Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1071

"Xiao Qi..." Xueyu's address to Yang Junke also makes Ning Xue almost crook her nose. It turns out that Xueyu knows Xiaoqi is Yang Junke!

Xue Yu pointed to Ning Xue and said in a loving tone: "this is the high-level prison inspector of the penalty palace, Mr. Ning Xue. Come here and see him!"

"The palace of punishment?" Yang Junke's face changed when she heard the words "penalty Palace". She flew to Ning Xue and arched her hand slightly. She was very alert and said, "what can I do for you?"

Yang Junke's attitude is totally different from that of Xue Yu. Ning Xue is slightly angry, but she still looks down at the little fairy and says coldly, "I came to Xieyu palace to ask you one thing at the order of the palace supervisor. You have to answer it carefully. Don't hide it!"

"Don't you just want to know where Xiao Liu is?" Yang Junke was even more indifferent and said with disdain, "how can I know where he has gone?"

"Didn't you save it?"

"Ha ha..." Yang Junke sneered, "the three immortal officials of your penalty Palace are all in chenxiaohai city. How can I save Xiao Liu with a little leakage immortal? I also want to ask you! What happened to Xiao Liu's master? What's wrong with him? You've killed me in the sea of dust

"Bold!" Ning Xue frowned and scolded, "how can you wait for doubt when punishing palace immortal officials to do things?"

"What a powerful official Not afraid of Ning Xue, Yang Junke retorted, "think about a good fairyland. People come to the fairyland to make good deals. They take out wine, utensils and lotus seeds, which can diagnose and treat the three failures of immortals. What about you? As soon as they come out, they will capture the master of others, and then they will block the sea market to capture Xiao Liu. If it wasn't for me... "

At this point, Xueyu coughs in a hurry. Yang Junke wakes up and covers her mouth with her hands. Her big eyes are dripping.

"Hey, hey..." Ning Xue smiles and says, "little girl, where is Bai Xiaotu? Say it

"Don't know, just don't know!" Yang Junke looked like a rascal and said, "I'm just a little fairy. What can I do?"

"Cough, my lord..." Snow jade light cough two, say, "this matter whether some misunderstanding, might as well......"

Xue Yu naturally doesn't know the relationship between Ning Xue and situ Hong, but when Ning Xue sees Yang Junke's appearance, she has a stomach full of fire. How can she resist it?

"Click..." Ning Xue suddenly reaches out her hand, and a thousand feet of thunder arc comes out to cover Yang Junke, while Ning Xue's foot is full of thunder clouds, but in the blink of an eye, she has taken Yang Junke back hundreds of miles!

"My lord..." Snow jade really didn't expect that Ning Xue suddenly shot, waiting for her to wake up, it's not enough, snow jade body shape turned into rain light swept empty and out of date, urgent way, "a little calm, don't be impatient..."

"Say..." The voice of Ning Xue is like the roar of thunder beast, "where is the white clay? If you don't tell me, I will crush you to death!"

Ning Xue's words are nothing more than threats, but the anger she has held for a long time in her heart is real. In her words, the thunder around her is crazy, and she blocks the high-level Xue Yu of Er Qi fairy!

"Damn it Snow Jade's face changes slightly, because she heard the murderer from Ning Xue's tone!

At this time, the sudden change, in mid air suddenly gave birth to a huge fist, this fist like meteorite fall, "poof..." A breakdown of thunder, is hit in the snow body!

"Boom!" There was a dull burst. Ning Xue's immortal body, which was more than 700 Zhang long, was beaten into flesh pulp. The armor was also broken in pieces. What made Xue Yu most frightened was that there was a big halo in her flesh. Ning Xue's immortal trace and immortal baby had no chance to escape. In the blink of an eye, they had turned into nothingness!

Thunder never annihilated, blood never dissipated, an ordinary looking fairy slowly flew out!

Yang Junke is scared to lose her face. She looks at the fairy in disbelief.

"Xiao Qi..." The immortal flew slowly, and said in a light voice, "I'm Xiao Hua's old acquaintance. I just heard that Xiao Hua had fallen in Youji. I'm here today to ask you, you Do you still have little lotus seeds in your hand? "

"Before Senior... " Snow jade has already come, stammer way, "you have something to do..."

"Don't think about subpoena..." The visitor is naturally a stupid Taoist. He said faintly, "I won't embarrass you. I need Xiaosheng lotus seed urgently now!"

"Master..." Yang Junke understood and said quickly, "I asked for six little holy lotus seeds from Xiao Liu, which shamelessly cost me a lot of money, but I have already given the little holy lotus seeds to elder Shangqing."

"Alas..." There's no need for a stupid Taoist to speak again. Xue Yu sighed, "I'm late. As you know, there are seven elders in Xieyu palace. They have been sent to the heaven of desire for a long time

The stupid Taoist's voice was a little trembling and asked, "where's Bai Xiaotu?"

