Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1077

Xiao Hua followed him, looking at the demon alliance which was different from his own, and asked casually, "why is there no demon clan near you?"

"Ha ha, it's easy for adults to know..." Hu Feishan knew that Xiao Hua was in the demon League for the first time. He explained with a smile, "in fact, this is not a real demon League. At most, it is the edge of the demon League. Just like our fairyland, there is no powerful demon clan. How many immortals have you seen near the Qiyao Moyi heaven?"

"And the demon bodies and crystal nuclei of those demon clans can be exchanged for military merit. The immortal generals guarding JieChong are close to the water. They often come to hunt. After so many years, what demon clans are there? Unless it's something like The demon clan like red eye star fox may appear. "

"Well..." Xiao Hua nods. Suddenly, his heart moves. He knows that Chuanxi has moved. He gives Yannian a look, but he frowns slightly.

It turned out that the disciple of the gate of fortune who was ordered to protect merciless and so on was ordered to send a message because he was ordered to be immortal.

"Sure enough..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "this is the law in the fairyland. All immortals must have traces of immortals, fruits of immortals and seals of immortals. Although there are traces of immortals among the disciples of Chuanghua sect in Xiao's space, they should follow this law when they come out..."

"Those disciples have been given immortal marks. If tens of thousands of other disciples come out, they will also be given immortal marks. If there are too many people, they will be in trouble. Xiao has to find a way to send them out in batches..."

Xiao Hua thought to himself that half a cup of tea had already flown. Hu Feishan looked around and saw that the mountain was flat. Some big and powerful demon trees appeared. He quickly whispered: "my Lord, the demon alliance's goods can be exchanged for Qian Jing in Butian Xianwei. Although they have no military merit, they are finally..."

Without waiting for Hu Feishan to finish, Xiao Hua understood and said with a smile, "everything should be done according to the hunting rules before."

"Yes, my Lord!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed. He nodded at Xiao Hua and flew to the front.

"What else?" Jiang Meihua watched Hu Feishan fly away, quite puzzled.

Xiao Hua light answer way: "scrape the ground three feet!"

Sure enough, after Hu Feishan's order, the battle array was divided into two parts, and it still fell like a blue cloud to the rocks or demon trees. It was just a few breath. The mountain range was flat and less than a hundred feet!

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua looked at the location of the starry rain sky and said with a smile, "you just asked to go to the starry rain sky at full speed. Isn't Hu Feishan making you turn back?"

Xiao Hua looked at Hu Feishan, the commander in the distance, and said, "I didn't expect that. I just think it's not easy for the immortal soldiers to come to the demon Alliance..."

"You are too weak to be in charge of the army!" Jiang Meihua hit the nail on the head.

"Haha," Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I know it by myself. That's why I asked you, Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming to give me advice!"

"Just this time!" Jiang Meihua looked at the battle array, sweeping the ground and flying to the sky. She whispered, "what will Hu Feishan do next time? Tell me in advance!"

Just then, "boom..." With a loud bang, a dozen mountain peaks in the distance suddenly burst apart. Among each peak, a stone flower with the size of a hundred Li rushed out madly. The stone flower gradually bloomed under the fire of Yutai. The clear sky all around suddenly became turbid. Like pearl flower, the shadow like withered branches came out of the air in the pillar of light and fell towards the stone flower. The stone flower gradually grew under the pillar of light A strange smell of feet.

"Bodhisattva flower?"

Jiang Meihua lost her voice and cried, "how big is it?"

"My lord..."

Seeing this, Hu Feishan, the commander of the army, threw down the immortal soldiers, and the flying general came over and cried, "Congratulations, we have met the Banxi demon flower!"

Xiao Hua smiles and asks, "if that's the case, take it!"

"No, no..." Hu Feishan quickly waved his hand and said, "you don't know something. In addition to the common use of refining body in the fairyland, the Bodhisattva flower has another very important role in the demon League."

"What's the effect?" Jiang Meihua was puzzled.

"Seduce the beast!" Hu Feishan explained with a smile, "I fairy can use the Bodhisattva demon flower to refine the body, and the demon alliance demon beasts prefer to eat it, and its breath can attract the demon beasts in a circle of 100000 Li."

"It's not far from JieChong!" Xiao Hua looked back and wondered, "why didn't Zhong HuJiao's subordinates find out?"

