Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1061

According to the casting level of Xiao Hua at this time, there is no problem in sacrificing and refining Chuanxi, but it is not enough to cast and refine Chenwei, so Xiao Hua spent more than ten yuan days sacrificing and refining more than 100 Chuanxi.

Naturally, Xiao Hua can't finish all these hundred rhinoceros by himself. Xiao Hua still uses the power of Xiao Hua to finish most of the rhinoceros in the space, and then takes out the space to finish the key part of the rhinoceros in the fairyland.

Even so, the completion of more than 100 rhinoceros transmission in more than ten days exhausted Xiao Hua!

More than a hundred disciples have practiced Chuanxi. After getting a little familiar with it, they bid farewell to Xiao Hua under merciless arrangement and went to all parts of Qingyan. Of course, in addition to these mortal disciples, each mortal disciple Xiao Hua also sent two space disciples to protect it. Power should be the experience of space disciples.

"There are still some disciples to do the work for you." Looking at the disciples all left, Xiao Hua took a long breath, sat in the temporary cave, and said with a smile.

"That..." Jiang Meihua was very jealous. She said in a low voice, "immortal, when a certain family starts to establish a school, you have to help a certain family..."

"You and I don't have to talk about this?" Xiao Hua replied meaningfully.

"Hee hee, thank you very much Jiang Meihua was very happy.

"By the way..." Xiao Hua turned around and asked Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming, "how are you waiting for the two to consider?"

Zhou Xiaoming hesitated and said, "this..."

"Master..." Before he could finish, Lu Shu bowed himself and said, "although I'm not good at planning, a fool may have a chance. I'm willing to listen to the orders in front of the master's tent."

Xiao Hua didn't look at Zhou Xiaoming and scolded: "see?"

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming scratched his head and said, "I didn't say I didn't obey the master's order. I just want to practice more!"

"Ha ha..." Lu Shu said with a smile, "brother Zhou is still wrong. Practice It's everywhere

"Yes, yes, thank you for reminding me!" Zhou Xiaoming nodded.

"I've never seen you so lazy!" Xiao Hua glared at Zhou Xiaoming and said, "if I had known, I would not have accepted you as my disciple!"

"Yes, yes, I will dance after hearing the chicken..." Zhou Xiaoming replied shyly,

when Xiao Hua was about to say something more, his face suddenly changed and he cried, "no

Seeing Xiao Hua's body disappear, Jiang Meihua said anxiously, "what's the matter?"


Xiao Hua's voice is like gossamer. He has already gone away.

"I'll go..." Jiang Meihua's body was in a flash, and she also flew out, laughing and crying, "how can you still leave a mark on other people's children?"

Jiang Meihua naturally wronged Xiao Hua. Although Xiao Hua was indecisive, he would never cause any more trouble after making a decision. The reason why Xiao Hua is aware of it is because of the evil spirit of the star demon battle array.

Gu Mo is refined into a star demon fighting spirit by crazy world sacrifice. When she enters reincarnation, Xiao Hua doesn't completely erase the evil spirit stained by her soul. Not to mention that Xiao Hua does not have strength, and Xiao Hua thinks that evil spirit can make Hagi Mo more tempered.

In fact, in Huoqing peak, what Xiao Hua first perceived was the familiar magic Qi, and Xiao Hua also explored that the magic Qi had been consumed in reincarnation, and the spirit of Guimo was more tenacious than ordinary immortals, so Xiao Hua was relieved. Who knew that he suddenly felt the magic Qi, and the breath was extremely fierce. How could he not be surprised?

Xiao Hua flies out of Guangdun. In front of him is a mountain village built in the mountains. The mountain village is not big. It seems to be only tens of miles in size.

However, at this time, the mountain village had been destroyed. Within tens of miles, the earth was cracked, the trees were overturned, some mud was wrapped in flesh and blood, and it was eye-catching. In the middle of the air, a fairy puppet with a height of more than 200 Zhang was holding out his big hand to a late autumn which was only a few tens of Zhang.

At this time, the end of autumn was not what Xiao Hua had seen before, but only half of the immortal body was left at the end of autumn. There was a wisp of evil Qi in the top door, which condensed into thin magic armor to protect the immortal body at the end of autumn. As for the immortal body, there are Dao sword light to support the body at the end of autumn.

At the end of autumn, his eyes have turned into blood red, and the broken sword blade with blood on his body roars out. At the end of autumn, he wants to turn into a flying sword and rush to the big hand of the immortal puppet, which is the whole world in the eyes of the end of autumn!

Xiao Hua flies out, the fairy puppet doesn't have any awareness at all!

When Xiao Hua saw the immortal puppet, he suddenly changed his face. He didn't want to think about it, so he immediately raised his hand!

"Wu..." But listen to the space around the fairy puppet distortion, the fairy puppet is completely imprisoned by Xiao Hua!

"Roar..." The fairy puppet was shocked and would explode with a low roar. Unfortunately, how could this fairy puppet, who was comparable to Chi Zhongping's in those years, be Xiao Hua's enemy?

There is no room for the immortal puppet to struggle, so Xiao Hua brings him into the space!

"Roar..." Hagi Mo roars, does not know the enemy has disappeared, she still rushed to Xiao Hua!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, raised his hand again, and imprisoned Hagi mo. Looking at Gu Mo coming, Xiao Hua gently raised his hand to "brush" Gu Mo's evil spirit. Gu Mo's eyes were clear. He recognized Xiao Hua and said, "big My lord Save My family... "Then the self-supporting hagima fainted.

Xiao Hua didn't move. He had seen it for a long time. There was no one alive within a thousand miles. The family of Gu Mo had been killed by the immortal puppet!

Xiao Hua's mind entered the space and asked for the elixir from the disciples of the Zaohua sect. He had to feed Hagi Mo and watch her broken body heal slowly. Then he looked around and lifted his hand to take out the remains of some immortals mixed in the mud!

"My God!" Jiang Meihua's voice came from a distance, "this What's going on? "

"The way of heaven is changeable!" Xiao Hua sat on the ground and looked at Gu Mo, and said sadly, "the immortal realm is so big that even Gu Mo's little wish can't be accommodated!"

"Who did it?" Jiang Meihua was also very angry. "These immortals are just mole ants in the fairyland. They have no chance to practice and live forever. Who is so cruel?"

"If it's a real fairy, do you believe it?"

Xiao Hua asked lightly.

"Not likely?" Jiang Meihua was also stunned, "is it possible for Zhenxian to kill Huang Zengtian? And so many immortals who are not even dust fairies? "

"I'm not sure!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "but I have a hunch, because before I I have

Xiao Hua then simply talked about helanque, but Xiao Hua didn't mention the name of Tianji old man in Qianji Pavilion.

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Another thunder eye story begins