Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1068

Xiao Hua urges the trump to enter the buyianxianwei. After a look, he waves his big hand in the air, and the handwriting spreads all over the people's eyes.

But I can see that there are reward tasks, locations, military contributions and so on.

"To explore the military contribution of one million people near huanting dieyu JieChong on July 13"

"to explore the military contribution of one million people near Changgong JieChong on July 31"


"Taking the 7114 JieChong, the military contribution is 300000"

"taking the 344 JieChong, the military contribution is 350000"


"My lord..." Xiangqing looked at it and suggested, "exploration missions are usually the places where the demon alliance rushes into the fairyland interface, which are extremely dangerous. Moreover, these areas may be used for layout in fierce battles in the future, so they have more military achievements, but we will not recommend our team to go in the end. They are all The hunter led his troops to the camp. If there are too many military achievements in these tasks, it's not suitable for you, because you can't take all the immortal soldiers of our team... "

“…… Generally speaking, adults can choose those who have made military achievements of about 200000 yuan and take hundreds or thousands of immortals with them. Even if they can't get a reward, they can also use it for training. "

“…… By the way, there is a specific explanation behind the reward offering mission. There is the difficulty of the mission. For example, the capture of 344 JieChong is similar to the capture of 7114 JieChong. Why does the former need 50000 more military contributions? If it's not to deal with the demon clan, or it's to rush into the space in the three, four and four circles

Xiao Hua looked at it and nodded: "the three, four, four boundary Chong is the guard of the demon clan in Lixing realm! No, that's it! "

"My lord..." Xiangqing quickly stopped and said, "since there is a demon family guarding the Lixing realm, there may be more than one Lixing realm in it. You are certainly old..."

Speaking of this, Xiangqing took a breath of cold air. He realized something. He looked at Xiao Hua, and then his face was bitter. He said, "you can kill the demons of Hualing power, but the other side's JieChong has no spirit. It's not good for our immortals. It's better to choose Li Xingjing below..."

"That's it!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll take 500 people..."

At this point, Xiao Hua's voice suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "needless to say, this one has been robbed..."

"Why? There are new ones... "

With that, Xiao Hua was a little trump, and several lines of red light and shadow appeared. One of the first was to "explore the strange stars and rain of the demon alliance, rush to 167, go deep into the demon alliance, and make 200000 military achievements"

"great, that's it!"

Seeing that the reward task didn't release much military merit, which was quite suitable for his own team, Xiao Hua was afraid of being robbed, so he quickly accepted the reward task.

Sure enough, similar to the ordinary reward, a red chip soon appeared in Xiao Hua's trump card space, and Xiao Hua took the red chip out of the space. This kind of reward offering chip is different from ordinary ink fairy pupil. It can only be seen by Xiao Hua himself, but not by others. Therefore, after exploring, Xiao Hua Yannian said with a smile, "I have chosen one."

"Your hands are too fast!" Xiangqing said with a bitter smile, "this kind of reward task is not worth it."

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and said, "I think that if we don't have many military achievements, the danger is not great. It's suitable for our training."

"My Lord, the reward of the strange star rain sky is in the land of the demon League, and the depth of the boundary charge 167 shows that the boundary charge 167 is in the hands of our sky mending team, and the reward is less, which only shows that the strange star rain sky is not the key to the battle." Xiangqing explained, "another possibility is that this strange sky has just been discovered, no one has been there, and the danger is unknown. It may be small or big..."

“…… If you fail, the reward will be 500000 next time! "

Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a smile, "if you return this reward, you'll have to pay for 100000 military contributions?"

"Yes, so since you've accepted it, you'll have to go there once. You can go around to the strange star rain to see what's going on

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded, "I'll take two thousand immortal soldiers. If I have more, I'll have less military achievements."

"This adult is free to..." Xiangqing said with a smile, "if you think you can, you can go by yourself!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua said, took out a ink fairy pupil and handed it to Xiang Qing. "You list Hu Feishan and your subordinates. Oh, you don't care. You're here for me!"

"Yes, my lord..." Xiangqing takes over Mo Xiantong, and Yannian writes the names of 2000 people in it.

Looking at Mo Xiantong, Xiao Hua first took out a green chip from the trump card. When he was about to press the seal, he turned to look at Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu, and said with a smile, "you two, have you met Xiang Qingxiang and vice Hu Jiao..."

"Yes, sir!" Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming didn't dare to neglect them. They took in a little bit of armor to show their appearance. They bowed forward and said, "I've seen you

Watching Xiangqing lift them up, Xiao Hua said, "they are my disciples. I want them to join the team."

"This is simple..." Xiangqing said with a smile, "adults just need to report their names to Qin Longqi. However, there's no need to worry now. First of all, my Lord put his name in the HuJiao seal. After all, baiding is still different from the military position. Of course, if the adult has a plan, he will report it together with other immortal soldiers, and simply get a riding and shooting. Qin Longqi won't object to it. ""The two of them are good at planning..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and said, "I want to..."