"The Banxi demon flower looks like a solid rock, but it's actually a water like thing..." Jiang Meihua said in a hurry, "it will drift in the land, sky and current of demon League. When it needs to bloom and grow, it will return to flower shape from rock shape at any time! Although it looks like a flower, there is a powerful demon insect on its body surface. This demon insect does not have the strength of the five elements immortal, but also has to have the high-level strength of the Yan immortal. In particular, the demon insect has a strong mouth and sharp teeth. Ordinary immortals may not be able to kill it! "

"My lord..." Hu Feishan rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "I've always heard that it's good to meet one or two Bodhisattvas. I'll meet thirteen of them all at once. It's lucky that I haven't seen them for a hundred years. As for how to collect it, Mei Tongling doesn't have to worry. All the immortal soldiers under Hu's command have the strength to kill this demon insect. "

"The problem is..." Jiang Meihua said coldly, "if it's like you said, what powerful monsters will the thirteen Bodhisattvas attract?""In fact, there won't be too many monsters!" Hu Feishan said, "didn't Hu just say that? All the monsters around have been hunted by the immortal soldiers of JieChong... "

Hu Feishan's words haven't finished yet, "roar..." There was a roar from the sky, and then a monster like an eagle flew out. The monster was more than 800 feet long, and its scales were several feet in size. There were mottled star marks on the scales, and each star Mark was haunted by fire.

"Dragon hawk burning the sky?" Seeing this, Hu Feishan cried out, "this How can there be such monsters in this place? "

"No monsters? Isn't that coming? " Jiang Meihua said coldly.

Xiao Hua was worried and asked, "have you dealt with it?"

"Don't worry, my Lord!" Hu Feishan patted his chest and vowed, "although the final general is not as powerful as an adult, he is sure to take thousands of brothers to deal with a dragon Eagle burning in the sky!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "look at your means. I'll take the battle for you!"

Hu Feishan flies out and raises his flag. More than 1000 immortal soldiers led by Yuexi immediately turn into a magic battle array to meet the burning dragon eagle, while Zhao Pingyi leads another thousand immortal soldiers to one of the Banxi demon flowers!

"Roar..." The Dragon Eagle roared, its wings flashed, and more than ten pillars of fire fell.

More than a thousand immortal soldiers divided into dozens of battle formations. The battle formation was shaped like a human figure. It was like dozens of Er Qi immortals besieged the sky burning dragon hawk and fought for half a meal. The sky burning dragon hawk was finally defeated and just about to escape, "boom boom..." Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi had been waiting for a long time. At the same time, they made a sacrifice to the Dragon eagles.

The Dragon hawk howled and was hit by the immortal weapon. Before it could struggle, Hu Feishan had already thrown out the net immortal weapon to capture it!

Hu Feishan was overjoyed. He was just about to take the Dragon eagle and reported to Xiao Hua, "roar..." Another animal roared from the mountains in the distance. In the animal roar, mountains collapsed, and a strange beast more than a thousand feet long flew out of the collapse.

But the monster's triangular head is covered with fire marks of fist size. The monster's body is like a bunch of gems, but the gems are hundreds of feet in size, shining with enchantment.

"This What kind of monster is this Even Jiang Meihua was stunned.

Hu Feishan was obviously stunned. Then he waved the flag in a hurry and ordered more than a thousand immortal soldiers who had just fought with the Dragon eagle to fly down to have a rest. The thousand immortal soldiers who had collected the Banxi demon flowers continued to fly up to meet the enemy.

Jiang Meihua looked at the immortal soldiers fighting with strange monsters and whispered: "Hu Feishan is also a general. He can command the immortal soldiers to fight with monsters easily."

"Of course..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "after all, it's also a deputy tiger teacher!"

Jiang Meihua was just about to say, "roar..." Another animal roars. In the distance, there are many demon flowers coming out of thin air. A monster with wings like butterflies and body like Xuanwu flies over the demon flowers.

"It's the Wuxuan demon butterfly. It's a good time!" With a roar, Zhao Pingyi raised another flag and directed the rest of the immortal soldiers to form an array to meet the enemy.

Smelling the smell of feet, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "it's all the monsters from the Bodhisattva flower! Don't you take the Banshee flower first

Say, Xiao Hua big sleeve a wave, bite soil insect to fly out.

This earth eating insect looks a little similar to the previous one, but in the flying, the faint dragon pattern and the appearance of the dragon have never been seen before.

The earth eating insects fly down the mountains and open their mouths to devour the powerful insects at the root of the Banxi demon flower. The demon insects dare not resist them at all. They shrink their heads and wait for the earth eating insects to devour them, "Ka Ka..." Sound between, protect the demon insect of the Bodhisattva demon flower is engulfed clean.

Xiao Hua laughs and flies to the sky above the Banxi demon flower. With a big hand, the whole Banxi demon flower is brought into space.

But at the moment when the Banxi demon flower disappeared, Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly brightened. His eyes were close to the earth, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The earth eater continued to fly to the second Bodhisattva flower and began to devour it from the root.

At this time, the strange monster and the mysterious butterfly were on guard for capture. The two thousand immortal soldiers just wanted to be relieved, "roar, roar..." There were three or five low roars in succession. In the sky, two monsters spread their wings to cover the sky. One of them vomited black, and the other one had flames flying between his wings! There are also gaps in the earth. Two monsters, like pangolins and dragons, climb out of the gap. Each of these monsters has red eyes. As soon as they fly out, they rush to the Banxi demon flower

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What's so strange about the Banshee flower?