Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1074

But at this time, he calculated with his fingers that in less than a few months, Xiao Hua went from the early stage of Juyuan fairy to the middle stage of Juyuan fairy. This This is not far beyond Jiang Meihua's cognition!

"This What is this? "

However, Jiang Meihua's surprise did not lie in this. When he had just figured out the number of days of Xiao Hua's cultivation, his eyes fell to the point where Xiao Hua's broken gossip turned into an illusion he had never seen.

From the eight trigrams in the early stage of Juyuan fairy to the four images in the middle stage of Juyuan fairy, most of them are illusions of Laoyang, Shaoyin, Shaoyang and Laoyin. A few of them are perfect in practice. If they have an adventure, they will give birth to the four images of green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu. Some of them are more powerful, they will give birth to star images, which are like the four elements of Yuanling.

But Jiang Meihua had never heard that the four elephants had two inexplicable bands.

However, the shadow of a rainbow bridge of ten colors came out of xiaohuading gate and ran through xiaohuaxian's body until he got the sole of his feet. Then the sole of his feet came back into xiaohuaxian's body and rushed into xiaohuading gate.

In addition, there was also a light band of countless water filaments condensing around Xiao Hua's waist, and the shadow came out and penetrated horizontally, giving birth to a full 365 perfect rings.

Where does Jiang Meihua know that the rainbow bridge shape of ten colors represents life and death; countless water filaments condense with light to represent cause and effect!

Xiao Hua's four images are life, death, cause and effect. They are penetrating into the way of life and death and the way of cause and effect!

Unfortunately, as soon as Xiao Hua's four images were revealed, there was movement outside.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and his vision disappeared. He sighed and said, "how can it be so fast?"

Jiang Meihua also woke up and said with a bitter smile: "it's not fast. Just four or five months ago, the adults are ready to go to the middle level of Yuanxian. How can we practice it?"

"I'm joking!" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Lu Shu said with a smile, "everyone's chances are different, and the road they take is also different. The elder is not my master, so naturally they can't compare with my master!"

"Brother Jiang..." Xiao Hua laughed, pointed to the air and said, "it's also a coincidence for Xiao. As soon as he flew into the land of JieChong, Xiao felt that the law of space was different. Sure enough, when Xiao urged the skill, the light of JieChong everywhere made Xiao have a different feeling. This feeling promoted Xiao's skill, and then there was a change..."

"This..." Jiang Meihua was stunned, surprised and said, "can you practice like this?"

"Yes, isn't that chance?" Xiao Hua said faintly, and then raised his voice to remove the immortal ban. Hu Feishan and the other three were standing nearby, whispering.

"My Lord!" Hu Feishan quickly stopped to deliver the sound and said carefully, "there will be No. 167 JieChong in about half an hour ahead. Zhong xiaohujiao is guarding JieChong. If you pass by, you should say hello in advance!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "it's up to you."

"Well, no problem!" Hu Feishan agreed, with Yuexi and other two immortals will fly to xianzhoutou.

"It looks like the three of them have given up explaining!" Jiang Meihua said.

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Hua answered with a smile.

Sure enough, half an hour later, there were huge clouds piled up in the distance. Some immortal boats were shuttling in the air. The indifferent immortal soldiers on the immortal boats were watching Xiao Hua and others.

When he got closer, Xiao Hua could see clearly that the cloud was a fortress. The fortress was like a terraced field with many immortal soldiers and generals standing in it.

"Whoosh..." The clouds whirled, creating a whirlpool, and a boat flew out of it.

As the boat approached, a bright voice rang out: "who is Xiao HuJiao?"

"My Lord, this should be Professor Zhong Xiaohu." Hu Feishan said in a hurry, "don't be rude, my Lord!"

Xiao Hualang flew out with a smile, arched his hand and said, "I've met Zhong Xiaohu!"

"Xiao HuJiao is really powerful!" Zhong Xiao flew out of the immortal boat, looked up and down at Xiao Hua, and said with a thumbs up, "Zhong has learned from the trump that when sanhujiao was fighting, when Changyue passed by Zhong, Zhong thought Changyue was powerful enough, but she didn't think she was much worse than Xiao HuJiao. No wonder Xiao HuJiao can win!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised. He said, "Chang Yue passed by Zhong HuJiao. Is she going to finish the task of Hu Jiao's fight?"

"Yes Zhong Xiao nodded and said, "Changyue has brought nearly ten immortals. What she will go to is the starry rain sky. Who knows that she will never come back? I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck. On the first day of this year, Xiao HuJiao also went hunting in the sky of strange stars and rain. Be careful

"Silk..." Xiao Hua didn't feel anything. Hu Feishan, who was behind him, took a breath of cold air and said, "my Lord, let's We must be careful! "

"Ha ha, thank you for reminding me!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Xiao is just going hunting with his hands. If there's something wrong, we won't go deep into the sky."

"Well, that's right!" Zhong Xiao said with a smile, "although military achievements are attractive, life is more important!"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua turned to look at the immortal boat and said, "Xiao can't take the lives of two thousand immortal soldiers as weeds."

Zhong Xiao smiles, and then his face becomes whole: "Mr. Zhong wants to do business as usual. Please show Mr. Xiao the HuJiao seal...""Easy to say!" Xiao Hua takes out the HuJiao seal and checks it with Zhong Xiao.

When the seal of HuJiao was returned to Xiao Hua, Zhong Xiao said, "Lord Xiao, JieChong can't bear the large-scale immortal boat. Please bring the immortal soldiers into the immortal vessel of Xingbing!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua agreed, turned around and told Hu Feishan and other humanitarians, "you take two thousand immortal soldiers and follow Xiao to enter the demon League!"

Hu Feishan and the other three were stunned, and immediately they were slightly relieved. They quickly bowed and said, "yes, I will obey you!"

Seeing that the three immortals would go back to gather up the immortal soldiers, Zhong Xiao said: "Lord Xiao gave them two thousand immortal soldiers to carry. I'm afraid that it would make the Lord throw a rat's fear into him."

"Ha ha, no harm, no harm!" Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Xiao has his own ideas."

"Well, Mr. Zhong wishes Mr. Xiao every success!" Zhong Xiao arched his hand and said, "when the adult returns from the demon League, Zhong prepares thin wine to see him off."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong, for your kind words." After Xiao Hua returns the salute, Zhong Xiaofei returns, waving the flag in his hand, and a rugged whirlpool emerges from the clouds!

At this time, Hu Feishan and others have already collected immortal soldiers and offered sacrifices to the boat. Xiao Hua takes Jiang Meihua and others to fly down the boat and nods to Zhong Xiao and others. Driven by Hu Feishan, the boat hovers and flies into the vortex.

When Xiao Hua's boat disappeared, the whirlpool began to close. A thin fairy would fly down from the nearby boat. He looked at the whirlpool and whispered, "my Lord, they won't affect our plan, will they?"

"No!" Zhong Xiao replied faintly, "it's just a tiger sect of Juyuan fairy. It's just two thousand immortal soldiers. They can't lift any big waves, and whether they can come back from the strange star rain sky is a question."

"Well, I'll make do with the notice."

Zhong Xiao stood with a negative hand and looked at the towering fortress. He said faintly, "go!"

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What are Zhong Xiao's plans?