Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1058

"Of course..." Light and shadow are going to make Xiao Hua dizzy. He says with a smile, "now the fairyland may be different from the big thousand stars, and there are overlapping parts with each other!"

"I don't understand, Xianyou..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "it's too deep!"

"This is also inferred from the broken inheritance of the demon clan!" Light and shadow said with a smile, "you think, there are thirty-three heaven in the fairyland. The stars in each heaven are different, and there are stars under some fairyland. These stars are very likely to be big stars, or small stars under big stars..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up, looked at the light and shadow, and said with a smile: "I understand. I'm afraid Xianyou only has a broken star map of the big thousand sky, and I don't know where the real sky is. The reason why he offered a reward is to gather the star map together and find the so-called mystery of Taichu?"

"Cough, indeed!" Light and shadow coughed softly, but they didn't hide it. They explained, "if Xianyou participates, there may be a way to that place on the star lock..."

"If there is a path, do you still need to find a star map?"

"If so, will Xianyou still be here?"

"Just..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "it doesn't seem to be a simple matter. You and I will talk here first this time, and we'll talk about it later."

"I think so, too!" Light shadow raised his hand, took out a crystal card and handed it to Xiao Hua. "This is the messenger in Xianwei. Xianyou can use it if you need me."

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua takes over the crystal symbol and gives a crystal card to light and shadow.

According to the Trump's instructions, there is no sign on the messenger of butianxianwei, which falls into the Trump's space after being urged. Xiao Hua is not afraid to reveal his whereabouts.

After quitting Xianwei, Jiang Meihua asked, "how about it? For such a long time, it's almost the end of the day! "

"So fast?" Xiao Hua was also stunned and immediately said with a smile, "the magic power of Mei Tongling I'm getting more proficient! "

"Bullshit!" Jiang Meihua didn't have a good way, "what magic power, I feel like you are Xiao HuJiao's coachman!"

Xiaohua smile, zhengse way: "by the way, know too early star map?"

"Taichu star map?" Jiang Meihua frowned and said, "never heard of it."

"Archaic fairies!" Xiao Hua "laughs" the way, "unexpectedly does not even know too early star chart?"

"I don't know!" Jiang Meihua shook her head. "A five element immortal of the archaic fairy clan is actually a disciple of the immortal sect. It's impossible to know so much."

"That's true!" Xiao Hua nodded. The archaic fairy family is a giant. If Jiang Meihua, a little Qi fairy, knows the secret of Taichu, he can really underestimate it.

"What? Is that your number from the chart of Taichu

"Well, yes!" Xiao Hua didn't hide too much. He told us everything he saw in Xianwei.

"In that case, don't worry about it!" Jiang Meihua leisurely way, "that guy is saved empty handed set white wolf's idea, you wait for the opportunity, maybe one day will get the star map?"

"Not likely!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "The immortal general has offered a reward for such a long time, but he has not found it. What's more, it's too long ago. I'm afraid it will bring about annihilation..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said in a hurry, "go on, I have to refine some immortal tools."

Xiao Hua said that it was a sacrificial device for refining immortals, but he didn't take it at all. Such excuses are really clumsy! However, Jiang Meihua early learned that the common is not strange.

Xiao Hua's heart and soul went into the space and turned into a jade die Xiao Hua. He looked at the things left by Zihuan again. Sure enough, this time, Xiao Hua found a flat thing that was only ten feet in size and looked like a walnut.

It's bronze in color. It's extremely damaged. It only looks about 30%. If the walnut's inner core is covered with layers, there are some strange numbers on each layer. Of course, these numbers can't match the number eight on the star lock, otherwise Xiao Hua would have noticed it.

Xiao Hua took it, raised his hand and said, "brush..." Inside there is a very thin starlight burst out, jade die Xiao Hua squint, that looks not eye-catching kernel enough weeks days!

With the rotation of each layer of the core, there will be a incomplete star screen. Ten groups of numbers will appear in every aspect of the star screen. Unfortunately, these numbers are incomplete.

Then Xiao Hua waved the jade ultimatum, "brush..." A series of star screens rushed out from the incomplete walnut, and countless strange stars crossed with numbers.

After watching for a moment, Xiao Hua threw the star lock into these star screens, but he saw that the stars on the screen flickered first, and then went out one by one. As for the star lock, there was no change at all!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "if there is no accident, this thing will be the so-called Taichu star map! Zihuanguo is also ready. From the star map, it seems that the unknown immortal General of Xianwei also has selfish intentions. What he shows me is not the perfect star map in his hand! "

"Although I don't know how to use the Taichu star map, if I think about it with my heel, there is absolutely no star position marked by the star lock in the star map, let alone the way to that place!""However, I have this thing and bargaining capital. Let's look back!"

