Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1057

Xiao Hua looked down at himself again. It was just a silver light and shadow. Where was there any shadow of his own?

"Xianyou..." "I don't know what the immortal friend offered Where do the numbers come from? "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua smiles and asks, "Xianyou Chayi, this reward is initiated by me first. Should Xianyou tell me the origin of the number first?"

"The key is Xianyou's reward. I didn't accept it!" Realizing something, light and shadow slowed down and said, "and I invite Xianyou to come here. I just want to discuss with Xianyou. Maybe you and I have a chance!"

"I'm in no hurry!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I just got it That thing, I haven't had time to think about it yet... "

"It looks like I'm in a bit of a hurry!" But to tell you the truth, this number That is, I know that no one will know about the whole mending day. "

"Not necessarily!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "How can the fairy world be a secret that only one fairy knows?"

"There is no fairyland now..." Light and shadow leisurely way, "but if too early?"


Xiao Hua is silly. He only thinks that the star lock is the national treasure of Zihuan country. It must be about the ancient aristocratic family. At most, it involves the Taigu immortal family. How could he not think that the star lock is so powerful that it actually involves Taichu?

If so, it's normal for half a star lock to give birth to such powerful spirit bodies as Xingling king!

"I don't think so!" The light and shadow said with a smile, "don't mention Xianyou. I got the object in a broken space of the demon League. I didn't expect that the object had such a long history. Even at that time, I offered a reward just like Xianyou did. Unfortunately, many years have passed, and no Xianyou has received that reward. But I have to wait for an opportunity to get a wisp of their memory from a demon nucleus. Then I know it's a legacy of Taichu! "

Xiao Hua did not answer, but looked around and asked, "is this secret room secret enough?"

"What if it's not secret?" Light and shadow asked, "18 days of color world, who can know where you and I are? Never agreed How dare you come to see me? "

Xiao Hua is silent. Light and shadow are right. The color world is huge for 18 days. How can a deal that may not be negotiated be worth going so far?

"But don't worry about Xianyou!" Light and shadow said, "it's very reliable to mend the fairyland. Since it's a secret room, it's absolutely no problem. What's more, there are so many things more secret than us that you adults can't explore for these little things! "

"Well, well, Taichu is mysterious to you and me. It's not so mysterious to adults."

"Yes, yes, you think, even you and I can meet the chance, adults will encounter less?"

Xiao Hua laughed and asked, "I don't know what is Xianyou's chance?"

"Well, it's really boring to hide like this!" Light and shadow sighed and said, "thirty military exploits can only stay in the secret room for half an hour. Don't fairy friends feel distressed?"

"Heartache, heartache!" Xiao Hua was surprised and said, "in that case, let's be honest."

"Good!" Light and shadow stretched out their hands, and there was a ball of stars flashing on their hands, but the stars were still hazy and could not see anything at all.

Xiao Hua frowned. He didn't know what was in the hand of light and shadow. He also stretched out his hand. The star lock turned into a virtual shadow.

"I'll count to one, two, three. How about you and me uncover it together?"

"Well, I don't mind!" Xiao Hua nodded.

With the number of light and shadow, "one, two, three..." The light and shadow in Xiao Hua's hands flash, and the star lock is exposed!



The light and shadow and Xiao Hua called out with one voice.

But Xiao Hua's palm is a star lock, and the light shadow's hand is a miniature of the starry sky.

Both are accidents!

Of course, it's just a matter of counting the breath. They both said in one voice: "I see!"

"Hey, hey..." Light and shadow take a deep breath, "Xianyou, this is really your chance!"

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "Xianyou, there are numbers in the sky. I'm afraid it's some places, isn't it? Under this star lock It should be the key to work in that position! "

"Yes, yes!" Light and shadow rubbed their hands and excitedly said, "the two things in our hands are perfectly matched. Only when they are used together can they be greatly used. If they are separated, they are all waste!"

"No, no!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "Xianyou's is a waste. I'm not a waste!"

"Cough..." Light and shadow coughed and said with a smile, "if there is no star below, Xianyou is unlikely to find that place! If Xianyou can't find that place, can Xianyou know where the star lock is

"If what I expected is good..." Xiao Hua also laughed and said, "Xianyou, this star chart should be incomplete, right? The reward offered by Xianyou on Butian Xianwei is also to complete the star map. How do I know that the stars of this star lock are marked on Xianyou's star map? "

"Hey, hey..." With a wave of light and shadow, Xiao Hua let Jiang Meihua's reward figure appear in the air. At the same time, light and shadow show a little bit of the star map in his hand. There are also numbers on it. These numbers are very similar."There must be some changes in the number of Xianyou!" Light and shadow explained, "but according to the Taichu star icon, the location of Xianyou must be on this map!"

"Not necessarily..." Xiao Hua smiles mysteriously.

The light and shadow were a little silent. After a moment, they said, "we are thirty-seven minutes..."

Without waiting for the light and shadow to finish, Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "it's too early to say this now, Xianyou. How about telling the origin of Taichu Xiantu separately?"

Light and shadow immediately alerted: "Xianyou, the demon alliance has been annihilated, otherwise in the next..."

"No, no..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I don't want to look for the star map again. I just want to know what the so-called Taichu star map is!"

"Oh, that's it!" The light and shadow understood, and Fen said, "the so-called Taichu star map is a star map left by Taichu immortal who traveled in the sky long before Taigu. It records the positions of stars and galaxies with some numbers. There are many in this star map Taichu Xinmi, Xianyou, if there is no accident, this star lock should be the key to open a little thousand stars in some place! "

"Big sky, small sky?" Xiao Hua was surprised and said, "what's the difference between the big world and the small world?"

"It should be a similar statement!" The ambiguous answer of light and shadow.

"What's the relationship between the fairyland and the starry sky?"

"Now the fairyland may be a part of the starry sky..." Light and shadow answered more vaguely, "the big thousand star sky may also be a part of the present star world, this Who knows? "

"I'll go. Doesn't that mean I didn't say it?" Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry.

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A star lock actually involves Taichu. It's a big deal