Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1070

Xieyu palace is located in the east of enlightenment mainland, which is composed of a palace which stretches thousands of miles.

These palaces are like clouds floating in the air. The rising sunshine of Jiaotu is on one side of the palace, and tens of thousands of rainbow bridges are born. The rainbow bridges crisscross and flow everywhere. Sometimes there are handsome men and beautiful women shuttling among them. On the other side, the white moon does not fall completely. Where the white moon is scattered in the sky, there is a little rain light slanting down, and the eyes sweep by The rain light is like silk, like a dream, with a little bit of melancholy. The temple in the rain is poetic and picturesque, but it is interesting to see the other side of the beautiful.

"Half of the sun and half of the rain, heaven and earth are difficult to produce one, floating life sitting alone in the clouds, slanting rain palace produces Yang and Yin!"

On one side of the white moon, a little light flew out like a star, and immediately the whole light condensed into the color of purple gold, "whoosh..." When the purple gold was just revealed, the light rose in a spiral shape and rushed to the sky. The spiral was very fast, and it was already dark. About half a cup of tea later, a fuzzy human figure stood in the place where the spiral disappeared. Looking at the beautiful Xieyu palace in the distance, he whispered: "Xieyu palace, its name is in fact!"

With the sound scattered in the air, the figure gradually condenses. Isn't it just the stupid Taoist in chaotianque?

The stupid Taoist looked at it for a moment, and then his figure disappeared again. Only a moment later, his figure appeared in the clouds again. He looked at one direction with some surprise and said, "the penalty palace immortal official? Why did she come to Xieyu palace? "

With that, he whispered to the distance: "little, you don't have to show your body. I'll come right away!"

"Yes, fourth uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao's voice sounded very happy. After all, he talked a lot with the stupid Taoist all the way, and "fourth uncle" was finally able to shout.

Stupid Taoist naturally did not want to be seen by the immortal officials of zhanglv palace, but he didn't want to delay his time. He thought that stupid Taoist turned into an ordinary immortal and flew into Xieyu palace. With his strength, he transformed the disciples of Xieyu palace to find the message of Xiao Qi Yang Junke, which would never be found.

But after all, Yang Junke is an immortal. There are so many disciples in Xieyu palace. There are many branches in Xieyu palace, such as Korean pond, xiyuze and fengxueling. Who knows where Yang Junke is?

The immortal official in the penalty palace that stupid Taoist priest saw was naturally Ning Xue, a high-level inspector. She was just like stupid Taoist priest thought. So she stood in front of Xieyu palace, raised her hand, took out her keepsake, and threw it forward. The keepsake turned into a thunder light and hit the air. There was a heavy water light mixed with a heavy ice crystal in the air, but the immortal was defeated by the thunder light, and the thunder light flashed several times It has already fallen in front of the gate in the deep of Xieyu palace!

"Penalty Gong Ning Xue, meet the Lord of Xieyu Gong!"

Ning Xue looked at the water and light in front of the hall door and said in a faint voice.

In the light of the water, a water dragon flies out from the depth of the temple, swallows the snow keepsake, nods to the snow, turns and flies away.

"Brush..." A moment later, three or five female immortals in sword costume flew out from the place where the water was shining in the distance. These female immortals didn't have the strength of immortals. They flew to Ning Xue and bowed in front of her and said, "I've met you, my Lord!"

"Well!" Ning Xue nodded and ignored them. Those disciples didn't dare to speak any more. They were careful to accompany them!

"Dangdang..." After about half a cup of tea, the bell rings, the side door of the Palace door opens, and a torrent of frozen flowers rushes out. On top of the torrent, there are some female immortals. First, a plump middle-aged woman is wearing simple palace clothes.

The woman's two Qi immortal's high-level strength, stepped on the ice flower, fell in front of Ning Xue, arched his hand and said with a smile: "Xie Yu palace Jieyu hall deputy hall master Xue Yu has seen Ning Xue!"

In the face of Xue Yu, who is much stronger than herself, Ning Xue doesn't appear to be particularly respectful. Instead, she bows her hand and says, "the deputy hall master of Xue is very polite. I've come here this first day. I'm sorry to have a trouble!"

"Oh? Naturally, it is extremely important for adults to come here in person... " Seeing that Ning Xue was so straightforward, Xue Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "you may as well move to Jieyu hall, let me..."

Not waiting for Xue Yu to finish, Ning Xue waved her hand and said, "no, I'll ask and go!"

"Oh?" Snow jade is more surprised, wave a hand to let the female fairy behind to avoid to yield, accompany to smile a way, "adult please speak!"

"Who is Xiao Qi and where is she?"

Snow jade Leng for a while, accompany to smile a way: "the adult is joking, how can I not understand what the adult says?"? Who is Xiao Qi? "

Ning Xue stares at Xue Yu. She doesn't seem to be faking. Knowing that she is worried, she says with a smile: "I'm a little worried. I'm sorry!"

Then Ning Xue said something about Chen Xiaohai, and finally said: "I punished the high-level inspector of the palace, situ Hong, for falling down. It's a bit strange. The envoy was ordered by the temple master to investigate it, so I had to ask Xiao Qi about it..."

"Ha ha, I see!" Xue Yu smiles and says, "Xiao Qi is a disciple of xiyuze in Xieyu palace. Her name is Yang Junke. She..."

"Thank you so much!" Ning Xue didn't want to delay for a moment. She arched her hand and said that she wanted to turn around!

"Don't worry, my lord..." Snow jade quickly stopped, said, "Yang Junke is now in Xieyu palace, adults do not have to go to xiyuze."

"Great!" Ning Xue was overjoyed and said, "snow vice hall master, if you can let Yang Junke out, I want to ask you something carefully.""You may as well go to Jieyu hall first." Snow jade said with a smile, "although my palace master is not in Huang Zengtian, if you know that there is a punishment palace adult to visit, even Xieyu palace has never stepped in, I will be punished inevitably!"

"No, no!" Ning Xue waved her hand and said, "I have other important things to do. I just asked Yang Junke to leave, so I won't go to GUI Xianmen to disturb her."

"Then..." Xueyujian insists on not going, hesitates for a moment, and says, "my Lord, you have to wait a little longer, Yang Junke There are still some things. I'll ask elder Shangqing in Xianghan hall. I'll let you pass them on! "

"There is laoxue deputy hall master..." Although Ning Xue is anxious, she can only promise with a smile.

When Xueyu tells people to go back to the palace, Ningxue says tentatively: "the purpose of this envoy must have been clear to the deputy hall master..."

"Well, I understand!" Xueyu nodded and said, "my Lord, I want to know the whereabouts of Bai Xiaotu, a merchant League. I really don't know about this, but It seems that I haven't heard that Bai Xiaotu has come to Xieyu palace. Oh, as for Bai Xiaotu's whereabouts, please ask Yang Junke. "

"Well..." Ning Xue doesn't have any accident with Xue Yu's answer. As early as she came, she had planned all the possibilities, but her next words caught Ning Xue off guard. After listening to Xue Yu's hesitation for a moment, she said, "however, Yang Junke's identity Some of them are special. When adults ask... "

It's a pity that before Xueyu finished speaking, there was a small wave gushing out of the ice flower. Yang Junke jumped out of the ice flower and cried, "who's looking for me, who's looking for me?"

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The conflict is fierce. Let's get together. I wish you all a happy New Year's Day