"The heartless one didn't come to Xieyu Palace at all..." Yang Junke said, "it's not long since he left Xiaohai. I I can't stop him either... "

"Master..." Snow Jade also urgent way, "I Xieyu Palace also sent disciples to look for Bai Xiaotu, after all, we still have an elder..."

"Does Bai Xiaotu say where he used to be?"Yang Junke was also frightened by the thunder of the stupid Taoist priest. She didn't dare to hide it. She replied honestly, "I heard that he was going to xiangxiangyu mainland with master Xiao..."

Speaking of this, Yang Junke didn't go on. Instead, she looked at the stupid Taoist and said with a brilliant smile, "master, do you really know Master Xiao?"

The stupid Taoist looked at Yang Junke, hesitated for a moment, and said, "naturally I know Xiao Hua. You don't have to doubt it!"

"How to prove it?" Yang Junke asked.

"Yunmengze, hailongyuan, xuanyiguo..."

Stupid Taoist tone light say three place names.

"Hee hee..." Yang Junke closed her mouth and said, "don't blame me, senior. Xiao Liu's strength is low. I'm afraid I'll cause him any trouble. Xiao Liu told me that his father was a disciple of Tianhong Pavilion, and his mother was a disciple of Dongfang aristocratic family. He had the body of his mother with him. When he went back to Xiangyu and lost Tianhong Pavilion, he still wanted to find Dongfang aristocratic family. I don't know. "

The stupid Taoist was overjoyed and said, "good! I see. Thank you very much

"Master..." Snow jade beside said, "Xieyu Palace also sent disciples to xiangxiangyu mainland, the elder might as well leave a message Keepsake!"

"No need!" Stupid Taoist figure has begun to empty, said, "if you find a little holy lotus seed, might as well leave one, some family will come to look for it, thank you!"

"Master..." Snow jade wants to say again what, but stupid Taoist figure already disappeared.

"Alas Xueyu looked at the disappeared Xianjin and sighed, "this elder's method is really powerful..."

"Yes, yes!" Yang Junke nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said, "this Er Qi fairy is so powerful that he killed him with one blow!"

"Not that he's powerful!" Xueyu looks at Yang Junke and says, "it's him who has a strong hand. The high-level inspector of the penalty palace made it fall on my Xieyu palace. How can I explain it? "

"To tell you the truth?"

"It's not that simple! Penalty palace and Xieyu Palace are not as simple as you think. We Xieyu palace can't explain anything about the fall of the immortal officials in the penalty palace... "

"If I had known that, I should have told her..."

"Hum..." Xue Yu snorted coldly, "you don't have to blame yourself. The immortal official of the penalty palace didn't enter our immortal gate when she arrived here. She must have had the idea of taking you away for a long time, even She still wants to search for you! She captured you in front of my Xieyu palace. What's the face of my Xieyu palace

"It's so complicated!" Yang Junke put out her tongue and said.

"Let's go..." Xueyu looks at Yang Junke and says, "it's a blessing in disguise for you to sneak out this time. It's a pity that you didn't keep Bai Xiaotu..."

"Who cares about him?" Yang Junke pouted and said, "what's his bad name? He's called Xiao Liu. I want to kick him to death when I think about it!"

"Ha ha..." Xueyu laughed and said, "what do you mean that you want to kick him to death? If you find a strong bodyguard for him, why do you still say that you want to kick him to death? Let's go. Elder Shangqing must be waiting. Let's talk to her about it! "

Yang Junke sticks out her tongue and flies back to Xieyu palace in the clouds of snow jade. Naturally, after them, other disciples come to collect the remains of Ning Xue. Although Xieyu palace doesn't want to cause trouble, it's in front of his house. They can't care!

Ning Xue comes to Xieyu palace to look for Bai Xiaotu. He Qiong is naturally looking for Li Moyi.

At this time, he Qiong was flying out of a transmission array. She looked around, offered sacrifices to the boat, and flew quickly in one direction. After flying nearly ten thousand li, she looked at the surrounding terrain. Then she took out a Moxian pupil. After Yannian's exploration, she said to herself, "it's here!"

Immediately he Qiong took up the ink immortal pupil, and then offered a disc-shaped immortal weapon. As the immortal formula entered, the disc rotated and splashed out gorgeous thunder light. The thunder light gradually disappeared into the void, and the space of ten thousand li was completely shrouded after a wisp of incense!

He Qiong's face turned white. After swallowing an elixir, she took a little rest. When she opened her eyes, the last fairy formula came into the disc and sounded golden. However, he Qiong looked at the clear light and shadow of the disc and laughed bitterly.

After collecting the artifacts, he Qiong narrowed her eyes and looked around at the clouds. She thought to herself, "Yuxian has given me eight possible places, but since Li Moyi represents a continuous stream of business leagues, Yuxian must also be interested in Li Moyi's whereabouts. If Li Moyi appears in these eight places, they must have explored them for a long time..."

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I wish you all happy New Year's day and good luck in the year of the pig