Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1069

Kou Chen takes out the military card in a hurry and enters. He turns over the reward task in a hurry and mutters: "what's the matter? How can the starry rain sky appear in the reward mission? Research Who on Earth took the task! Damn, damn, if I take it How wonderful

After looking at it for a long time, the task disappeared long ago. Where can Kou Chen find it?

Kou Chen is a little uneasy when his mind returns to his place. Instead of urging the seal to inform Xianbing, he taps the case with his fingers and turns his eyes. After about half a cup of tea, he gripes his teeth and still takes out his trump card. After Xianli urges him, he uses his military skills to buy a secret room, and then whispers a few words to send out the messenger.

It's just a matter of counting the information. The messenger responds. Kou Chen excites the secret room and rushes into the flashing red hexagonal space.

In the secret space, Kou Chen just stood still, and a person with silver light all over his body flew in. The man yelled: "didn't I tell you? There is no emergency. I can't be contacted... "

"My Lord, I really have an emergency..." Kou Chen urgent way, "just fill the fairyland, issued a reward to explore the sky of the stars!"

"What?" The man was really surprised and said in a hurry, "did you even offer a reward for the strange star rain sky? Damn it, didn't you get it? "

"If I get it, do I still need to contact adults urgently?"

"Well, I see!" The man nodded and said, "don't worry about it! Oh, how is the team? "

"Hum, Zhao Yunshu's subordinates don't seem to like me..." Kou Chen snorted coldly, "but you don't have to worry. I've also chosen a reward task. I'm going to take them to experience and earn some military achievements to appease them!"

"If it doesn't work, kill it directly!"

"Yes, yes, I have the same plan. Let's see!"

"Well, you don't worry about doing it. Since you are asked to do this tiger education, the future of dragon riding and hunting base are all expectable..."

"Yes, yes, I want to hear from you."

"I see. Don't say much!" The man waved his hand and turned away.

"Hoo..." Kou Chen took a long breath and turned to leave the secret space.

In biyutian, far away from chaotianque, you old man pinches a strange fairy rhyme, his eyes are slightly closed, and the dark green light silk on his body surface squirms like a silkworm. With the change of fairy rhyme, the blue light disappears and changes. In the space, there are also some plume like flames rebirth, which melt into you old man's body surface like snowflakes, and seem to repair something

however, there are only a few when you blue light silk disappears The gray light filaments are as big as weeds. They devour the light filaments crazily. The faint fishy smell comes out in the process of swallowing and floats around.

Suddenly, you Lao opened his eyes, looked outside the cave, accepted the fairy formula, and showed a smile on his face. He flew to the cave and raised his hand to open the fairy ban.

In the middle of the sky stood an immortal in green clothes. The immortal's body shape looked very high, but when you Lao opened the immortal's forbidden moment, the immortal's body shape swayed like the wind, and then shrunk, looking as high as you Lao. The immortal in Tsing Yi has a delicate face and a scholarly atmosphere, but when he looks around, his unspeakable dignity comes out.

"I've met the owner of my family..." You old smile to sing of bow body to salute, "you old how have time to come to biyutian?"

Naturally, the immortal in Qingyi is Liu Hong, the leader of the Liu family.

Liu Hong quickly lifted you up and said with a bitter smile, "you've become like this. Can you come and have a look? In fact, I always wanted to come back when I heard from Sheng Lianzi, but... "

Without waiting for Liu Hong to finish, you Lao said with a smile, "the holy lotus seed is also a rare thing in the Buddhist kingdom. How can you find it by looking for it?"

"I've already said that, at all costs!" Liu Hong followed youlao into the cave and said, "besides, I heard that Laosi also went to find Xiaosheng Lianzi. This one should be better."

"Well, let it be You asked Liu Hong to sit down and said with a bitter smile, "I'm a little tired too. I'd better have a rest."

"Don't worry, you old man!" Liu Hong said hastily, "I've also started to arrange your reincarnation. There won't be any mistakes."

"Reincarnation You Lao squinted at the light and shadow outside the cave, you said, "then it's not me anymore!"

