Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1078

"Kill..." Hu Feishan and others did not dare to neglect them. They waved their respective flags. The two thousand immortal soldiers were divided into several battle formations again to meet the demons and beasts.

There are more demons and beasts, and the two thousand immortal soldiers are a little stretched. One of them is defeated by jiaolongkou's red flame, and several immortal soldiers fall from the sky in a scream. When Xiao Hua saw this, he suddenly jumped at the dragon, just as he was holding out the stick, "brush..." Xiao Hua just stood at the foot of a heavy red star out, in mid air magic huge fox shadow, rushed to the remaining Banxi demon flower!

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughed and yelled, "it's you who are waiting!"

With that, Xiao Hua's body turned upside down, and Ruyi stick became long and thick in his hand!

"Boom..." Ruyi stick shot down, a whirlpool in the body of the fox shadow!

"Haw..." The fox shadow screams, the red starlight turns into streamer and falls into the whirlpool of wind annihilation!

Stay streamer solid, a pair of eyes flashing red light fox in the wind annihilation of the whirlpool above show body shape!

Isn't it the red eye star fox?

"Fight..." Xiao Hua hands rub, "boom" huge palm out of thin air, the fox demon left near space imprisonment!

The space is imprisoned, the red eye star fox shows its true appearance, and the stars all over the body fall like brocade!

"Haw, haw..." Red eye star fox struggle hard, but under the confinement of thunder, it can't escape at all.

But, in the red eye star fox struggling, Xiao Hua suddenly Leng, because the star Fox's abdomen high bulge, looks like pregnant, star fox anxious is not bow lick belly.

Seeing this, what suddenly appeared in Xiao Hua's mind was jiuxia's beautiful pale and bloodless smile outside of Mengshan.

"Alas Xiao Hua couldn't do it anyway. He let go with a sigh, "whoosh..." Red eye star fox turned into a red light and disappeared for a moment.

As soon as the red eye star fox escapes, the pangolin monster who is fighting with the immortal soldier suddenly abandons the immortal soldier and goes into the earth. When the immortal soldier pursues again, where is there any trace?

"Fight..." Xiao Hua roared. It was the thunder hand that captured the red eye star fox. He turned slightly and fell towards the dragon like monster!

"Roar..." Where is the Dragon monster Xiao Hua's enemy? Xiao Hua was imprisoned when he roared.

Xiao Hua didn't say much. He threw the monster to Hu Feishan. He still looked around like electricity.

There was no red eye star Fox's trouble. Of course, some monsters were attracted by the Banxi demon flower. They were not the enemies of two thousand immortal soldiers and five immortal generals. They were all captured.

When Hu Feishan saw that the earth eating insects offered by Xiao Hua were powerful, he just focused on taking the immortal soldiers to resist the monsters, and ignored the Bodhisattva flower.

About an hour later, twelve of the thirteen Bodhisattva flowers had been collected by Xiao Hua, and only the last one stood on the top of the highest mountain.

"Do you still want to have the idea of luring monsters?" Jiang Meihua.

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "yes, we haven't seen a powerful monster all the way. Moreover, Hu Feishan still has the idea of walking away in the strange star rain sky. If they don't stay, let it lead to the cultivation of demons and beasts. "

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua just said, "if Chang Yue is still alive and suppressed in the starry sky, if you stay here for a while, Chang Yue will have a chance to fall."

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua's heart is one Lin, the side is to let bite soil insect will last of Bodhisattva Xi demon flower, the side is to cry a way in a hurry, "pass my military order, after the whole team rush to different star rain sky."

After flying for several hours, I saw that Yu Tai had already passed Chu RI and arrived at the center of Gao Tian, "boom..." A stormy voice sounded from a distance, and then saw a star rain like Tianhe falling into the earth, the whole earth was shaking.

"My lord..." Hu Feishan said hastily, "that's the starry sky!"

"Starry rain sky?" Xiao Hua frowned at the distance, because although it was far away from the place where Tianhe fell, there was already some fog around. The fog covered the heaven and earth, not only obscured his eyes, but also blocked Yannian.

Look at those immortal soldiers who are still in the battle array. They have opened the immortal trace. Silver light falls in the immortal trace to protect the immortal body.

Seeing Xiao Hua frowning, Hu Feishan took the opportunity to say: "my Lord, we have got a lot of things from the demon alliance this time. If we take them back and exchange them, we can also get a lot of military achievements and Qian Jing. If we don't wait to explore the edge of the strange star rain sky..."

At this point, Hu Feishan did not go on.

"Keep going!" Xiao Hua said, "it's not too late to retreat if you meet a difficult demon clan!"

"My lord..." Hu Feishan was a little impatient and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I can't retreat all over at that time!"

"Are you so bold?" Xiao Hua sneered and said, "Chang Yue dares to come. What do you dare to come?"

"Yes, my Lord!" What else did Hu Feishan want to argue about, but he swallowed his words.

Xiao Hua and others still urged their bodies to fly forward, and the fog became more and more diffuse, gradually becoming a wave of water.

The water waves are strange, flocculent and banded, which are all over the world. The colors of the water waves are different, either blue, red or golden. There are strange granular foreign bodies inside.These water waves are similar to the evil spirit of the demon alliance. They corrode the immortal to protect the body and silver light, and the corroding force is very strong.

Xiao Hua was a little worried, but looking at Qingguang's weakness and tenacity in the battle, he put down his heart and went on.

After flying for more than 100000 Li, the water wave has condensed into a water wave, similar to the sea, but there are still some gaps in the middle of the water wave. And those granular foreign bodies in the water waves before, now they are condensed together, one by one, all over the water waves, as bright as stars.

Although these starlike particles are good-looking, they are extremely strong and unstable. When they meet with each other, the particles immediately explode and set off some small vortices. Sometimes the vortices suddenly increase, sometimes they rotate and blend into another star, so the star becomes larger.

At this time, Hu Feishan also opened the immortal mark, and the green and red beams of light shot out to protect his immortal body. He looked at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. One of them had a phoenix feather on his body, and the other had a unicorn roar on his body. They did not open the immortal mark.

Surprised, Hu Feishan whispered again: "my Lord, there will be a bad feeling..."

"Well!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the huge fuzzy whirlpool in front of his head. In the whirlpool, there were wisps of fuzzy flames flashing. It looked like the torch in the fog. He said, "you say!"

"Red eye star fox!" Hu Feishan said, "Changyue's mission is to capture the red eye star fox in the strange star rain sky, and the red eye star fox is near when the Banxi demon flower is open, which shows that the red eye star fox is not in the strange star rain sky at all."

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Red eye star fox is not in the sky, Xiao Hua they began to find the task of the strange.