Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1065

After Xiangqing's death, there were more than ten immortal generals flying up in order. They all bowed to their bodies and said, "the last general has met Xiao HuJiao!"

There were only twenty immortal generals in the middle of the camp, but fourteen of them met Xiao Hua. The thirteen immortal generals spoke at the same time, and their momentum was quite powerful. They were stunned by the immortal generals patrolling nearby.

"Everyone, please get up..." Xiao Hua's eyes swept and saw that some of them were going to Huang Zengtian with him. He knew that they were all thunder's direct family. He felt sorry for his revenge for thunder, so he came to meet them.

Look at Xiao Fan and Kou Chen again, but it's embarrassing. Xiao Fan has four immortals to greet him, but Kou Chen has only two. His reputation is very high!

With a proud smile on Xiangqing's face, he raised his hand and said, "please, sir. Qin Longqi has been promoted. He is waiting for the military post to be granted to you."

Xiao Hua turned to Xiao Fan and Kou Chen politely and said, "two fairy friends, please..."

"Ha ha, let's invite Xiao HuJiao first." Kou Chen said with a smile, "with Xiao HuJiao here, we dare not move forward!"

"Ha ha, please..." Xiao Hua knows that they are in a bad mood. Xiaoxiao flies first. Xiangqing's people crowd Xiao Huafei into the army tent and ignore Xiao Fan and Kou Chen.

As for Xiao Fan, he also knows his interest, waiting for Xiangqing and others to fly, but he didn't take the lead. However, he nodded to the four immortal generals and flew in front of Kou Chen.

Kou Chen shook his head with a bitter smile and could only fly at the end.

Entering the military tent, Qin Xin stood up and looked at the three immortals with a smile and said, "Congratulations

"I dare not!" Xiao Hua and others quickly bowed and said, "in the future, we need to rely on the support of Longqi adults!"

Qin Xin also crisp, said: "will you wait for the seal to bring!"

Xiao Hua and others present the seal. Qin Xin grabs it, and the three seals fall on the military case!

"Wu..." But when Qin Xin raised her hand, her Dragon Seal roared, and some strange light and sound came out. The sound was like the roar of ten thousand horses, and the light and shadow was like the glacier of iron horses. After that, the virtual shadow turned into three flying out, an indescribable power, and the war spirit overflowed from it, and covered the whole army tent!

"I'm the one who mends the heart of the Dragon riding Qin. I've been given military orders to teach Xiao Hua, Xiao Fan and Kou Chen military posts for tigers."

As Qin Xinlang sang, "boom boom" three loud, the war spirit and power full of military accounts condensed into a tiger head and fell into three seals.

"Roar, roar..." The three seals roared at the same time and flew down in front of Xiao Hua and other three immortal generals in the form of a fighting tiger. There was no need for them to reach out. The seal rushed into the immortal armor and said, "Wuwu..." The dazzling dark light came out, and the "boom boom" was another three roars. The dark light rushed out of the fairyland, smashed into the army tent and fell into the air.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." At the same time, hundreds of thousands of thin filaments of light in three directions soared into the sky, converging towards the dark light!

Xuanguang was invisible, but there were more light filaments that could be gathered together, and it gradually became the shape of a fighting tiger!

In the dark light, Xiao Hua felt that there were countless lights and shadows in front of him, and many messages fell into his mind!

"Xiao Hua, Xiao Fan, Kou Chen..." Qin Xin's voice sounded like the sound of nature, "you and others are already Hu Jiao. There are 100000 immortal generals under your command. They are your brothers and your foundation. If you are given military posts by heaven, you can't be given military morale. Only if you are supported by the generals, you and others can become real Hu Jiao people! Let's go. Lei Ming, Lu Qing and Liu Yunshu have no plans. Their old headquarters are waiting for you to lead them! "

With the disappearance of Qin Xin's voice, the three mysterious tigers fell, and Xiao Hua and his other spirits were shocked. They felt that there were some changes in the immortal body and spirit, but they really wanted to find them, but they couldn't, so they bowed down and said, "yes, the end general knows that the end general will take his subordinates as robes to complete the great cause of mending heaven and protect my immortal territory."

After that, Xiao Hua and the other three new HuJiao met with all the HuJiao in the army account. Han Yu was naturally among them. However, her face was cold, which was no different from before.

After the ceremony, Xiao Hua and others separated the two sides of the military case. At the end of the general, Qin Xin sat down and talked about some military affairs, nothing more than training and preparing for the war. Although Xiao Hua listened to his orders for the first time, he could tell that there would be a war soon.

After that, Qin Xin told Xiao Hua and the other three to step down. Just as Xiao Hua turned around, Qin Xin's voice came out: "Xiao HuJiao, could you wait a moment?"

Xiao Hua stopped in a hurry and waited for the generals to leave. He came forward and said, "what's the matter, my lord?"

Qin Xin said with a smile, "there are two things I want to tell you."

"Speak, my Lord!"

"I know you are indifferent and not utilitarian. It's really hard for you to compete for the position of HuJiao this time. I hope you can understand."

Xiao Hua was stunned, and quickly explained: "the general didn't want to, but before he was ordered by the adults, the general already understood that he should not only protect himself, but also protect others, but also protect the fairyland. So the adults ordered the general to fight for the position of HuJiao, and the general was very grateful."

"Ha ha, that's good!" Qin Xin said with a smile, "but thunder's Diqiao 240 team is a bit tricky. It's also selfish of me to let you take over his team!"

"Oh?" Xiaohua strange way, "adult can explain?"

"Lei Ming is a good man, but not a good commander!" Qin Xinfen said, "those who think of him well, such as Xiangqing, are really down-to-earth. But those who don't think of him well have always been dissatisfied with him, but thunder is very strong. When he was alive, those generals didn't dare to resist. It's hard to say if they changed others.""But look at you, Xiao Fan and Kou Chen. Xiao Fan is similar to thunder. It must be thunder's means to suppress. Kou Chen's strength is a little poor, but only you are suitable!"

Xiao Hua grins bitterly. If Qin Xin can bring it up, it must be difficult for the No. 240 team of Diqiao to command. What he thought before is too optimistic.

"What's your advice?"

"Simple!" Qin Xin said with a smile, "if you can attach yourself, it's the best. You can't do it. Just cut the mess quickly! Individual immortal generals' disobedience will cause mutiny in the whole team. As a tiger teacher, you are different from the previous Changkong and commander. You should have gains, losses and decisions. "

"Well, I'll see."

Listening to Qin Xin's asking him to do it by himself, Xiao Hua was quite moved. He didn't treat himself as an outsider!

"And..." Qin Xin said with a smile, "I heard you want Linglong, can you give up?"

"Of course Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. He took the Linglong dragon out of the demon League space.

"Hee hee, you're kidding!" Qin Xin quickly waved his hand and said, "I just want to remind you that Linglong and other psychic monsters are extremely useful. If you have something hard to decide, you can ask it! Of course, the premise is that you make it surrender! "

"Yes, the end will understand!"


Xiao Huafei out of the military account, Xiangqing, Jiang Meihua and so on are still waiting outside.

Seeing Xiao Hua coming out, all the generals bowed and said, "my lord..."

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HuJiao is not easy to be. Qin Xin even told him that there are other reasons