Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1072

"Since they haven't found it, how can I find it?"

"It's strange that Li Mo Yi disappeared. How did Yu Xian know Li Mo Yi's whereabouts? These eight locations How did you get here? "

"Well, if you don't expect it, it's Yuxian who has made great efforts in divination. After all, it's really important for them to come to the business alliance."

"Ah, Mr. Ning Xue is a bit of a fish in the manger..." After thinking about it, he Qiong had a bitter smile on her face. She sighed and said in secret, "the reason why the zhanglv palace is looking for Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua actually knows the thunder skill of our penalty palace. Is this secret that our patrol envoys can contact? It's understandable for adults to want revenge, but how can they be found just by speculation? "

Just thinking of this, he Qiong's face suddenly appeared a little strange. She lost her voice and said excitedly: "Oh, damn, how can I ignore it? Since Yuxian can divine eight places, it shows that Li Moyi has something to do with eight places! But that doesn't mean that Li MOI is in these eight places! "

He Qiong takes out the immortal picture and Mo Xiantong, and there is light and shadow splashing between them. Then she carefully looks at Mo Xiantong, and raises her hand to connect points on the immortal picture. After eight light spots appear, he Qiong takes a close look, and her fingers keep moving. One light filament appears, and finally, dozens of light filaments condense on one point.

"If it's not unexpected, it's here!" He Qiong said excitedly, "a place close to eight places!"

But when he Qiong waved to erase the light and shadow, she stopped again, shook her head and said, "no, I can think of it. How could Yuxian not think of it? No, no, there should be others... "

He Qiong immediately fell into a deep meditation. After burning incense, he Qiong suddenly saw a little light in her eyes. She was almost excited and said: "by the way, chenxiaohai, the route from chenxiaohai to these eight places should also be considered. The starting point of divination should be chenxiaohai..."

After that, he Qiong raised her hand, and a straight light fell on the shadow.

"Here it is!" He Qiong raised her hand and said, "jingchenze!"

With that, he Qiong waves and wipes the light and shadow to fly out of the boat towards jingchenze.

Jingchenze is a continuous water, or the spring with flashing golden light gushes from the earth, or the water mist with flashing nephew drops from the sky, and some thick water mist sprays from the inexplicable space, covering different water surfaces.

He Qiong naturally did not expect that this jingchenze was where Li Moyi disappeared from the sight of Huang's disciples on the first day!

He Qiong's body fell. First, she offered to explore the immortal utensils. Although there was no trace as before, she still gave a smile. She was confident that she offered a futon with thunder condensation. When she sat on the futon with her knees crossed, the futon gave birth to thunder and fell around, and gradually disappeared.

About a dozen days ago, the wind roared out of the thick fog, but a needle eye sized vortex came out from the inside. The vortex rushed into the thick fog and produced a twisted track, and then a faint wave rushed out of the track.

Coincidentally, the fluctuation rippled to where he Qiong's invisibility was. "Brush" just had a thick fog coming out of thin air, blocking in the void.

After the wave disappeared, "brush" a fuzzy flame rushed out from the whirlpool, the flame rotated, and Li MOI's body was revealed from inside.

It turns out that Li Moyi stayed here all the time and didn't leave at all. No wonder the disciples sent by the Huang family couldn't find him, and the Huang family's disciples were not stupid. Naturally, they also explored around jingchenze. As for why they couldn't find Li Moyi, only Li Moyi knew.

Li Mo Yi showed his figure and threw out a slender fairy boat without any hesitation. This fairy boat was not given by Xiao Hua.

However, without waiting for the immortal boat to take shape, "boom..." In the void behind Li Mo Yi, the sound of thunder rings. He Qiong flies out from the inside, looks at Li Mo Yi with a smile and says: "so you really hide here! It looks like I'm... "

"Ah?" Hearing the sound of thunder, Li Mo Yi's face changed greatly. When he saw that it was he Qiong, there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Unfortunately, without waiting for he Qiong to finish her speech, her face suddenly changed, which was even more shocking than Li MOI's face. She took something out of her sleeve. But she saw that it was a red jade pendant, which just split from the middle!

"How can it be? My Lord, she... "

Ning Xue naturally fell, which was even more unexpected to he Qiong. Before she found Li Moyi, she would definitely turn around and run away. She would never wait here for a moment, because Xiao Hua had already fallen three Er Qi immortals. How could she put her life into it again?

Unfortunately, now Li MOI has appeared!

He Qiong hesitated. Should she arrest Li Moyi? Or

But the reality doesn't give he Qiong the chance to choose at all. When he Qiong's face changes greatly and he is absent-minded, "whoosh" Li Moyi raises his hand. There is a golden light flying out of his sleeve. He Qiong can't resist at all. That golden light has turned into a fairy rope and tied he Qiong up!

"It's time to Damn it He Qiong can't help but scold. This is what she didn't expect. How could she be captured by the prey?

But that Xian Suo not only imprisons he Qiong's Xian Li, but also binds her body to death!"Hoo..." Li Mo Yi in the distance took a long breath, and his body fell thousands of feet, which stopped him. He couldn't think much about it. As soon as Da Xiu Zhan took he Qiong back, his body fell into the fairy boat, but the fairy boat flew more than a hundred miles. Li Mo Yi's Fairy power was exhausted, but he took a few more elixirs, and then urged the flying boat to go far away!

I don't know how long it took for a human figure to come in the fog and spread out his thoughts. Looking around, he said strangely, "didn't the little immortal official of the penalty palace find Li Moyi? Why is the sign of xiaoxianli missing? Damn, if I hadn't delayed... "

Huang zengtianguan has a lot of causes and effects on Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua, who is in JieChong, doesn't feel it. He keeps his eyes closed and waits for Hu Feishan and other immortals to gather.

An hour later, Jiang Meihua said in a low voice, "my Lord, all the generals are assembled!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and said, "Xiao is taking you to hunt!"

"Yo Hoo..." Zhou Xiaoming cheered, jumped up and said, "I'm going to earn military merit!"

Xiao Hua flies out of the tent, and the two thousand immortal soldiers are waiting outside. Hu Feishan, Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi stand in front of him with gloomy faces. Xiangqing sees Xiao Hua coming out, flies over, bows and says, "my Lord, the two thousand immortal soldiers have been assembled. You can start at any time!"

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Li Moyi and he Qiong met