Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1059

"Why?" Jiang Meihua was also a little surprised. Looking at the woman's strange appearance, she said, "this This... "

"Not bad..." Xiao Hua stared at the woman and said in a low voice, "if there is no accident, she should be the reincarnation of xiaoxianying!"

Before Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, the woman's singing stopped abruptly. As soon as she flew out of the fog, she saw two immortals standing there, who were many times taller than herself. They were so scared that they shivered and fell from the air.

Xiao Hua smiles and raises her hand. The woman's figure rises and falls in front of Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua.

The woman's figure, which was only ten feet in size, looked like a baby in Xiao Hua's eyes.

"Late Junior, little I'll meet you, Lord immortal The woman fell in the air and kowtowed. Her voice trembled and her face turned pale. Her previous joy turned into fog.

"What's your name?" Xiao Hua looked at the woman and said with a smile.

"The little one is called the end of autumn!"

"Yes, yes, it's the end of autumn!" Jiang Meihua also remembered something. He had seen Xianying in the late autumn of Qiling mountain, but he didn't care at all. He didn't remember the name of Xianying in the late autumn of Qiling mountain. At this time, the woman who was even a dust fairy told her face. Jiang Meihua suddenly realized what she had heard in Qiling mountain.

"Big My lord... " Chen Xian looked up in surprise at the end of autumn. Her eyes were blooming like begonias, and she said, "you Have you ever seen a small one? "

"Hee hee, I've seen it, I've seen it!" Jiang Meihua smiles.

and Xiao Hua as like as two peas in the late autumn, as early as four continents, Xiao Hua had seen Chang Yuan, who was reincarnated by the Chinese cabbage, and Chang Yuan's eyes were exactly like those of the cabbage cabbage Huang Yi. At this time, although the eyes of CHENXIAN at the end of autumn look different, what's the difference between the eyes and those of Xianying at the end of autumn?

Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel worried!

He really did not expect that he and reincarnation of the late autumn so unexpected, too sudden!

"Little Why don't you remember meeting adults? " At the end of autumn, the dust fairy was very strange. Jiang Meihua's shadow was reflected in her eyes. She said, "have you ever been to Xulao village?"

"Hee hee..." Jiang Meihua naturally can't point to break, point to Xiao Hua way, "you ask him!"

Seeing Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua's happy face, the dust fairy at the end of autumn was not so scared as before. He blinked and asked, "have you ever seen a little one?"

"Just call the master!" When Xiao Hua sighed that nature was making people, he lifted her up and said with a smile, "don't be too humble!"

"That won't work!" At the end of autumn, CHENXIAN shook his head seriously and said, "adults are Shangxian. Small ones are not even CHENXIAN. They dare not call them casually, or they will be killed by the clan leader!"

"Is Xu Laocun over there?" Xiao Hua looked at where he came from in the late autumn, and asked with a smile. In fact, he had already sent out Yannian to explore.

"Well, well..." Chen Xian nodded at the end of autumn.

"Who else is in the family?"

At the end of autumn, CHENXIAN didn't dare to hide. She carefully replied: "mother, father, and a little brother..."

"We are An immortal disciple Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and said, "it's fate to meet you here today. Would you like to join us?"

"You are really good..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "this is all the cause and effect of the world. Do you want to continue?"

"Last life is cause, this life is result!"

Xiao Hua can't ignore the cause and effect of late autumn. If he can meet it here, he naturally has the beauty of heaven.

At the end of autumn, CHENXIAN was delighted. Then he looked at Huoqing peak in the distance, shook his head and said, "thank you, little I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint adults. "

"Ah?" Not to mention Xiao Hua's accident, even Jiang Meihua was puzzled and said, "at the end of autumn, you Do you know what you've missed? "

"Big My lord... " At the end of autumn, he was afraid and said, "little Small Mother of the family, how about your younger brother as a disciple? "

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He said, "I'm predestined with you. What's the matter with your brother?"

"My little brother is very talented!" At the end of autumn, he said seriously, "he didn't practice. Now he's almost to the dust fairy."

Xiao Hua frowned. He thought for a moment and said, "at the end of autumn, I'll ask you again. Would you like to join me?"

At the end of autumn, his eyes twinkled and he knelt down quickly and said, "thank you very much, young man..."

"Hum..." Xiao Hua gave a sneer, like a thunderbolt, which made the late autumn rolling in the air, like falling leaves.

"Spare your life, my Lord!" At the end of autumn, they cried out for help, but when they stayed in mid air, Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua disappeared long ago.

At the end of autumn, his eyes turned sharply, and he bowed around and said, "thank you for your grace, thank you for your grace

Finish saying, the end of autumn urges the body shape to rush through the fire color fog to disappear.

However, after just a stick of incense, at the end of autumn, he peeped out of the fog again and saw that there was no other difference. He flew to the fire chime peak again.

"What for?" Jiang Meihua concealed her figure and said to Xiao Hua in mid air, "people don't want to worship you. Why do you still pester people?""A little girl who isn't even a dust fairy, if she sees a fairy earning money, will she refuse?"

"Maybe not. I'll kowtow immediately."

"At the end of autumn, I don't want to. There must be a reason!"

"The problem is, if people don't like it, do you have to force them to do so? It's important to know that it's not sweet to try to turn things around! "

Just then, at the end of autumn, the figure had already fallen into a mountain.

At the end of autumn, he carefully looked around, then put his hands together and said, "brother sunspot, I'm here. Are you there? Hee hee, I've seen the ink fairy pupil you gave me. Today, I brought you your favorite dace. Alas, it's a pity. They are all the same Huoqing peak and the same Changliu river. Why don't you have dace there? Hee hee, but it's OK. You have my favorite Qinglei fruit. I don't have it here... "

After that, at the end of autumn, he opened a rock and touched it for a moment. He was disappointed and muttered, "smelly sunspot, bad sunspot, why haven't you sent it to me?"

At the end of autumn, he looked up at Yan Xiri in the sky and said, "isn't this Yuanri the right time?"

After waiting for a while, he stamped his feet at the end of autumn and said, "well, brother sunspot, maybe your time is one day later than mine. I'll give it to you first."

Having said that, at the end of autumn, I took out a small crystal box from my arms and put it under the rocks. Strangely, the land under the rocks was like a wave of water, and a little bit of light would engulf the crystal box.

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What's brother sunspot? What are you doing in the late autumn of reincarnation?