Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1073

"Good!" Xiao Hua took out the seal and said, "Xiang Fu Hu Jiao, I'll take all the generals out for training, and I'll leave the affairs of the barracks to you as soon as I deal with them!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiangqing takes out his seal in a hurry. When Xiao Hua urges the seal, a false shadow falls into Xiangqing's seal. Xiangqing bows down again and says, "I will live up to your trust."

"Hu Fuhu teaches..." Xiao Hua took the seal, looked at Hu Feishan and said faintly, "team up and go!"

"My lord..." Hu Feishan hesitated for a moment and said, "Yue Changkong and Zhao Changkong are ill. If they don't rest in the barracks, how about accompanying adults to the demon League?"

"Hum..." Xiao Hua looked at Hu Feishan coldly and said, "I have already reported your name in butianxianwei. How can I change it?"

"All right, all right!" Hu Feishan left and right to see Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi, three eyes are a kind of despair.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua was amused, but he was still gloomy.

Outside the barracks, the immortal boats urged the two thousand immortal soldiers to enter orderly. Although they were all immortal soldiers, the immortal soldiers under Hu Feishan and others obviously looked different from those under Xiangqing. Some of them were depressed, some were decadent. How could they compare with the exultation of the other thousand immortal soldiers?

Xiao Hua was also happy to see a thousand immortal soldiers excited. Previously, he thought that after 200000 military achievements were equally divided, each immortal soldier would be no more than 200. In addition, he would give Hu Feishan and others a share. In fact, immortal soldiers may only have 100 military achievements. Immortal soldiers may not be able to see them. But now it seems that even if it is 100 military achievements, immortal soldiers are very happy!

So Xiao Hua had a score in his heart.

The fairy boat used by the Butian team is far more unusual than that of the ordinary fairy boat. When two thousand fairy soldiers got on the flying and falling fairy boat, their body size was greatly reduced, and there was no crowding at all. When Xiao Hua and others landed on the central platform of Xianzhou, Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua nodded slightly. Jiang Meihua raised her hand and said, "let's go!"

"Yes Under the platform, the immortal general who was in charge of the boat had already agreed. In the roar of the immortal boat, he rushed out of the barracks.

"Oh, I forgot to report to Qin Xinqin Longqi!"

After flying out of the barracks and rushing into the air, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered that there was a patrol immortal standing in front of him.

Who knows, there has been an immortal in the past. In a moment, the immortal in the way will fly away and the immortal boat will fly again.

"To teach adults to know..." Although Hu Feishan didn't look good on his face, he said with a smile, "Xiangfu HuJiao sent immortal soldiers to Qin Longqi's place to report after he was summoned by the adults. Qin Longqi also knew that the end general would follow the adults to the demon League!"

Hu Feishan said the last sentence very seriously, as if to warn Xiao Hua.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua only glanced at him coldly. Qin Xin said that if Hu Feishan and others disobeyed the discipline, they could kill him. How could Qin Xin care about the end of Hu Feishan and others' hunting?

Seeing that Xiao Hua was speechless, Hu Feishan and others had no idea. They didn't expect Xiao Hua to act so decisively that they would take them hunting as soon as he came up!

Think about Xiao Hua's previous efforts to break dozens of immortal generals, their hearts are cool.

Hu Feishan and others want to beg for mercy, but in front of two thousand immortal soldiers, in front of Jiang Meihua and others, they really can't give up their face.

When he got out of the barracks, the immortal boat flew more than 100000 Li obliquely. There was an interface barrier in front of him. Xiao Hua suddenly felt strange. He said in secret: "no, there are interface rules similar to Xumi's immortal prohibition on the edge of ordinary interfaces. It's impossible for ordinary friars to see the interface barrier even when they fly to death. How can the interface barrier of Qiyao moyitian be so easy to approach? Is it because of the influence of the demon alliance interface? "

"My lord..." At this time, Hu Feishan whispered, "there will be I have some important things to report. Can I report them alone? "

Xiao Hua was about to send out Yannian to investigate. After hearing Hu Feishan's words, he knew that he wanted to beg for mercy, so he said with a smile: "Hu Fu Hu Jiao, you don't have to think about it much, just take you to hunt. We Hu Jiao don't have any other ideas!"

Xiao Hua Yue said that, and Hu Feishan felt that Xiao Hua was a smiling tiger. He sighed and said, "maybe you have some misunderstanding about the end general..."

At this time, the immortal boat had already stimulated the immortal prohibition, and the colorful halo was like water lines. Xiao Huayan was exploring the changes of the law. Hearing Hu Feishan speak, he waved his hand and said, "Hu Fuhu taught me a lot, but Xiao didn't think much."

"Well, all right!" Hu Fei mountain, Xiao Hua Oil and salt do not enter, had to sigh a retreat beside.

When Jiang Meihua looks at Xiao Hua, she is secretly amused. He thinks Xiao Hua does it on purpose!

Where does Xiao Hua care? He released Yannian to explore the laws of space. Sure enough, the laws of the interface here are disordered. Many tiny fragments can't be explored even Yannian, and even many laws of space seem to have been broken.

"It's weird!" Xiao Hua frowned.

