Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1062

With Xiao Hua's words, Jiang Meihua is silent. Lei Yan is a rare thing in the fairyland. In order to hide Lei Yan, Zhen Xian makes a move to kill Chen Xian, but it's not surprising.

"This That's why the Tianzun mansion forbids the real immortals to come to Huang Zengtian! "

After a long time, Jiang Meihua said in a low voice.

Xiao Hua doesn't dare to take out the sealed immortal puppet for fear of attracting the real immortal's attention. He looks at Gu Mo, who is still in a coma. He raises his hand again and wants to point it on her eyebrow, but he hesitates. He knows that Gu Mo has been stimulated. At this time, if he reads her memory by force, he may arouse the spirit.

"Mother..." Fortunately, after a while, Hagi murmured and opened his eyes.

A "mother" almost made Xiao Hua cry.

Who doesn't have a mother in mind!

It's a pity that not everyone's mother is around. They all live in the world!

"Hagima..." Xiao Hua said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, your family, and All of you in Xulao village have been killed by the immortal puppet. I can't save them! "

"I I know... " Hagi Mo was stronger than Xiao Hua. She got up and said, "my Lord, can you help me find their bodies? I I want to bury them myself. "

"It's all here!" Xiao Hua had already sent the corpse over when he waved.

"My lord..." Hagi moqiang picked up the remains of his parents and younger brother and said, "can I help you bury all the others?"

"Naturally..." Xiao Hua said in a deep voice, with his fingers connected, and each tomb came into being out of thin air.

When Xiao Hua buried all the corpses, Hagi Mo also shed tears and collected his relatives.

"My lord..." Hagi Mo knelt down in front of Xiao Hua, curled up into a ball, and whispered, not knowing what to say.

Xiao Hua light said: "evil has forced you to the cliff, your tears can save yourself? Can your grief avenge your parents and brothers? "

"No!" Hagi Mo raised his face, looked at the tall Xiao Hua, clenched his teeth, stopped his tears and said, "no, no! I I'd like to join... "

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "first of all, what's going on here?"

"Big My Lord At the mention of Xu Laocun, hagima shed tears again and said, "I I don't know. That That Shangxian suddenly came to de village, raised his hand and smoothed the whole village. I When I saw that my father, mother and brother had been killed, I didn't want to live any more, so I tried my best to keep up with Xian... "

Hagi Mo is just the strength of Yuanying. How can he know a lot?

Jiang Meihua warned in a low voice: "your brother sunspot..."

"Yes, brother sunspot is good. There's no news on the first day..."

Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua look at each other, and both of them have an ominous look in their eyes.

"My Lord, brother sunspot, he..." Hagi Mo is also in a big hurry.

"It's time to take hagima to have a look..." Jiang Meihua suggested.

Looking at Hagi Mo's anxiety, Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I mean it, too!"

When Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua arrived at dehuoqing peak with Hagi Mo, the big stone that covered the nodes of time and space was long gone, and some broken cracks were exposed in the earth.

Obviously, the fairy puppet came from here.

In this way, Xiao Hua was relieved that the immortal puppet could pass through him as well.

"Damn it..." Jiang Meihua Yannian let out a look, low scolded, "this space channel is not stable, can't bear the five element immortal above immortal through, you and I are afraid there is no way to pass."

When Xiao Hua patted his eyebrows, he opened his eyes, but saw a layer of light and shadow like bluestone, and a twisted light hole like a rugged path exposed in the light and shadow.

"I'll try..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said.

"My lord..." Hagi Mo quickly grabbed a corner of Xiao Hua's robe and said in a low voice, "don't go there."

"Ha ha, it's OK!" Xiao Huawen said in a warm voice, "I have my own worries in my heart. Just wait here!"

With that, Xiao Hua urges Guangdun to enter!

To Xiao Hua's surprise, there was a lot of interface pressure in the light and shadow, as if passing through the interface of the two worlds. It's just a few breath, Xiao Hua flies out of the light and shadow.

"Poop, poop..." Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Hua was revealed, the immortal body was compressed to several feet!

"This is yuwantian?" Xiao Hua was surprised, "but the interface pressure doesn't seem to be as strong as yuwantian!"

But when he looked around, a creepy feeling came from the bottom of his heart.

But in front of him is still the fire chime peak, the same earth, the same rocks, and even the same fire fog in the distance!

Xiao Hua let out Yannian. There was also a village in Xulao village, but there were many immortals living in the village.

"What's going on?" Some of Xiao Hua went to explore, but think about Hagi Mo and Jiang Meihua on the other side. He urged Guangdun to return again.

Seeing Xiao Hua's figure, Jiang Meihua said anxiously, "how about it?""Sure enough, there is a fire chime peak!" Xiao Hua said, "but that place should be taimingyu Wantian!"

