Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1063

The villagers of Leijia village can't believe all of Xiao Hua's words, but Xiao Hua goes on: "if I don't capture the fairy puppet, the fairy puppet will come back to kill the sunspot and the clan leader after killing the female fairy, and then let you choose another clan leader. Now, although I don't know where the clan leader and sunspot have gone, I have captured the immortal puppet. The immortal who let the immortal puppet guard the treasure must soon find out that he is coming. If you want to live, now hurry to clean up, and I will send you away... "

"God The old man in Xuanyi knelt down and said, "it's not that we don't want to leave. It's around Leijia village There is a natural cliff. We can't get through it at all... "

"You're waiting for me!" Hagi Mo exclaimed, "what are you afraid of when you are sent by the immortal?"

"Yes, yes..." A crowd of old people wake up and cry out in a hurry, "that That's Lao Shangxian... "

"Strange..." Xiao Hua let out Yan Nian again. He didn't see any cliff. He said in secret, "it should be the illusion under the cloth of immortal puppets!"

While the villagers in Leijia village clean up, Xiao Hua hands over Hagi Mo to Jiang Meihua, and his body moves into the earth.

Under the earth, it's not the soil that you see, but the interface rules that are full of clutter. These rules block Xiao Hua's thoughts and are not easy to explore.

Although it's hard to explore, a moment later, Xiao Hua found the patriarch's body in a heavy space fault. The patriarch's body was sandwiched at the edge of the fault, with eyes wide open and a kind of shock on his face.

The patriarch held a crutch in his left hand and a string of beads in his right hand.

"I died here!" Xiao Hua's heart and mind rolled up, collected the remains of the clan leader, and continued to sneak down.

as like as two peas, but after half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua felt the thunder and heard a few times in the broken space. He saw a pool that was not as big as Xiao Hua's size. It was almost the same as that of Xiao Hua in zhe.

However, the pool is divided into two parts, half of which are blue thunder water and half of which are red thunder water. The two kinds of thunder water form the shape of yin and yang fish in the pool. The two sides of the center of yin and yang fish have Xuanwu and Zhuque shadow condensation respectively. In the center of the convergence of the two kinds of thunder water, a vortex of several feet directly rushes into the void and condenses into two color thunder balls in the void. Half of the thunder ball fell into the void, and a thunder shock came to the ground between the slow rotation.

Around the Thunderball, the space forms a kind of ripple like fold, and the unspeakable wave overflows around the space. The waves tore up some spatial faults around, and the strange tadpole texture swam in the light and shadow.

"Hey, hey..." Looking at the shuihuoleichi, Xiao Hua sneers, and ruthlessly wants to establish a school in the space. Isn't this shuihuoleichi the best gift Xiao Hua gives to merciless?

In other words, Xiao Hua pinches the thunder formula with both hands, and thunders surround the thunder eyes. Seeing the thunder spinning, the thunder water in the thunder pool is also surging. Xiao Hua waves his hand to sacrifice the thunder mark of Xiantai!

The reason why Tianji old man in Qianji Pavilion is afraid to take Lei Yan is that Lei Yan is born. There are infinitely subtle rules between heaven and earth to produce Lei Yan. After Tianji old man takes Lei Yan, he has no ability to nourish Lei Yan. Lei Yan only has the end of exhaustion. Xiao Hua is different. He sends Lei Yan into space and has 10000 ways to nourish Lei Yan!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua sacrificed the thunder mark. Shengsheng annihilated the whirlpool that fell into the void. Then there was an immortal mark. The rule of thunder coagulated as a pillar of light, and his hands tied the thunder code again. In the "buzzing" sound, Xuanwu and rosefinch's shadow started from the thunder water!

"Brush" saw hundreds of millions of thunder broken in the void, and the law was broken. Xiao Hua was so absorbed that he wanted to drag the thunder eye into the space.

It's a pity that Lei Yan seems very heavy, and Xiao Hua's mind only drags out a few feet!

"Get up!" Xiao Hua roared, and in the mud pill palace, the full moon skill was madly urged, and there was a strange flash of light in his mind, "whoosh..." Thunder eye with a flash of light, instantaneous income space.

"Go Xiao Hua knew that this action would disturb Tianji old man, so he rushed out of the ground!

"How?" Jiang Meihua had been aware of the earth shaking and asked in a hurry.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua gave a low roar and said to the villagers of Leijia village, "if you want to live, don't resist! I'll see you out... "

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and offered the Kunlun mirror, "brush..." Kunlun mirror is full of light and shadow, covering the villagers of Leijia village.

"Hurry in, too!" Xiao Huachong, Jiang Meihua and Gu Mo said.

After collecting the immortals, Xiao Hua quickly took the Kunlun mirror and flew to a place.

I don't know. It's just flying out of ten thousand li There were strange waves all around. Xiao Hua's light and shadow changed greatly. An abyss appeared in front of him, and in the abyss, a strong interface pressure rolled like waves.

"Oh, I see!" Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "although it's yuwantian, but But the actual as like as two peas are similar to Huang Cengtian's, or it's the overlap of the two worlds, so there are two identical chimes.

"Although Xiao can get through the heavy pressure of this interface, the opposite is the real yuwantian. These villagers in Leijia village can't survive in yuwantian!"

"After all, these villagers are actually plundered from Huang Zengtian by Tianji old man. If they want to live, they have to go back to Huang Zengtian!"Want to understand, Xiao Hua quickly turn around, urge light escape from the space tunnel and then return to Huang Zengtian.

Even when he arrived at Huang Zengtian, Xiao Hua didn't even want to think about it. He took out his wishful stick and said, "boom, boom..." More than ten sticks in succession will annihilate this space tunnel!

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and watched the tunnel disappear. A lot of strange waves rushed out of the tunnel like falling flowers, which damaged the earth. The fire chime peak soared tens of thousands of feet. He was relieved that he still urged Guangdun to return to the top peak where the gate of nature is located!

The mountain is nameless. Now that there is a gate of nature, it's normal to call it the leader.

Xiao Hua sat down in the cave and made a little calculation. He knew that Qiaochu peak was not too close to Huoqing peak, and even the lower bound of Tianji would not pay special attention to it, so Xiao Hua really put down his heart.

As for the villagers in Leijia village, Xiao Hua didn't want to let them out at all. They must have the hands and feet of Tianji old man. After letting them out, Tianji old man will do it again and maybe find himself. Even if they erase the secret hand of Tianji old man in the form of Xiaohua, these villagers are just ordinary immortals. They can't live long. Why bother? Let them die in the space!

So Xiao Hua took the time to make a place of heaven and earth, and put a ban on it, so that the villagers of Leijia village could live in it.

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Leichi has it, Yulei sect has it