Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1075

Hu Feishan steers the boat and flies into the whirlpool. There are radial lines around the whirlpool. These lines are deeply carved into the whirlpool with shaking, and the tail extends to the void. As for the edge of the void, there are some thin cracks like branches.

As the boat passes through, the lines extend and spread towards the vortex. After the boat flies over, the lines slowly disappear.

In the whirlpool, from time to time, some immortal generals in battle armor flash past like empty shadows. They are obviously patrolling immortal generals in the fortress.

After flying thousands of miles, the whirlpool in front of the head has been dim, the fierce and hot breath begins to flow from all parts of the space, and the sparks like flames begin to appear on the body surface of immortal generals such as Hu Feishan.

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming was the first to say, "there are small bubbles on the surface of the disciples, and the immortal power in the body is boiling. I'm afraid I can't stay here any longer."

"Well..." Xiao Hua also sensed that the immortal body was somewhat different like a needle. He nodded, waved his hand and accepted both Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu.

"My lord..." Hu Feishan whispered, "you Is this your first visit to the demon League? "

Xiao Hua replied: "yes!"

"the adult had better stimulate the immortal armor defense to the maximum..." Hu Feishan hastily explained, "and if you have other defenses, you might as well take them out. The vitality of the demon alliance is different from that of the fairyland. A little negligence may cause damage to the immortal body of you, especially the immortal baby in your body. Don't be contaminated with the vitality of the demon alliance!"

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded, noncommittal.

"My lord..." Hu Feishan took advantage of the situation and said, "although we have some different opinions with Xiangfu HuJiao, after all, we share the same account. We will never have other different ideas..."

"I understand!" Xiao Hua took a look at Hu Feishan and said with a smile, "those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid. You don't have to go along with them! Don't think about it. I'm really bringing you here to earn some military merit. "

"That's good, that's good!" after listening to Xiao Hua finally spit out, Hu Feishan was finally relieved.

Looking at the fairy boat flying out of the whirlpool, Xiao Hua saw an endless mountain peak, which was different from the fairyland. It was not only three points high, but also had a bright light on the mountain, which looked like the best material for refining weapons. Xiao Hua couldn't help asking, "does general Hu often come to the demon League?"

"I dare not be called a general..." Hu Feishan said in a hurry, "adults call the end will fly mountain."

Xiao Hua had goose bumps, and Hu Feishan's words were more powerful than the spirit of the demon League.

"Call General Hu!" Xiao Hua slightly thought and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, that will do!" Hu Feishan carefully replied, "the last general has been with Lei HuJiao several times before. It's not familiar!"

With that, Hu Feishan hastened to talk about the matters that should be paid attention to when he entered the demon League, such as less exercise, more use of immortal marks, and not letting the vitality of the demon League be stained with blood, etc.

But Xiao Hua didn't care about this. He looked at the continuous mountains under the boat and said, "since the boundary between the heaven of desire and the heaven of color is bordered by the demon alliance, then the objects of the demon alliance should be able to flow from the boundary to the fairyland, and the immortal of fairyland should also be able to enter the demon alliance from here. There is no need for cross-border magic power, right?"

"Oh, my Lord, what he said is the same as the doubt that the last general just joined the team!" Hu Feishan said with a smile, "after all, when I was in Huang Zengtian, I felt that the things of the demon alliance were extremely rare. If I can bring things back to the fairyland from the demon alliance, I must have a cross-border magic power. But in fact, there are a lot of demon alliance things in fairyland that are really transferred to fairyland through butianxianwei. However, these demon alliance things that can be transferred to fairyland will never be too rare, because the rare things are left in the team! "

"As for the latter, to tell you the truth, I don't really understand it! However, I don't know that this is a unique area where the two boundaries collide. In this area, it is the most suitable place for high-order Qixian and low-order Zhenxian to stay. If Zhenxian above Jinxian appears, it will cause space collapse and lead to interface storm. "

"What about Lord Buyao?"

"They usually hide in the immortal boat, and they don't take part in the war in person, but they do. That is the annihilation of a large area of JieChong."

"When I passed JieChong before, I felt that there was some demon breath in it. The power of the stars and the moon was too strong..."

"Ha ha, nothing strange!" Hu Feishan said with a smile, "most of the immortal soldiers in JieChong have killed the demons. Many of them still have the weapons of the demons. It's strange that they don't have the power of the stars and the moon..."

In other words, a huge star belt suddenly appeared in the sky, which covered nearly 100000 Li. The force of confinement produced layers of folds like rocks, blocking the sun.

"Be careful, my Lord!" Hu Feishan's face was dignified. He stopped the boat and said carefully, "here, he has completely left the range of JieChong, and the demon alliance law has come into effect. We have to go through the baptism of the similar clamor robbery before we can go deep into the demon alliance!"

"I see!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if Lord Buyao comes here, he will not only be annihilated in JieChong, but also be baptized by the rules of demon alliance?"