"How could it be?" Jiang Meihua said, "is it yuwantian under Huang Zengtian?"

"The direction between the two boundary days should be ignored!" Xiao Hua frowned.

"Show me!" Jiang Meihua urged, "I'm curious."

"Come with me, too!" Xiaohua big sleeve wave, will also income space.

Waiting for another fire chime peak, Xiao Hua releases Jiang Meihua, then puts Gu Mo in his palm, protects Gu Mo with his body protecting silver light, and tells Jiang Meihua to change her appearance just like himself.

"Sure enough, it's taimingyu Wantian!" Jiang Meihua looked at it as like as two peas. He said, "but the same scenery is too weird."

"Let's go!" Looking at Hagi Mo's anxiety, Xiao Hua urged him to go to old Xu village

"Meet the immortal!" Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua appeared next to the village. Some immortals had found that several white flying old men came over and knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up!" Holding up these immortals who were just Mahayana's strength, Xiao Hua asked, "what is this place?"

The old man quickly replied: "well, I can teach you that this is Leijia village!"

"Is there a sunspot in the village?"

The old man was stunned for a moment. He nodded and said: "yes, yes..."

"What about people?"

"I am an immortal!" The old man said, "sunspot has broken the clan rules and has been brought into the ancestral hall by the clan leader. At this time, I think..."

"Ancestral hall?" Xiao Hua is a little bit curious. Take a look at the small village.

"Shangxian, please..." An old man nearby said in a hurry, "I'll take the adults there. If I can, I'll ask the immortal to speak for sunspot. Sunspot is a very talented child in our family. It's a pity if he dies because of some small mistakes!"

The ancestral hall is in the middle of the village. Unfortunately, the village is too small for Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua. They can only fly in the air.

Even so, the oppressive pressure made Leijia villagers kowtow.

Xiao Hua had seen the ancestral hall for a long time, and there was no immortal in it.

Seeing the broken rope in the ancestral hall, the faces of several old people looked different.

"Where's the patriarch?"

"Where's the sunspot?"

The elders looked at each other.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and asked, "do you wait for the patriarch to be stiff faced and unsmiling?"

"No!" The elders shook their heads one after another. "The patriarch likes to laugh most, but he has been worried these days."

It seems that the clan leader is not a fake.

"Sunspot What's the matter? " Hagi Mo is still concerned about sunspot and asks in a hurry.

"I don't know!" An old man in Xuanyi said, "in the morning of the first day of this year, the patriarch called sunspot up. After asking some questions alone, he asked someone to tie sunspot into the ancestral hall and said that he had committed a taboo in the clan and would be killed by his staff."

"What are the taboos in your family?" Hagi Mo asked again.

"This..." The elders hesitated, and no one dared to answer.

Xiao Hua laughed and said, "you don't have to wait for an answer!"

With that, Xiao Hua reached out and put several fingers on the eyebrows of the elders.

In a moment, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that according to the memory of these old people, Leijia village was moved here during the war. Because of the protection of the God of thunder, it has been recuperating and reproducing continuously. All their people swore in front of the God of thunder that they would never contact the immortal outside or reveal the secret of the village.

As for the secret of the village, these elders do not know, only the patriarch knows. And the secret of the village, if there is no accident, should be related to the thunderous roar from the depth of the earth below the village every once in a while.

The patriarch was not a very strict old man, not the immortal puppet that Xiao Hua thought.

However, when Xiao Hua saw the appearance of the sunspot, he was stunned. Although Xiao Hua had never seen a sunspot, Xiao Hua was familiar with the eyes of the sunspot. But who did the sunspot look like? Xiao Hua thought about the people he knew, but he didn't find any similar.

"Strange..." Xiao Hua scratched his head and said in secret, "is it any other cause and effect?"

At this time, Hagi Mo said anxiously: "my Lord, brother sunspot..."

"They really don't know!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "and there is no trace of him around!"

With that, Xiao Hua looked down at the underground of Leijia village!

"My Lord, my lord..." Seeing this, a group of elders and even the immortals in the village knelt down and kowtowed, "spare us. If you touch the foundation of our Leijia village, all the villagers in our Leijia village will die!"

"Bullshit!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if there is no accident, you will be cheated. Below Leijia village There is a treasure. In order to hide it, they sent you here to cover up the change of the treasure with your anger. "

With that, Xiao Hua pointed to Gu Mo and said, "as for sunspot, it was because he passed on Mo Xiantong to the female immortal that the fairy puppet who guarded you found out. The fairy puppet asked your patriarch to tie sunspot into the ancestral hall. He asked the reason to destroy the female immortal's family and the village! Fortunately, I found out about it, captured the immortal puppet, and then came to look for the sunspot according to the female immortal's story... "PS: for those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

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