Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1064

Xiao Hua sent Jiang Meihua out of the space and said a few words. Jiang Meihua also agreed with Xiao Hua's treatment. Where is life not life!

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to tell Jiang Meihua about Hagi Mo, his trump card will move. After the investigation, it is the military order that makes Xiao Hua return to the city of the sky immediately. It seems that the battle of tiger education is over.

After Xiao Hua tells him to be merciless and hold the sword, he takes Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming to go in a hurry.

Somewhere in the heaven, Tianji old man roared like thunder. He had five thunder eyes. Because he was afraid of the Jade Gate, he destroyed one of them. Now the second thunder eye suddenly disappeared. When he was ready to come down to explore, he found that the immortal puppet had disappeared!

"Is it possible that the Jade Gate has been discovered?" Old man Tianji calmed down and couldn't help thinking, "even if my fairy puppet is in naxu ring, I can still come down. Unless it's destroyed by someone, or a real immortal seal with the same strength as me. "

"The location of this mine eye is very special, ordinary fairy It's impossible to find out. How could the fairy puppet have disappeared? "

"No, I must go and have a look!"

"However, if I get rid of Huang Zengtian, my strength will be sealed. If that is the trap of the Jade Gate, I will suffer a great loss."

"It seems that I still have to send my disciples to Qianji Pavilion! When the dragon of the previous year fell, no murderer was detected. Let's finish this time! "

"Let's take a look at the five thunder divination skill again..."

as like as two peas, the young man, who knows his own behavior, will cause the attention of the old man to the machine. But even the God of heaven, he never imagined that when Xiao Hua destroyed the space tunnel, the same thing as Huang Tsing Tian's fire chime peak began to collapse from the place where the stone was located, and with the collapse of the mountains, the long river, Xu Lao village and even the nearby world were annihilated. To this annihilation spread to the bottomless abyss thousands of miles away.

"Ouch..." The powerful force of the interface pushes the interface to fluctuate and impact the collapse of the world. A lot of astronomical phenomena emerge, the earth shakes, new mountains rush out from the ground, new rivers pour out from the void cracks, everything is changing. Even if the old man of Tianji comes back, he is unlikely to find his own hard layout!

White clouds, black dogs, vicissitudes of life, even immortals It can't be stopped.

(three thunder eyes, three stories, you Taoist friends, let's wait for the fourth and the fifth!)

Jiang Meihua is still in charge of the boat, and will soon return to the city of the sky. However, to Xiao Hua's surprise, the two generals standing in the city of the sky, in addition to Xiao Fan, who is favored by all the immortals, is also Kou Chen.

Xiao Fan and Kou Chen naturally know that Xiao Hua finished the task earlier than they did, and they dare not underestimate it. They smile and greet each other. Kou Chen, in particular, is much more arrogant than Xiao Fan.

The other immortal generals haven't turned around yet. It's hard for the three of them to say something about the mission after they exchanged greetings. What can Xiao Hua say? It's pure luck to capture Linglong!

When Xiao Hua said that, Kou Chen and Xiao Fan were really stunned. Even the arrogant Xiao Fan touched his nose and said, "Xiao HuJiao, to tell you the truth, this exquisite dragon should be the most difficult of the ten tasks. If Xiao did it, it would be impossible to complete it at this time. I didn't expect Xiao HuJiao's bad luck. Tut Tut, others have captured it. You only need the money Just go and change it! "

"No way!" Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "Xiao has a good character!"

"Ha ha, yes, Xiao has a good character!"

Later, Xiao Fan and Kou Chen also told us about the completion of the task. Xiao Fan went to JieChong to kill Li Xingjing monster, which is similar to fire dancing water demon. This monster is not one. There are thousands of them. As a result, Xiao Fan killed none of them. As for Kou Chen, he went to the land of the demon League to rescue the general trapped by the monster, and he also came back with a full load.

However, Kou Chen's description is obviously more wonderful than Xiao Fan's. Xiao Hua knows that Kou Chen's strength is a little weak, but he doesn't say much about his inferiority. He just listens quietly, but Xiao Fan frowns and closes his eyes. It seems that he is in retreat.

Seeing that Kou Chen was a little embarrassed, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Kou HuJiao, in the future, everyone will be the same general, so we need to support each other. Xiao is not good at unifying the army. Listening to Kou HuJiao's experience, he is the general of unifying the army, and he will give more advice in the future!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome..." Kou Chen felt a little flattered and said, "Xiao HuJiao, if you have something to send, you will not refuse."

Just then, there was a voice in the arena: "three tiger teachers, you have completed your tasks, and now all have military achievements back. Xiao Hua and Xiao HuJiao are special. The Linglong dragon you captured is alive. If you need to, you can take it away. Do you want Linglong dragon or military achievements?"

"Exquisite dragon!" Kou Chen quickly said, "it's easy for military workers to get, but it's hard to find psychic monsters!"

Xiao Hua bowed and said, "Xiao chooses Linglong!"

"Good!" The voice replied, "after half a cup of tea, please check your seal. Xiao HuJiao checks the trump card!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Xiao Hua and others are in a hurry to thank you.