"It's natural, but JieChong's place is not enough to bear the weight of Lord Buyao's immortal body. Lord Buyao seldom comes here.""My lord..." Yuexi also strong courage, remind way, "at this time we should be separated, to avoid causing demon alliance law change."

"Good..." Xiao Hua just said a word, and Zhao Pingyi said, "but adults should pay more attention to the baptism of your old rules, which may be more severe than now."

"OK, I see!" Xiao Hua smiles and urges her body to fly out of the fairy boat. Jiang Meihua also flies out, but in different directions.

Hu Feishan and the other three looked at each other. Except Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi also flew to the other two places.

"Boom..." As soon as they left the immortal boat, the star belt across the sky began to vibrate. Four star belts came out of the star belt and fell in irregular rings.

Yuexi clapped his left and right shoulders and swallowed the beast Two animal heads fly out from the inside. Under the animal head is a strip of fog. There is a strong star power in the fog. As the animal head moves around in Yuexi Xianjia, a light and shadow like a different animal's body condenses in front of the fairyland.

Zhao Pingyi is more simple. He pats the empty ring on his waist and says, "whoosh..." A python dragon flies out. The python dragon is engraved with star like texture. When the python dragon is wrapped around Zhao Pingyi's immortal armor, the unspeakable breath will protect Zhao Pingyi's immortal body..

After the two immortal generals used their own methods, although the star belt formed on the top of their heads began to be dim, when the dim star belt fell on the two immortal generals, it was already insignificant.

"Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi seem to have different means, but in fact they are the same in essence. They both use their own blood as a guide to refine the demon alliance and the demon clan to resist the demon alliance rules. Of course, they can go deep into the demon alliance, but their blood will inevitably be invaded by the demon clan!" Xiao Hua looked at it and thought, "it's the same as Zhang Qingxiao. Although Zhang Qingxiao's state of mind is against heaven, his state of mind can't resist congenital defects. Even Zhang Qingxiao almost made wedding clothes for emperor Luo beast. How can Yuexi and others be spared? However, fortunately, they are mostly in JieChong, where there are still many fairies. There will be no accident! "

Just as Xiao Hua thought about it, Jiang Meihua said: "my Lord, I feel a little strange!"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua turned to look at Jiang Meihua, but saw that the star belt above Jiang Meihua's head was bigger than Yuexi and others, but the star belt flickered and rolled a few times and disappeared slowly, as if Jiang Meihua was a demon alliance.

Xiao Hua is happy. There is Kirin blood in Jiang Meihua's blood, and this Kirin blood is the rare blood essence of the relic world. The blood essence of Kirin suppresses the blood essence of Jiang Meihua. It's reasonable for heaven to judge that Jiang Meihua is a demon family.

"Don't ask me!" Xiao Hua repeatedly waved his hand, pointed to the star belt which was bigger than the three people together, and said, "I don't know what happened. If I knew, I would be afraid of this?"

in other words, the star belt brought down the power of heaven and earth, and it seemed that Xiao Hua would be imprisoned!

However, there is no need for Xiao Hua to push him down. There are many folds on the surface of Xiao Hua's body. The folds contain starlight. For a moment, the star flame will cover Xiao Hua's body, and a phoenix like shadow of the demon clan will hang its majestic wings behind Xiao Hua!

As soon as the shadow of Phoenix came out, the falling star belt disappeared.

Yuexi looked at the star belt with no trace, and looked at the empty shadow of Phoenix behind Xiao Hua. The momentum was compelling, and she couldn't help but be frightened.

"Good means, my Lord!" Hu Feishan came over in a boat and praised, "Your Majesty's magic power is amazing. It won't arouse the law of demon alliance at all. No wonder you want to choose the strange star and rain sky, and finally throw your admiration into the earth!"

"Lucky!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "let's move on!"

The immortals will fly back to the fairyland again. Jiang Meihua hesitated for a moment and said, "my Lord, at 167 o'clock when he just flew over JieChong, Zhong HuJiao once said that Changyue went to the strange star rain sky before that. Changyu's task must be similar to Xiao Fan's. Since Changyue can't, she must fall in it. We'd better be careful and do some understanding first Say it again. "

"This is easy to do!" Yue Xi took out his military card with a smile and said, "this matter will be known as long as you spend your military efforts in butianxianwei."

Zhao Pingyi reminded: "Yuexi, this is already a demon League. Can I use the fairyland to mend the sky?"

"Try first..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for Yue Xi to finish, Hu Feishan took out a Mo Xiantong and said, "don't bother Yue Changkong. As early as in JieChong, the general had already issued a reward in butianxianwei. Unfortunately, when he flew out of the fortress, someone grabbed the reward. This Mo Xiantong family hasn't come yet. My Lord, please look first... "

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When you first wrote about the scenery of the demon League, you still enjoyed it?