Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1076

"Oh?" Xiao Hua takes Mo Xiantong, looks at Hu Feishan intentionally or unintentionally, and says with a smile, "Hu Fuhu teaches us to do things very carefully!"

"Where, where!" Hu Feishan rubbed his hands, a little embarrassed. Naturally, he did it to guard against Xiao Hua. But at this time, Jiang Meihua mentioned that in order to protect himself, he had to take out Mo Xiantong.

Xiao Hua looked at Mo Xian Tong and asked Hu Feishan, "Hu Fu Hu Jiao must have seen it. Why don't you explain it to me?"

"Changyue comes to hunt red eye star fox in the sky of strange stars and rain..." Hu Feishan said with a smile, "I think you must know that the star fox is the most cunning. If it wasn't for the advance layout and the perfect design of the immortal array, it would be impossible for more than ten immortals to hunt the star fox, so Chang Yue's chosen task is also the most difficult one in this tiger education competition..."

With that, Hu Feishan immediately felt that it was not right. He quickly changed the subject of the conversation One, it's as difficult as the task of HuJiao! "

Xiao Hua was amused. Since he knew he was afraid, why did he fight against leiming and Xiangqing in the barracks?

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "and then?"

"No, then!" Hu Feishan was embarrassed and said, "it is said that Changyue will enter the starry rain sky with more than ten immortals and never come out again."

"What about the sky itself? What about the red eye fox

"The strange star rain sky is nothing. It's just an ordinary demon realm of the demon League. I didn't find anything special in the previous explorations of the sky mending team, so there's no superfluous record. As for the red eye star fox, it's the Red Star realm demon clan comparable to Juyuan immortal, and it's also the nearest JieChong 167 immortal. I will occasionally see it when I patrol around... " Hu Feishan then said, "I'm afraid that when adults see this thing, they just want to take it as a task of tiger education."

Looking at Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi, Xiao Hua said, "in this case, this task is not dangerous. If Chang Yue falls here, there should be other changes!"

Zhao Pingyi hastily nodded his head and said, "it's true that the demonic regions at the demon alliance interface are not only different in the sky and landform, but also have many changes in the internal rules. Even the same demonic regions are different at different times, so today's strange star rain sky is different from the previous strange star rain sky, so butianxianwei has issued such a reward."

"My lord..." Jiang Meihua interjected, "if the sky is not of special strategic significance, Butian will not let people visit the sky again and again!"

"Good, good!" Yuexi also quickly nodded and said, "what master Mei said is true. It's also an idea that the end will hear that master Xiao got the reward! This reward for military service Too little. "

"Well, Xiao understands!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "that is to say, the task of the strange star rain sky can be big or small. If we rely on the military merit of offering a reward, we just need to send immortal soldiers to look around and do something perfunctory. But if we explore deeply, we will find more information."

"So..." Hu Feishan said hastily, "but listen to the adult's decision."

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua said, "Changyue, a Juyuan immortal, has fallen. How can I go to the pole to seek death? And you wait It's just the high level of Er Qi Xian... "

"Thank you very much Yue Xi quickly bowed.

Xiao Hua just wanted to say something. Suddenly, a wave of mountain light and shadow roared like a flame, and a hot feeling that could burn the heart and lung rolled up all over the world!

"Mei Tongling..." Zhao Pingyi reminds a way hastily, "the Yu of demon alliance rises too, careful!"

"Thanks for Zhao Changkong's reminding..."

Jiang Meihua turns to see the light and shadow with a smile.

But above the sky of the demon League, a huge sun seemed to hang in the Far East. Under this sun, at the junction of heaven and earth, another round of small fireball rose. Although the fireball was small, it suddenly appeared. The temperature of the whole demon League rose sharply, and the rising speed of the fireball was very fast. It was just half exposed, and it was completely out of the ground in the blink of an eye.

Before that mountain light and shadow and unspeakable heat is due to the birth of this round of the sun!

Xiao Hua was about to ask, but Jiang Meihua had already heard: "my Lord, there are three suns in the demon League, namely chuyang, Shiri and Yutai. The big one is called chuyang, and the smaller one is the first day. The first day is golden, and the first day is silver. Both of them are Sunday and will not appear in the sky at the same time. The time of staying in the sky on Sunday is equivalent to 14 days in fairyland. Yutai will appear at the same time with Sunday from time to time, but the time of staying in the sky is very short, equivalent to seven hours

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and asked, "how many moons are there in the demon League?"

"Nine..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "and I heard that the night sky of demon League is very beautiful..."

Jiang Meihua had to say something. Hu Feishan opened his mouth and asked, "my Lord, do you want to release all my subordinates?"

"All right!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said with a smile, "let them come out to form a battle. Otherwise, when they go back, they have never seen the early sun of the demon League. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Hu Feishan and others agreed to release the two thousand immortal soldiers.The immortal soldiers are naturally no better than the five immortal generals. Once they are infected with the evil spirit of the demon alliance, the whole body immediately gives birth to tiny flames. However, the immortal soldiers were well-trained. They sacrificed their immortal weapons and laid out their battle array. They were really two pieces of blue clouds. Seeing the clouds cover the blazing heat and flames, Xiao Huayang sent Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu into them.

Then Xiao Hua said, "please command Yue Changkong and Zhao Changkong."

"Yes, my Lord!" The two immortals will fly down to the battle array and wave the flag to command the immortal soldiers to move forward.

Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi are Changkong. It's a small test for them to command two thousand immortal soldiers, but Xiao Hua knows that if they are not allowed to command, they will be worried.

Sure enough, Hu Feishan's face was fixed. The flying general came over and said with a smile: "you are really powerful. In the past, the last general came to the demon league with leiming. Every time his old man used his own thunder immortal weapon to protect his body. You can only use the secret technique..."

"Goo Goo..." Xiao Hua just wanted to answer, there was a sound like a fountain rolling in the distance, and then the demon alliance earth trembled, and a breath of blood came in the heat.

"Starry rain sky?" Hu Feishan looked at the place where the breath came from. He was a little surprised and said, "my Lord, there is a change indeed."

"To avoid or to go?" Xiao Hua looked at the chaotic battle array and asked.

"Go Hu Feishan said without hesitation, "now is the best time to explore the dark sky of the early sun. When should we not go now?"


"Pass the military order of HuJiao, hurry to the strange star rain sky!"

With Hu Feishan's command, the battle forces speeded up and rushed forward.

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There's something interesting about the starry rain sky