky, Xiao Hua will not give military exploits to himself. However, these immortal soldiers under Xiangqing's command, Xiao Hua, must be the income flag. They don't have to work hard, but they can also get military exploits. Xiao Hua's favor of one thing over the other makes Hu Feishan speechless.

Of course, Hu Feishan also knew that Xiao Hua was against Xiangqing's immortal soldiers.

Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi retreated with a thousand immortal soldiers. Xiao Hua took out his flag and flew to the front of the army. He said with a smile, "I want to explore the sky. If you have military achievements, you can share them equally. If you are dangerous, you can't be spared. I'll give you ten minutes. If you don't want to, you can go back now! "

The immortal soldiers didn't hesitate at all as Xiao Hua thought. Qi Qi bowed himself and said, "thank you for your kindness. We are willing to!"

"Good!" Xiao huazhan ordered the flag to collect these immortal soldiers, while Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming still had room for income.

"My lord..." Xiao Hua had just finished all this, and Jiang Meihua in the distance was already in a hurry, "come on, the seal is coming down!"

Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew away. Sure enough, he saw that the seal of the starry sky had reached the height of 100000 Zhang, and the edge of the pillar of fire began to collapse

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said in a loud voice, "Jiang Xianyou, let's go. You and I are walking on the fire, but let's see what this first demon alliance dangerous situation looks like!"

"As you wish!" Without Hu Feishan and others, Jiang Meihua roared, and the dragon pattern gushed out of Qilin's body. Her body was flying into the pillar of fire before Xiao Hua!

"Boom boom..." Just as Jiang Meihua rushed in, the starlike light and shadow around him began to burst, which made Jiang Meihua tumble.

"Roar..." Jiang Meihua roars, the sound shocks all around!

"Ga..." A Fengming, Xiao Hua wings fly in, the wings like clouds, flickering around the stars will be broken!

"Follow me!" Xiao Hua's voice is whispered. As soon as the Phoenix claws are raised, he catches Jiang Meihua and flies down the abyss with his body kneeling in the pillar of fire!

It was under the seal of the pillar of fire that Xiao Hua sensed the horror of space, "click..." The top of the head is thundering, the space is broken, and the edge is sealed again. The wind without casting tears Everything in the pillar of fire!

This pillar of fire is different from senlo road. After Xiao Hua flies down, he should sweep it. The edge is almost boundless. Obviously, there is a complete interface law.

Under the pillar of fire is the abyss. It seems that there is rain, and it seems that the fire is rolling. Without real contact, you can't see the truth at all.

"Put me down!" After another hundred thousand feet, Jiang Meihua saw that the stars and flames around her were slightly reduced and struggled.

Xiao Hua loosens his paws, Jiang Meihua's Unicorn body rolls in the air, and the head of the man turns into a beast's head.

Jiang Meihua roared wantonly in the sea of fire, feeling more carefree than the fairyland.

"If you fall more than 100000 feet as Chang Yue said, there should be a crack in the space..." Looking around, Xiao Hua began to look for the cracks in the golden triangle and said in secret, "unfortunately, Chang Yue saw the danger. She first sacrificed the golden triangle, but then she didn't know it!"

Xiao Hua's idea just came into being. Suddenly, there was a roaring sound like a war drum above his head. Xiao Hua was shocked and looked up. But he saw that the rotating seal of the starry sky suddenly stopped. The flashing thunder fell everywhere like streamer, and there were inexplicable fluctuations and light gushing from the tear of the space.

This wave and light sweep the space, what flame, what stars are turned into dust!

"No!" Xiao Hua does not dare to be slighted. He spreads his wings to Jiang Meihua and does not allow him any resistance. He flies down to the abyss

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Finally deep into the starry rain sky, what adventure will Xiao Hua have?