Breaking out of the interface barrier, the rule breath becomes more disordered. A lot of different colors and fog interweave all over the space. The inexplicable fluctuation ignores the penetration of the immortal boat defense. The whole body of 2000 immortal soldiers glows like a broken firefly.

"My lord..." Hu Feishan said in a low voice in a hurry, "please give me a seal, so that all the immortal soldiers can form a battle array, otherwise their immortal bodies will be damaged by the boundary rush light!""The world is full of different lights?" Xiaohuayan read swept, also feel that this inexplicable fragments strange, side is to sacrifice the seal formation, side is to ask, "what is this?"

"My lord..." Yuexi also said with a smile, "vertically speaking, JieChong here is the intersection of yujietian and sejietian. There is immortal dark light penetrating into it. Horizontally speaking, there is the power of demon alliance, stars and moon rushing in. Light and shadow crisscross, merge with each other, annihilate each other, and produce strange light and shadow. This light and shadow is extremely harmful to the immortal body condensed by our Qi immortals!"

"Well, Ben will understand!" Xiao Hua nodded and asked, "how far is it to go to JieChong 167?"

"About eleven yuan days!" Zhao Pingyi quickly connected.

"Good!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "you wait here to guard. I'll meditate first. When I get the place of JieChong, I'll wake up again!"

"This..." Hu Feishan is in a daze.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua doesn't wait for Hu Feishan to say more. As he raises his hand, the fairy boat arouses a lot of light and shadow to protect Jiang Meihua, Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu.

Looking at the light and shadow disappear between the rotation, Hu Feishan's face gave birth to a trace of excitement.

"Big brother..." Seeing this, Yuexi said in a hurry, "this Is this Xiao HuJiao's trap? "

Hu Feishan was surprised by Yuexi's warning. He looked at HuJiao's seal, which was not far away from him, and sighed, a little frustrated.

"Big brother..." Zhao Pingyi whispered, "listen to Xiangqing, this Is Xiao HuJiao not so cold-blooded? "

"Who knows!" Hu Feishan shook his head slightly and replied, "know your face, don't know your heart! You and I don't agree with Xiangqing and have some misunderstanding with leiming. The whole team knows about this. For this hunting, he will take you and me without one of Xiangqing's Fairy generals... "

"Isn't there a thousand immortal soldiers in Xiangqing?"

"It's a play for others to see." Hu Feishan said, "if he only takes you and me, and you and my immortal soldiers Anyone can understand it at a glance, and Qin Xinqin Longqi will not agree with it... "

"What about that?"

"Looking for Find a chance to explain to him! "

"I knew this guy was so powerful. On the first day of the year, we shouldn't let go of our wild talk when Xiangqing went to fight for the position of HuJiao."

"Yes, who could have thought that this immortal Xiao had the strength of Juyuan fairy's middle rank!"

"It's not just Juyuan fairy, is it? It's said that Xiao Fan, who took charge of Lu Qinglu HuJiao's military camp, has the high-level strength of Juyuan Xianzhong. Our Xiao HuJiao finished the task before Xiao Fan! "

Xiao Hua naturally didn't pay attention to the three people's random conjecture. As soon as he inspired the immortal ban, Lu Shu couldn't bear to laugh and said, "master, you've scared the three Er Qi immortals so much!"

"Look at the performance of the three Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I didn't mean to do anything, but if they do, no wonder I am."

Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "my Lord, this test of life and death It's hard for anyone! "

After listening to Jiang Meihua calling himself "adult" several times, Xiao Hua had the heart to correct it before, but thinking that it was also about his dignity, he would not say more.

He thought for a moment and said, "it's not a test of life and death. I didn't say anything. I also brought Xiangqing's thousand immortal soldiers. If they are really different, it's that they have ghosts in their hearts. Since they are not good for me, I won't be polite! Let's see... "

With that, Xiao Hua closed his eyes.

Jiang Meihua wants to say something else. She can only shrug when she looks at Xiao Hua and closes her eyes.

Zhou Xiaoming knew Xiao Hua very well. He knew that Xiao Hua had time to practice, so he whispered a few words to Lu Shu and began to understand the mental method.

Sure enough, after half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua's eyebrows began to flicker, and the light knots that formed eight trigrams gushed out, overflowing in the surface of Xiao Hua's body. The light knots spread all over his body, and a Taoist robe that looked like eight trigrams came out.

However, the robe was just exposed, and it began to break. Countless pieces of it began to collide and blend with each other. A seemingly bottomless black hole appeared on Xiao Hua's body surface.

"I'll go..." Jiang Meihua was stunned. She couldn't help cursing in her heart, "Xiao Hua has just advanced to the first stage of gathering Yuanxian. How about a few days How can there be a sign of impact on the middle level of Juyuan fairy? "

Then, Jiang Meihua began to calculate with her fingers.

When Jiang Meihua heard that Tian Xue had just met Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua was still a high-level Er Qi immortal. When Jiang Meihua saw Xiao Hua again in Senluo Road, Xiao Hua was already in the early stage of Juyuan immortal. At that time, Jiang Meihua was not particularly surprised. After all, Xiao Hua had been a successful Er Qi immortal before, and could get together at any time.

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The initiative is in the hands of Hu Feishan and others. It depends on how they choose