Liu Hong opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He knew what you meant. After all, he knew about you and Huang family.

Biyu was quiet for a moment in the sky. You Lao began to say, "the master of the family has come here this time. Besides visiting me, there's something about Yan Zhen, right?"

"There should be two things..." Liu Hong said, "one is about Liu Yanyu, the other is about Liu Yanyu."

"Yan Yu?" You old a listen to understand, coldly way, "is to mend the sky que to propose marriage again?"

"It's not a marriage Promotion..." Liu Hong said with a wry smile, "after all, we have already said that it is necessary to recruit relatives through the competition. Feng Cang just reminds me when I will start to recruit relatives. In fact, it's not just the Feng family. After the Huang family sent Yan back last time, they also expressed a little bit. After all, Yan Yu is the best fairy in the younger generation! ""If Yan Yu hadn't practiced Zhuyuan, I wouldn't object to calling for relatives at this time. But since Yan Yu has started to practice, the matter of calling for relatives can only be postponed. Surely the owner knows about it?"

"Naturally, I told Feng Cang about it, but Feng Cang also knew that the original chapter of Liu family's vitality was incomplete. Since it was incomplete, the cultivation would not be perfect. Feng Cang said that if Yan Yu married Feng Xue, they were willing to take out the remnant chapter of Zhu Shi for Yan Yu to understand."

"Bullshit!" You old anger way, "Yan Yu and wind snow get married, is the person of the wind family, she realized that build beginning remnant chapter is natural, and Yan Yu also took to build original remnant chapter, wind Cang is a good idea."

"Then slowly, when Yan Yu and the second couple come back from Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, I'll have a good chat with the second one."

"Master, I mean Let Yan Yu practice first, and see where she can practice! "

"Well, I understand!" Liu Hong said with a smile, "if we don't mention the matter of recruiting relatives for the time being, it has been delayed for many generations. We don't care if it will be delayed for another period of time. Let's talk about Yan Zhen. This child's trip to forget Sichuan had a chance to go crazy. He got the memory of falling to Guanyin Bodhisattva. Today's heaven God and the Immortal King may disdain the Buddhist supernatural power. We know that there are many different ways for Yan Zhen to work together with the Buddhist supernatural power of my ancient family. Do you think Yan Zhen really... "

"What is true, false?" You Lao interrupted Liu Hong's words and said faintly, "Yan Zhen is not only the atmospheric carrier of our Liu family, but also the atmospheric carrier of our ancient family. It's very normal for her to have such opportunities."

"Ha ha, yes!" Liu Hong rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "it's hard to wait for me. But Yan Zhen also has filial piety. She is thinking about your immortal sanshuai in her heart. She left chaotianque early in the morning and said that she was going to the secret place in her memory to see if there were any holy lotus seeds... "

"Ah?" You old one is startled, get up to hastily way, "Yan Zhen is out of Chao Tian que?"? She Why didn't she tell me? "

"Ah?" Liu Hong was also stunned. He blinked and said, "she said she told you. You asked her to go!"

"Damn it You old low scold a way, "with her cultivation how can get to Buddhism?"

"Don't worry Liu Hong said with a smile, "Yan said that the place in my memory is not in the Buddhist kingdom. In the world of desire, she can't go by herself. I sent Liu Qingmei and them to take Yan Yu."

"Ah, the child!" You Lao sat down and said, "I've learned her filial piety, but But is it easy to go to the place where even Avalokitesvara has fallen? "

"With Liu Qingmei, you can rest assured!" Liu Hong said, "I can't. Liu Qingmei will bring Yan back directly."

"I'm in a quandary about my business!" You old sighed, "actually..."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about!" Liu Hong comforted, "you Lao is respected by the younger generation. When they hear that you Lao is in trouble, they all come out to help. Well, especially Lao Si, his place is the most likely!"

"Hope!" Youlao reluctantly smiles. Although it's a little holy lotus seed, it's hard to find as long as it's precious.

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Kou Chen's secret is not small. Will Liu Yanzhen make trouble?

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