After putting away the star map and the star lock, Xiao Hua takes out the tomb bell with the fire chime peak and makes a careful investigation. This is a long sky named Li Yun. There is no record of the appearance in the tomb bell.

Xiao Hua promised Xiangqing to return the corpses of the general in Zhongling to bury. This was the first one. Xiao Hua had to take it seriously. After looking at it for a moment and comparing it with the fire chime peak in my memory, Xiao Hua determined that the image inside the tomb bell was exactly the same.

Then Xiao Hua took a general look at the situation around him, chose the place where the general buried his bones, and was ready to take back the bell. However, Xiao Hua, the jade die maker, took out the bag inside the bell and looked at it for a moment. There was a military card in it.

Xiao Hua hesitated. There was military merit in the military card. After a little sacrifice, the military merit could be used. But in fact, the military merit Not your own!

"Military merit is just a useless number in it. It's only valuable if it's used by poor people..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "and Xiangqing said clearly, just send Li Yun's corpse back to their hometown according to their wishes, their things are poor, and this military contribution naturally belongs to them!"

After that, Xiao Hua made a little sacrifice according to the general's card, and then returned to his original position. Sure enough, there were 1.27 million military achievements in it.

Xiao Hua naturally knew that the more military contributions he made, the more Li Yun would pay. So after taking the card, General Xiao Hua said in his heart: "Li Changkong, Xiao hereby vows that the military contributions of Changkong will definitely be used for bidding to kill the demons, not for his own use. Please rest assured!"

Then Xiao Hua takes out the rhinoceros and makes a serious sacrifice. The rhinoceros he gave Xiang Zhili before can only summon, but if he wants to pass things, he still can't. Fortunately, there was Qianji pavilion's technique of casting utensils before, and there was tianxianwei for reference later. After Jiang Meihua arrived at Huang Zengtian by boat, Xiao Hua's rhinoceros had been almost refined.

Seeing that Jiang Meihua wanted to urge the star boat to rush out of the two worlds, Xiao Hua said in a low voice: "don't worry..."

Jiang Meihua stops the star boat somehow.

Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed. He didn't stir up any skills. He just meditated. After half a cup of tea, he said, "go out!"

Although it was a simple reaction, Jiang Meihua was a little surprised and said in a low voice: "Xiao Immortal Xiao, are you feeling a whim? "

"So it is." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "because there were some unexpected things last time, I was afraid that there was someone else's ambush outside!"

"Well, I can't see you through any more!" Jiang Meihua urged the immortal boat to rush out, looked around and said, "the whim of ordinary immortals can only be accidental. They really take the initiative to feel the whim I'm afraid it's the strength of the immortals, isn't it

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and said with a smile, "I haven't seen the immortals, so I don't know. If I can take the initiative to feel a whim, I'm afraid it's Talent

A gift, Jiang Meihua's mouth blocked, he shrugged, heaven so favor Xiao Hua, what can he say?

"Go there first..." Jiang Meihua flew out of the same place as before, so Xiao Hua easily found the location, pointed to the direction of the fire chime peak and said.

On the way to Huoqing peak, Xiao Hua used the rhinoceros to send a message to him. The effect was excellent. And after hearing that Xiang Zhili didn't find a disciple of the Zaohua sect, but he also met two dust immortals in the world of ten thousand demons. Xiao Hua was even more happy.

Because Xiao Hua had made up his mind before, when he got to Huoqing peak, Xiao Hua found a place to bury Li Yun's corpse, and then bowed down to offer a gift. Naturally, Jiang Meihua listened to Xiao Hua's explanation and paid homage to his predecessors!

After all this, Xiao Hua is about to leave with Jiang Meihua. Suddenly, his brow is raised and he looks at the distance strangely

There is no poem in the distance, only the thin fire wire condenses into the fire color, and the fog covers the mountains and trees. The trees are green and red, and look like copper casting.

Jiang Meihua stood on the star boat and looked at the distance. She said strangely, "what's the matter?"

"Do you believe Reincarnation? "

Xiao Hua's eyes gave birth to an indescribable expression and asked lightly.

"Nonsense, isn't Gu Sheyi just reincarnated?" Jiang Meihua disagrees.

"I'm talking about the fate of reincarnation!"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, because in the fire and fog in the distance, a young woman came flying with a youthful smile on her face. But seeing the sword light flying up and down in the middle of the sky, it seemed to be skipping or avoiding the fire and fog.

Women's pink clothes, short braids, but the strength of the yuan baby. As soon as Jiang Meihua saw the bright eyes and bright teeth of the woman, she heard the melodious singing of the woman

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Who is this woman? There are so many strange fairies these days