Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1060

"Pa pa..." Hagi Mo clapped his hands and was about to leave. Suddenly, another crystal box appeared where the crystal box disappeared.

Hagi Mo was overjoyed. He quickly raised his hand and took the crystal box. He opened it and saw that there was a ink fairy pupil and some green fruits in it. These fruits flashed with light thunder.

"Hee hee, thank you, brother sunspot..."

Hagi Mo didn't speak to the ground strangely. Instead, he cried happily to the void beside him. He even held his hands empty, as if he was holding a person in his arms!

"Cough..." Xiao Hua showed his figure and looked at Hagi Mo with some curiosity. "What are you doing?"

"My Lord, my lord..." Hagi Mo didn't expect that Xiao Hua was so entangled. He knelt down in panic and said, "little Small... "

"Who is brother sunspot?" Jiang Meihua also appeared beside him and asked with a smile, "your little couple?"

Hagi Mo blushed, hesitated and nodded.

Xiao Hua looks at Gu Mo's panic and shyness, rippling. No matter what cause and effect she had with Gu Mo in her previous life, Gu Mo in this life is the end of autumn in this life. She has no right to interfere in her choice, let alone change anything.

The wish of the last life in the late autumn is to be an ordinary immortal and live an ordinary life without any cultivation or magic power.

Now, look at Qiu Qimo's shyness. Isn't it just the life that she wants? Why don't you accept others as disciples?

"Hee hee..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "can you tell me about you, brother sunspot? I want to see which handsome boy can be worthy of such a beautiful Hagi Mo! "

Hagi Mo's face is more red, but a "beautiful matchless" praise of Hagi Mo Le bloom, she is shy to say the whole story of the matter.

It turns out that as early as a few generations ago, hagimoto stopped by Huoqing peak occasionally. He had no intention to rest beside the stone. He found a crystal box under the stone, in which there were moxiantong and qingleiguo. Moxiantong wrote some words. After looking at it, hagimoto was surprised to find that it was left by another immortal of time and space. As like as two peas, as like as two peas, the same as the long chime peak.

So Hagi Mo is more curious. After taking Qinglei fruit, he also writes some words in Mo Xiantong, which is still put in the crystal box, and then the crystal box disappears under the ground.

Who knows, but after a long time, crystal box appears again, and there are new messages in it. Hagi Mo is more curious, so he talks with the immortal named sunspot for a long time.

After leaving the fire chime peak, Hagi Mo has the intention to tell his family about it, but sunspot made it clear that he must not let others know, otherwise he will die, so Hagi Mo did not say.

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The gate of fortune has set up a big flag again. Will the nine heaven Xuannu know? At the end of autumn, it was changed into a Hagi Jasmine