"Oh, my Lord, don't worry!" Xiangqing said with a smile, "you can go, but you must consult with them about something."

"Ha ha, brother Xiang thinks too much!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I mean, I want to keep them around. If I have military merit, I don't have to do any military duty."

"This adult can make his own decision!" Xiangqing understood and said, "the military officers below the left and right sky can make their own decisions."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "elder brother Xiang, go to talk to his brothers first. This time, he will get a thousand. Next time, there will be other people. In addition, elder brother Xiang will also prepare to come to the military account."

"Thank you so much, my Lord!" Xiangqing bowed and said, "the general likes to go out on his own. Last time he took the reward task, he got Huang Zengtian, and then he met an adult."

When Xiangqing is gone, Xiao Hua takes out the vanguard's trump card and enters the military tent space. After the military case, he takes out the flag to have a look. Some messages fall into his mind. When he comes out, shakes the flag and "brushes" the two military cards out of thin air.

Xiao Hua handed the two military cards to the two men and said, "you two should refine them with your blood essence."

"Ha ha, that's interesting!" After Zhou Xiaoming's sacrifice, he went into the space and laughed, "it's not with the master Is it the same? "

Lu Shu naturally saw it. He understood that Xiao Hua's Chenwei was learning to make up for tianxianwei, so he laughed and said nothing.

Xiao Hua also felt his nose shamelessly and said, "I'm sorry to learn and sell now."

But Jiang Meihua at the bottom of the military case looked at the three people inexplicably and didn't know what they said.

"Master..." Lu Shu read it for a moment and said, "there are so many details in it. I'll think about it for the master. Oh, the master can get us more military skills. The things in Xianwei are good!"

"That's it, that's it. Don't waste it!" Zhou Xiaoming is also excited. It seems that he has no profit and can't get up early.

Looking at the vanguard trump card and HuJiao seal in front of him, Xiao Hua has made up his mind. The authority of the vanguard trump card is higher than HuJiao seal. If his disciples enter the team for training, they naturally have to pass the vanguard trump card. Moreover, the HuJiao seal has to pass Qin Xin. If Qin Xin has any idea, he can't deal with it. Of course, I don't rule out Qian Yuhan's idea, but Qian Yuhan is also Bu Yaoshuai. She must not see herself in her eyes, right?

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua took out a green chip from his trump card and recorded the names of two thousand Xianbing, Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu written by Xiangqing on it. Then he raised his hand and patted the Green Chip on HuJiao's seal. He whispered, "all generals, listen to my orders and reorganize the soldiers. One hour later, I'll put them in the account and listen to the orders!"

The seal of HuJiao burst out of the air with thousands of light filaments, which were scattered all over the barracks.

Then Xiao Hua sent the green chip to butianxianwei for filing.

"This is the message of the starry rain sky. Wait and see..."

Xiao Hua's mind comes out of the fairyland of mending the sky, hands a Mo Xiantong to Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming, and he sits behind the military case and closes his eyes.

Not far from Xiaohua's barracks is Kou Chen's barracks. Sitting in the tent, Kou Chen does the same thing. He points to some flashing handwriting in front of him and says to several generals who stood before the military case, "you guys, these rewards are good. I've taken some rewards before. I should be sure. What do you think?"

Several generals looked at each other and said, "everything is arranged by Hu Jiao."

"That's it..." Kou Chen said, his mind entered the space, and saw a reward task come out. With a smile, he sent the message out of the air. When he saw the "strange star rain sky", his face changed slightly, and he said in a hurry, "I think this is good, just this..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for his mind to enter, the red glow has been dim, obviously robbed!

"I'll go..." Kou Chen can't help but low scold a way, "this who ah, rob of still quite quick!"

"My lord..." One of the generals said with a smile, "this reward is outside JieChong. It must be a new place. Besides, there are not many military achievements. There must be many teams who want to experience. No, just the one

"All right!" Kou Chen took up the reward task with a smile and said, "Deputy tiger teacher, we tiger teacher are going to send 3000 immortal soldiers. You go down first and make a list of those who are going to..."

"My Lord, don't go down to discuss!" Hu Jiao, deputy division, said with a smile, "the more than 80000 immortal soldiers in this group are all in the mind of the end general. The end general will write this to the adults!"

The words of Shi Fu Hu Jiao obviously have some other meanings, but Kou Chen can only smile and say: "well, there is Lao Shi Fu Jiao."

When the assistant tiger teacher handed over the pupil, Kou Chen looked at it and said, "well, you can wait. I'll give you the order after I finish it."

"Yes, master tiger!" Several generals bowed and turned to leave, but they looked at each other with other meanings in their eyes.

"These damned generals..." When there was no one in the army tent, Kou Chen's face changed, and he cursed fiercely, "it's amazing that the dog's eyes are low on people. Although Lao Tzu's strength is not high, he is also the first stage of Juyuan immortal, and he won the tiger education contest!"PS: for those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

They are all doing the same thing. It's hard to be a general

Wish you all good luck in the year of the pig!