"Why don't they come back?" Xiao Fan looked at the empty arena and said, "my Lord, can't we wait here all the time?""All generals are in the process of returning, just a moment!"

Xiao Fan said to Xiao Hua and Kou Chen, "Xiao has a skill to understand. Goodbye!"

"Hehe, Xianyou first..." Xiao Hua also replied, "Xiao also wants to understand the secret."

"Ha ha, two Xiao HuJiao, please..." Kou Chen is a wise man. He raises his hand and laughs. They go first.

Flying out of the arena, Xiao Hua was still on the star boat. Jiang Meihua said strangely, "look at the strength of Kou Chen, it's nothing. Can you win Chang Yue?"

Naturally, Jiang Meihua doesn't know Chang Yue, but he already knows Chang Yue's power from Xiangqing's mouth.

"Who can come out of the arena is the weak one?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "besides, this second mission does not necessarily require personal combat power. With the help of other generals and enough information, Kou Chen's victory over Chang Yue is nothing!"

Jiang Meihua nodded and said nothing.

Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed. After a while, there was a flash of light and shadow on his trump card. When he entered, he found that the injured Linglong dragon had been sent into space.

"Great!" Xiao Hua nodded to himself unconsciously, "this Trump's ability of passing rhinoceros is more powerful than the ancient family."

Xiao Hua takes the seal of Linglong dragon away and sends it into the space. He already has Mohong in the space. In fact, he doesn't want Linglong dragon very much, but he has Kou Chen's suggestion, and military achievements are nothing in Xiao Hua's eyes now, so he chooses Linglong.

Just as Xiao Hua was about to get out of his space, he suddenly thought of another thing. He raised his hand, and the lancet and dust that Sen luodaonei got floated in front of him.

Even if Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the wind like gray black blade, he felt that his eyes were cut. As for the dust blowing, the material of the sacrifice was also very strange, which seemed to be less than five elements. No wonder it was powerful when it was urged!

Xiao hualue pondered on the jade ultimatum. A clear light fell, and the gray black blade slowly turned into the shape of a flying sword, and some wind threads were engraved on it, such as the sky pattern land deed.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to change the blade too much. Then he took the blade out of the room, spewed out five colors of fire, and slowly refined it. About half an hour later, a delicate flying sword was refined!

Xiao Hua likes this light and sharp flying sword very much. He smiles a little and says, "how about attacking the wind?"

"Hum..." The flying sword has a gray and black halo. It seems that it is going to fly away!

"Ha ha, since it's in the hands of Xiao, where is the reason to fly away?" Xiao Hua laughs, drips the blood essence to sacrifice to refine, and sends it into the body to warm up.

Then Xiao Hua refined the dust blowing sacrifice into a network of immortal utensils, named Yanyun miexing, which was also put into the body after the blood sacrifice.

Xiao Hua didn't shy away from Jiang Meihua when he made two pieces of immortal utensils. After Xiao Hua finished, Jiang Meihua said carefully: "is this the immortal utensil that attacked and killed the three immortal generals of Lei Hu Xiao? You have to be careful, even if it changes shape, they You can still find out! "

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "well, I know, but I have a special way of sacrificing. I should be able to hide it from the people behind them."

"Why do you know everything?" Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua, really puzzled, and said, "I feel you have more details than my disciples of the archaic fairy family."

"Ha ha, I dare not compare with your Taigu family disciples. Xiao is at best a nouveau riche!"

"The generals who took part in the battle of tiger education will listen to the orders..." Just then, there was a thunder like voice in the arena, "now that the fight has come to an end, the generals should return to their respective teams and wait for the military orders!"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect him. He got up in a hurry, flew into the air, bowed and said, "I will listen to the order."

Jiang Meihua urged the star boat to fly for more than a hundred miles. The sound of the immortal boat breaking through the sky came from behind. When she looked back, it was Kou Chen and Xiao Fan?

"Ha ha..." That Kou Chen high voice way, "Xiao Hu teaches a moment, you and I go together!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiao Hua nodded and motioned for Jiang Meihua to slow down.

Kou Chen didn't abandon the boat and go to Xiaohua Xingzhou, but he kept pace with xiaohua Xingzhou. Looking at Xiaohua's Xingzhou, he was envious and said, "Xiao HuJiao, did you just bid for this Xingzhou in Butian Xianwei? How much military merit is it worth? "

Xiao Hua said vaguely and said with a smile: "I think Kou HuJiao will be able to bid after his military exploits!"

"Where is it?" Kou Chen waved his hand and said, "this time I won the position of tiger teacher. I have to do more military service!"

Xiao Fan flies by the boat. It seems that he has something in his heart and doesn't say much.

Before long, seeing Qin Xin's barracks go again, a group of immortal generals were waiting in the air. They must have got the news to meet them.

Xianzhou stopped, Xiangqing first flew up, bowed and said: "at the end of Xiangqing, meet Xiao HuJiao!"

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Chang Yue didn't win. Kou Chen is really good